#MIT License
#Authored by Greg Cotten
import os
import math
import numpy as np
import kdtree
from progress.bar import Bar
def EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize):
return np.zeros((cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize), object)
def Indices01(cubeSize):
indices = []
ratio = 1.0/float(cubeSize-1)
for i in xrange(cubeSize):
indices.append(float(i) * ratio)
return indices
def Indices(cubeSize, bitdepth):
indices = []
for i in Indices01(cubeSize):
indices.append(i * (2**bitdepth - 1))
return indices
def RemapIntTo01(val, maxVal):
return (float(val)/float(maxVal))
def Remap01ToInt(val, bitdepth):
return int(val * (2**bitdepth - 1))
def LerpColor(beginning, end, value01):
if value01 < 0 or value01 > 1:
raise NameError("Improper Lerp")
return Color(Lerp1D(beginning.r, end.r, value01), Lerp1D(beginning.g, end.g, value01), Lerp1D(beginning.b, end.b, value01))
def Lerp3D(beginning, end, value01):
if value01 < 0 or value01 > 1:
raise NameError("Improper Lerp")
return [Lerp1D(beginning[0], end[0], value01), Lerp1D(beginning[1], end[1], value01), Lerp1D(beginning[2], end[2], value01)]
def Lerp1D(beginning, end, value01):
if value01 < 0 or value01 > 1:
raise NameError("Improper Lerp")
range = float(end) - float(beginning)
return float(beginning) + float(range) * float(value01)
def Distance3D(a, b):
return math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0])**2 + (a[1] - b[1])**2 + (a[2] - b[2])**2)
def Clamp(value, min, max):
if min > max:
raise NameError("Invalid Clamp Values")
if value < min:
return float(min)
if value > max:
return float(max)
return value
class Color:
RGB floating point representation of a color. 0 is absolute black, 1 is absolute white.
Access channel data by color.r, color.g, or color.b.
def __init__(self, r, g, b):
self.r = r
self.g = g
self.b = b
def Clamped01(self):
return Color(Clamp(float(self.r), 0, 1), Clamp(float(self.g), 0, 1), Clamp(float(self.b), 0, 1))
def FromRGBInteger(r, g, b, bitdepth):
Instantiates a floating point color from RGB integers at a bitdepth.
maxBits = 2**bitdepth - 1
return Color(RemapIntTo01(r, maxBits), RemapIntTo01(g, maxBits), RemapIntTo01(b, maxBits))
def FromFloatArray(array):
Creates Color from a list or tuple of 3 floats.
return Color(array[0], array[1], array[2])
def FromRGBIntegerArray(array, bitdepth):
Creates Color from a list or tuple of 3 RGB integers at a specified bitdepth.
maxBits = 2**bitdepth - 1
return Color(RemapIntTo01(array[0], maxBits), RemapIntTo01(array[1], maxBits), RemapIntTo01(array[2], maxBits))
def ToFloatArray(self):
Creates a tuple of 3 floating point RGB values from the floating point color.
return (self.r, self.g, self.b)
def ToRGBIntegerArray(self, bitdepth):
Creates a list of 3 RGB integer values at specified bitdepth from the floating point color.
return (Remap01ToInt(self.r, bitdepth), Remap01ToInt(self.g, bitdepth), Remap01ToInt(self.b, bitdepth))
def ClampColor(self, min, max):
Returns a clamped color.
