We maintain pymonetdb on github. If you have any problems with pymonetdb please raise an issue in the issue tracker. Even better is if you have a solution to problem! In that case you can make our live easier by following these steps:
- fork our repository on github
- Add a tests that will fail because of the problem
- Fix the problem
- Run the test suite again
- Commit to your repository
- Issue a github pull request.
Also we try to be as much pep8 compatible as possible, where possible and reasonable.
Test suite¶
pymonetdb comes with a test suite This test suite verifies that the code actually works and makes development much easier. To run all tests please run from the source:
$ pip install tox
$ tox
* MAPIPORT - what port is MonetDB running? _50000_ by default
* TSTHOSTNAME - where is MonetDB running? _localhost_ by default
* TSTPASSPHRASE - what passphrase to test control command? _testdb_ by default
* TSTDB - what database to use for testing? _demo_ by default
* TSTUSERNAME - username, _monetdb_ by default
* TSTPASSWORD - password, _monetdb_ by default
Note that you first need to create and start a monetdb database. If you want to run the control tests you need to set a passphrase and enable remote control:
$ monetdb create demo
$ monetdb release demo
$ monetdbd set control=yes <path to dbfarm>
$ monetdbd set passphrase=testdb <path to dbfarm>