Usage examples

A few words on what a model is

First off, what is a model? Well, it’s something that represents an object. The object can be stored in a database. We can fetch it from there, modify and push back.

How is a model different from a Python dictionary then? Easy. Dictionaries know nothing about where the data came from, what parts of it are important for us, how the values should be converted to and fro, and how should the data be validated before it is stored somewhere. A model of an apple does know what properties should an object have to be a Proper Apple; what can be done the apple so that it does not stop being a Proper Apple; and where does the apple belong so it won’t be in the way when it isn’t needed anymore.

In other words, the model is an answer to questions what, where and how about a document. And a dictionary is a document (or, more precisely, a simple representation of the document in given environment).

Defining models

The simplest possible model:

class Thing(Model):

Just a Python class. Not very useful as it does not specify any property. Let’s observe the object thoroughly and conclude that colour is an important distinctive feature of this... um, sort of thing:

class Thing(Model):
    colour = Property()

Great, now that’s a model. It recognizes a property as significant. Now we can compare, search and distinguish objects by colour (and its presence or lack). Obviously, if colour is an applicable property for an object, then it belongs to this model.

A more complete example which will look familiar to those who had ever used an ORM (e.g. the Django one):

import datetime
from pymodels import *

class Country(Model):
    name = Property(unicode)    # any Python type; default is unicode

    def __unicode__(self):

    class Meta:
        must_have = {'type': 'country'}

class Person(Model):
    first_name = Property(required=True)
    last_name = Property(required=True)
    gender = Property()
    birth_date = Date()
    birth_place = Property(Country)    # reference to another model

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.full_name    # full_name is a dynamic attr, see below

    def age(self):
        return ( - self.birth_date).days / 365

    def full_name(self):
        return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)

    class Meta:
        must_have = {'first_name__exists': True, 'last_name__exists': True}

The interesting part is the Meta subclass. It contains a must_have attribute which actually binds the model to a subset of data in the storage. {'first_name__exists': True} states that a data row/document/... must have the field first_name defined (not necessarily non-empty). You can easily define any other query conditions (currently with respect to the backend’s syntax but we hope to unify things). When you create an empty model instance, it will have all the “must haves” pre-filled if they are not complex lookups (e.g. Country will have its type set to True, but we cannot do that with Person‘s constraints).


Let’s define another model:

class Woman(Person):
    class Meta:
        must_have = {'gender': 'female'}

Or even that one:

today =
day_16_years_back = now - datetime.timedelta(days=16*365)

class Child(Person):
    parent = Reference(Person)

    class Meta:
        must_have = {'birth_date__gte': day_16_years_back}

Note that our Woman or Child models are subclasses of Person model. They inherit all attributes of Person. Moreover, Person‘s metaclass is inherited too. The must_have dictionaries of Child and Woman models are merged into the parent model’s dictionary, so when we query the database for records described by the Woman model, we get all records that have first_name and last_name defined and gender set to “female”. When we edit a Person instance, we do not care about the parent attribute; we actually don’t even have access to it.

Model is a query, not a container

We can even deal with data described above without model inheritance. Consider this valid model – LivingBeing:

class LivingBeing(Model):
    species = Property()
    birth_date = Property()

    class Meta:
        must_have = {'birth_date__exists': True}

The data described by LivingBeing overlaps the data described by Person. Some people have their birth dates not deifined and Person allows that. However, LivingBeing requires this attribute, so not all people will appear in a query by this model. At the same time LivingBeing does not require names, so anybody and anything, named or nameless, but ever born, is a “living being”. Updating a record through any of these models will not touch data that the model does not know. For instance, saving an entity as a LivingBeing will not remove its name or parent, and working with it as a Child will neither expose nor destroy the information about species.

These examples illustrate how models are more “views” than “schemata”.

Now let’s try these models with a Tokyo Cabinet database:

>>> storage = pymodels.get_storage(
...     backend = 'pymodels.backends.tokyo_cabinet',
...     kind = 'TABLE',
...     path = 'test.tct'
... )
>>> guido = Person(first_name='Guido', last_name='van Rossum')
>>> guido
<Person Guido van Rossum>
>>> guido.first_name
>>> guido.birth_date =, 1, 31)
>>>    # returns the autogenerated primary key
>>> ppl_named_guido = Person.objects(storage).where(first_name='Guido')
>>> ppl_named_guido
[<Person Guido van Rossum>]
>>> guido = ppl_named_guido[0]
>>> guido.age    # calculated on the fly -- datetime conversion works
>>> guido.birth_place = Country(name='Netherlands')
>>>    # model instance already knows the storage it belongs to
>>> guido.birth_place
<Country Netherlands>
>>> Country.objects(storage)    # yep, it was saved automatically with Guido
[<Country Netherlands>]
>>> larry = Person(first_name='Larry', last_name='Wall')
>>> Person.objects(storage)
[<Person Guido van Rossum>, <Person Larry Wall>]

...and so on.

Note that relations are supported out of the box.

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