return Color(Clamp(self.r, min.r, max.r), Clamp(self.g, min.g, max.g), Clamp(self.b, min.b, max.b))
def DistanceToColor(color):
if isinstance(color, Color):
return Distance3D(self.ToFloatArray(), color.ToFloatArray())
return NotImplemented
def __add__(self, color):
return Color(self.r + color.r, self.g + color.g, self.b + color.b)
def __sub__(self, color):
return Color(self.r - color.r, self.g - color.g, self.b - color.b)
def __mul__(self, color):
if not isinstance(color, Color):
mult = float(color)
return Color(self.r * mult, self.g * mult, self.b * mult)
return Color(self.r * color.r, self.g * color.g, self.b * color.b)
def __eq__(self, color):
if isinstance(color, Color):
return self.r == color.r and self.g == color.g and self.b == color.b
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, color):
result = self.__eq__(color)
if result is NotImplemented:
return result
return not result
def __str__(self):
return "(" + str(self.r) + ", " + str(self.g) + ", " + str(self.b) + ")"
def FormattedAsFloat(self, format = '{:1.6f}'):
return format.format(self.r) + " " + format.format(self.g) + " " + format.format(self.b)
def FormattedAsInteger(self, bitdepth):
rjustValue = len(str(2**bitdepth - 1)) + 1
return str(Remap01ToInt(self.r, bitdepth)).rjust(rjustValue) + " " + str(Remap01ToInt(self.g, bitdepth)).rjust(rjustValue) + " " + str(Remap01ToInt(self.b, bitdepth)).rjust(rjustValue)
class LUT:
A class that represents a 3D LUT with a 3D numpy array. The idea is that the modifications are non-volatile, meaning that every modification method returns a new LUT object.
def __init__(self, lattice, name = "Untitled LUT"):
self.lattice = lattice
Numpy 3D array representing the 3D LUT.
self.cubeSize = self.lattice.shape[0]
LUT is of size (cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize) and index positions are from 0 to cubeSize-1
self.name = str(name)
Every LUT has a name!
def Resize(self, newCubeSize):
Scales the lattice to a new cube size.
if newCubeSize == self.cubeSize:
return self
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(newCubeSize)
ratio = float(self.cubeSize - 1.0) / float(newCubeSize-1.0)
for x in xrange(newCubeSize):
for y in xrange(newCubeSize):
for z in xrange(newCubeSize):
newLattice[x, y, z] = self.ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(x*ratio, y*ratio, z*ratio)
return LUT(newLattice, name = self.name + "_Resized"+str(newCubeSize))
def _ResizeAndAddToData(self, newCubeSize, data, progress = False):
Scales the lattice to a new cube size.
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(newCubeSize)
ratio = float(self.cubeSize - 1.0) / float(newCubeSize-1.0)
maxVal = newCubeSize-1
bar = Bar("Building search tree", max = maxVal, suffix='%(percent)d%% - %(eta)ds remain')
for x in xrange(newCubeSize):
if progress:
for y in xrange(newCubeSize):
for z in xrange(newCubeSize):
data.add(self.ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(x*ratio, y*ratio, z*ratio).ToFloatArray(), (RemapIntTo01(x,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(y,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(z,maxVal)))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
return data
def Reverse(self, progress = False):
Reverses a LUT. Warning: This can take a long time depending on if the input/output is a bijection.
tree = self.KDTree(progress)
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(self.cubeSize)
maxVal = self.cubeSize - 1
bar = Bar("Searching for matches", max = maxVal, suffix='%(percent)d%% - %(eta)ds remain')
for x in xrange(self.cubeSize):
if progress:
for y in xrange(self.cubeSize):
for z in xrange(self.cubeSize):
newLattice[x, y, z] = Color.FromFloatArray(tree.search_nn((RemapIntTo01(x,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(y,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(z,maxVal))).aux)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
return LUT(newLattice, name = self.name +"_Reverse")
def KDTree(self, progress = False):
tree = kdtree.create(dimensions=3)
tree = self._ResizeAndAddToData(self.cubeSize*3, tree, progress)
return tree
def CombineWithLUT(self, otherLUT):
Combines LUT with another LUT.
