Welcome to MATCHER’s documentation!


MATCHER is on the Python package index (PyPI). To install it using pip, simply type:

pip install pymatcher


MATCHER takes in single cell datasets as Numpy ndarrays (produced by the genfromtxt function in the Numpy package, for example). Each row should contain the measured values for a single cell, and each column should contain the values of a feature across cells. See the sample data files and the Jupyter notebook included with the package for more details.

class matcher.MATCHER(X, num_inducing=10)[source]

Manifold Alignment to Characterize Experimental Relationships (MATCHER)

  • X (list, possibly nested) – One or more single cell datasets. To learn a joint trajectory from two datasets with known correspondences, add a second level list.
  • num_inducing – Number of “inducing inputs” to use in variational approximation
correlation(model1, model2, inds1, inds2, method=’Spearman’)[source]

Approximate correlation between the specified features of two different data types.

  • model1 (int) – Index of first data type
  • model2 (int) – Index of second data type
  • inds1 (list) – Indices of features
  • inds2 (list) – Indices of features
  • method (string) – Type of correlation coefficient to compute (“Spearman” or “Pearson”)

Correlation matrix


2D array

find_markers(inds, fdr_correction=True)[source]

Find features that are significantly related to pseudotime from each specified data type.

  • inds (list) – Indices of data types to use
  • fdr_correction (bool) – Perform multiple hypothesis test correction to control FDR?

list of indices for each data type

Return type:

list of lists

infer(quantiles=50, method=None, reverse=None)[source]

Infer pseudotime and master time values.

  • quantiles (list of booleans) – How many quantiles to use when computing warp functions
  • method (list of strings) – Gaussian process regression or linear interpolation?
  • reverse – Reverse pseudotime?
plot_feature(model_ind, feature_ind)[source]

Plot the specified feature and its model fit

  • model_ind (int) – Index for data type
  • feature_ind (int) – Index of feature

Plot inferred master time values and uncertainty for models specified by inds.

Parameters:inds (list) – Indices of data types

Plot the functions for each data type that map from domain-specific pseudotime to master time.

Parameters:inds (list) – Indices of data types
sample_master_time(ind, samples=10)[source]

Sample from the posterior for the inferred master time values for the specified model.

  • ind (int) – Index of model to sample
  • samples (int) – Number of samples

Posterior samples from inferred master_time values for each cell

Return type:

SxN array, where S is the number of samples and N is the number of cells

class matcher.WarpFunction(t, quantiles=50, method=’gp’, reverse=False)[source]

Class to learn a (possibly nonlinear) function warping from observed distribution to uniform (0,1) distribution and back.

  • t (Nx1 array of float) – pseudotime values
  • quantiles (integer) – Number of quantiles to use in learning warp
  • method (string) – Gaussian process regression or linear interpolation?
  • reverse (boolean) – Reverse uniform quantiles before warping?

Warp from master time to pseudotime .

Parameters:tm (Nx1 array of float) – master time values
Returns:inferred pseudotime values
Return type:Nx1 array of float

Warp from pseudotime to master time.

Parameters:t (Nx1 array of float) – pseudotime values
Returns:inferred master time values
Return type:Nx1 array of float

Indices and tables