In the previous tutorial we described the general structure and some of the behaviour of PyMacLab’s DSGE model’s object-oriented design and what kind of advantages model builders can derive from this. In particular, at the end of the last tutorial, we saw how the decision to design DSGE model’s instances essentially in from of an object-oriented advanced data structure with well-defined data fields and methods allowed us to “loop over” a DSGE model instance many times over, each time feeding the instance with slightly a different value for the impatience factor
and obtaining a new value for the corresponding steady state value of physical capital.
To be able to do something like this simply and intuitively is one of the many advantages that PyMacLab has over traditional DSGE model solving programs such as Dynare. While Dynare is a complete program allowing users to solve for specific DSGE models with little added post-solution programmatic flexibility, PyMacLab is from ground up designed to be a library providing an object-oriented Class-defined advanced data structure with data fields and behaviour in form of methods. This makes it incredibly easy to build programs which treat DSGE models as if they were simple data structures, such as integers, floats, lists or any other data structure you are familiar with from using a number of different programming languages. This makes PyMacLab incredibly flexible for within- and post-solution program interventions, where in this section we will define more clearly what we meant by program interventions. The main point to take away from all of this is that Dynare is a canned program to get specific solutions, while PyMacLab is a Python plugin library, whose only purpose is to make available an advanced DSGE model class suitable for carrying out a variety of tasks.
While in programs like Dynare the most important aspect from the point of view of model builders to obtaining the solution of DSGE models lies in the specification of so-called model files, the proper way to understand the more flexible operation of PyMacLab is to view the model template only as a specific point of departure from which to start your analysis from. The only point of making use of model template files is to initialize or instantiate a DSGE model instance, the real power in using PyMacLab lies in the methods made available to researchers which become available after model files have been read in and the DSGE model instances become available inside the Python interactive environment. It is this post-instantiation scope for activity and alteration which makes using PyMacLab so much fun for researchers. As already illustrated in the previous tutorial, this design decision opens up the possibility of easily and intuitively obtaining a large permutation of possible solution outcomes quickly. There are two convenience methods or avenues open to the researcher to intelligently update DSGE model instances dynamically at runtime which we will describe in some detail next.
Once a DSGE model is instantiated using a model template files as a point of departure and a specific source of information from which model properties get parsed and attached as data fields to the DSGE model instance, all we have done is to initialize or read into memory a specific state of our DSGE model. You may also recall that the nature of this state differs crucially depending upon what kind of initlev parameter value was passed at DSGE model instantiation. So we recall that at initlev=0 only information gets parsed in but nothing at all gets solved, not even the steady state. Other values for initlev gave rise to instantiated model instances which were solved all down to ever deeper levels including possibly including the steady state and dynamic elasticities (policy functions). In this section I will briefly describe methods allowing a functionality akin to comparative statics analysis in PyMacLab in which models can get easily be re-initialized with different model information injected into existing DSGE model instances dynamically at runtime.
One way of using PyMacLab to carry out a kind of comparative statics analysis has already been touched upon for one specific case in the previous tutorial, using the example of the rbc1.updaters.paramdic attribute. In general you will discover that navigating into the rbc1.updaters. branch of the model exposes a number of data fields which in exact name are also available at the root rbc1. of the model. So how then does rbc1.updaters.paramdic differ from its counterpart available at the root rbc1.paramdic?
The answer to this question is that while rbc1.paramdic is just the parameter dictionary which get populated at model instantiation time, rbc1.updaters.paramdic is a “wrapped” version of the same dictionary with the added behaviour that if a new values gets inserted into it using the relevant dictionary methods, such as rbc1.updaters.paramdic['R_bar']=1.02 or rbc1.updates.paramdic.update(dic_alt) where dic_alt is some other dictionary containing updated values of one or more keyed item in the original paramdic, then an internal function gets triggered at assignment time which re-initializes the model using the updated values for paramdic.
If the newly assigned value is exactly identical to the value which was already stored in the original paramdic, then the model will not get updated as its state has remained unaltered. The following smart one-off updaters are available all of which possess the above described behaviour. Notice also that the DSGE model will only get updated down to the level first specified in initlev at model instantiation time. Also, when any of these wrapped updater objects just gets called in the normal way they behave exactly as their non-wrapped counterparts by returning the values stored in them without any additional behaviour updating the model.
Wrapped updater object Description model.updaters.paramdic Inserting updated values re-initializes the model with new set of parameter values model.updaters.vardic Inserting new values updates/changes values and attributes defined for variables used in the model model.updaters.nlsubsdic Inserting new values updates the dictionary of variable substitution items beginning with @ model.updaters.foceqs Inserting new string equations updates the set of non-linear first-order conditions of optimality model.updaters.manss_sys In this list users can insert new equations as strings into the closed form steady state system model.updaters.ssys_list In this list users can insert new equations as strings into the numerical steady state system model.updaters.sigma A wrapped matrix which updates the model when changed values are inserted in the varcovar-matrix Notice how in this branch rbc1.updaters. changing wrapped objects by assigning new values will trigger automatic updating of the DSGE model immediately upon assignment. This behaviour may not always be desirable whenever a series of changes need to be made before updating of the model can be considered. Whenever such situations occur an alternative route needs to be taken which we will explore next.
At times researchers may want to load or instantiate a particular DSGE model instance using a corresponding template file but then perhaps plan to radically modify the model dynamically at runtime, by combining such actions as introducing new time-subscripted variables, altering the deep parameter space and adding new or augmenting existing equations in the system of non-linear FOCs. Whenever such radical alterations are considered, they will often have to happen in combindation before the model gets updated using the new information passed to it. In this case users will use the same wrapped objects already described above but instead use them in the rbc1.updaters_queued. branch.
Here, first a number of changes can be made to objects such as rbc1.updaters_queued.paramdic or rbc1.updaters_queued.foceqs, etc. which by themselves will not trigger an automatic model updating functionality. Instead all changes will be put into a queue which will then have to be processed manually by calling the method rbc1.updaters_queued.process_queue() after all desired changes have been made. This addscenormous flexibility to model builders’ options, as they can essentially build a completely new model at runtime dynamically starting from a simple model instantiated at the outset of their Python scripts/batch files. Therefore, this functionality allows users to dynamically update all information at runtime which was first parsed from the model template file, each time re-computing the DSGE model’s new state given the changes made after the call to the queue processing method has been made.
Wrapped updater object Description model.updaters_queued.paramdic Inserting updated values re-initializes the model with new set of parameter values model.updaters_queued.vardic Inserting new values updates/changes values and attributes defined for variables used in the model model.updaters_queued.nlsubsdic Inserting new values updates the dictionary of variable substitution items beginning with @ model.updaters_queued.foceqs Inserting new string equations updates the set of non-linear first-order conditions of optimality model.updaters_queued.manss_sys In this list users can insert new equations as strings into the closed form steady state system model.updaters_queued.ssys_list In this list users can insert new equations as strings into the numerical steady state system model.updaters_queued.sigma A wrapped matrix which updates the model when changed values are inserted in the varcovar-matrix model.updaters_queued.queue The actual queue. Here objects which have been altered will be stored as strings model.updaters_queued.process_queue The queue processing method which finally updates the queued objects in the right order