if self.cubeSize is not otherLUT.cubeSize:
raise NameError("Lattice Sizes not equivalent")
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for x in xrange(cubeSize):
for y in xrange(cubeSize):
for z in xrange(cubeSize):
selfColor = self.lattice[x, y, z].Clamped01()
newLattice[x, y, z] = otherLUT.ColorFromColor(selfColor)
return LUT(newLattice, name = self.name + "+" + otherLUT.name)
def ClampColor(self, min, max):
Returns a new RGB clamped LUT.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for x in xrange(cubeSize):
for y in xrange(cubeSize):
for z in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[x, y, z] = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(x, y, z).ClampColor(min, max)
return LUT(newLattice)
def _LatticeTo3DLString(self, bitdepth):
Used for internal creating of 3DL files.
string = ""
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
for currentCubeIndex in range(0, cubeSize**3):
redIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
latticePointColor = self.lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex].Clamped01()
string += latticePointColor.FormattedAsInteger(bitdepth) + "\n"
return string
def ToLustre3DLFile(self, fileOutPath, bitdepth = 12):
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
inputDepth = math.log(cubeSize-1, 2)
if int(inputDepth) != inputDepth:
raise NameError("Invalid cube size for 3DL. Cube size must be 2^x + 1")
lutFile = open(fileOutPath, 'w')
lutFile.write("Mesh " + str(int(inputDepth)) + " " + str(bitdepth) + "\n")
lutFile.write(' '.join([str(int(x)) for x in Indices(cubeSize, 10)]) + "\n")
lutFile.write("\n#Tokens required by applications - do not edit\nLUT8\ngamma 1.0")
def ToNuke3DLFile(self, fileOutPath, bitdepth = 16):
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
lutFile = open(fileOutPath, 'w')
lutFile.write(' '.join([str(int(x)) for x in Indices(cubeSize, bitdepth)]) + "\n")
def ToCubeFile(self, cubeFileOutPath):
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
cubeFile = open(cubeFileOutPath, 'w')
cubeFile.write("LUT_3D_SIZE " + str(cubeSize) + "\n")
for currentCubeIndex in range(0, cubeSize**3):
redIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
latticePointColor = self.lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex].Clamped01()
cubeFile.write( latticePointColor.FormattedAsFloat() )
if(currentCubeIndex != cubeSize**3 - 1):
def ColorFromColor(self, color):
Returns what a color value should be transformed to when piped through the LUT.
color = color.Clamped01()
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
return self.ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(color.r * (cubeSize-1), color.g * (cubeSize-1), color.b * (cubeSize-1))
#integer input from 0 to cubeSize-1
def ColorAtLatticePoint(self, redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint):
Returns a color at a specified lattice point - this value is pulled from the actual LUT file and is not interpolated.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
if redPoint > cubeSize-1 or greenPoint > cubeSize-1 or bluePoint > cubeSize-1:
raise NameError("Point Out of Bounds: (" + str(redPoint) + ", " + str(greenPoint) + ", " + str(bluePoint) + ")")
return self.lattice[redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint]
#float input from 0 to cubeSize-1
def ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(self, redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint):
Gets the interpolated color at an interpolated lattice point.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
if 0 < redPoint > cubeSize-1 or 0 < greenPoint > cubeSize-1 or 0 < bluePoint > cubeSize-1:
raise NameError("Point Out of Bounds")
lowerRedPoint = Clamp(int(math.floor(redPoint)), 0, cubeSize-1)
upperRedPoint = Clamp(lowerRedPoint + 1, 0, cubeSize-1)
lowerGreenPoint = Clamp(int(math.floor(greenPoint)), 0, cubeSize-1)
upperGreenPoint = Clamp(lowerGreenPoint + 1, 0, cubeSize-1)
lowerBluePoint = Clamp(int(math.floor(bluePoint)), 0, cubeSize-1)
upperBluePoint = Clamp(lowerBluePoint + 1, 0, cubeSize-1)
C000 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C010 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C100 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C001 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C110 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C111 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C101 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C011 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C00 = LerpColor(C000, C100, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C10 = LerpColor(C010, C110, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C01 = LerpColor(C001, C101, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C11 = LerpColor(C011, C111, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C1 = LerpColor(C01, C11, 1.0 - (upperBluePoint - bluePoint))
C0 = LerpColor(C00, C10, 1.0 - (upperBluePoint - bluePoint))
return LerpColor(C0, C1, 1.0 - (upperGreenPoint - greenPoint))
def FromIdentity(cubeSize):
Creates an indentity LUT of specified size.
identityLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
indices01 = Indices01(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
identityLattice[r, g, b] = Color(indices01[r], indices01[g], indices01[b])
return LUT(identityLattice, name = "Identity"+str(cubeSize))
def FromLustre3DLFile(lutFilePath):
lutFile = open(lutFilePath, 'rU')
lutFileLines = lutFile.readlines()
meshLineIndex = 0
cubeSize = -1
for line in lutFileLines:
if "Mesh" in line:
inputDepth = int(line.split()[1])
outputDepth = int(line.split()[2])
cubeSize = 2**inputDepth + 1
meshLineIndex += 1
if cubeSize == -1:
raise NameError("Invalid .3dl file.")
lattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
currentCubeIndex = 0
for line in lutFileLines[meshLineIndex+1:]:
if len(line) > 0 and len(line.split()) == 3 and "#" not in line:
#valid cube line
redValue = line.split()[0]
greenValue = line.split()[1]
blueValue = line.split()[2]
redIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex] = Color.FromRGBInteger(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, bitdepth = outputDepth)
currentCubeIndex += 1
return LUT(lattice, name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lutFilePath))[0])
def FromNuke3DLFile(lutFilePath):
lutFile = open(lutFilePath, 'rU')
lutFileLines = lutFile.readlines()
meshLineIndex = 0
cubeSize = -1
lineSkip = 0
for line in lutFileLines:
if "#" in line or line == "\n":
meshLineIndex += 1
outputDepth = int(math.log(int(lutFileLines[meshLineIndex].split()[-1])+1,2))
cubeSize = len(lutFileLines[meshLineIndex].split())
if cubeSize == -1:
raise NameError("Invalid .3dl file.")
lattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
currentCubeIndex = 0
# for line in lutFileLines[meshLineIndex+1:]:
for line in lutFileLines[meshLineIndex+1:]:
# print line
if len(line) > 0 and len(line.split()) == 3 and "#" not in line:
#valid cube line
redValue = line.split()[0]
greenValue = line.split()[1]
blueValue = line.split()[2]
redIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex] = Color.FromRGBInteger(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, bitdepth = outputDepth)
currentCubeIndex += 1
return LUT(lattice, name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lutFilePath))[0])
def FromCubeFile(cubeFilePath):
cubeFile = open(cubeFilePath, 'rU')
cubeFileLines = cubeFile.readlines()
cubeSizeLineIndex = 0
cubeSize = -1
for line in cubeFileLines:
if "LUT_3D_SIZE" in line:
cubeSize = int(line.split()[1])
cubeSizeLineIndex += 1
if cubeSize == -1:
raise NameError("Invalid .cube file.")
lattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
currentCubeIndex = 0
for line in cubeFileLines[cubeSizeLineIndex+1:]:
if len(line) > 0 and len(line.split()) == 3 and "#" not in line:
#valid cube line
redValue = float(line.split()[0])
greenValue = float(line.split()[1])
blueValue = float(line.split()[2])
redIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex] = Color(redValue, greenValue, blueValue)
currentCubeIndex += 1
return LUT(lattice, name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cubeFilePath))[0])
def AddColorToEachPoint(self, color):
Add a Color value to every lattice point on the cube.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[r, g, b] = self.lattice[r, g, b] + color
return LUT(newLattice)
def SubtractColorFromEachPoint(self, color):
Subtract a Color value to every lattice point on the cube.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[r, g, b] = self.lattice[r, g, b] - color
return LUT(newLattice)
def MultiplyEachPoint(self, color):
Multiply by a Color value or float for every lattice point on the cube.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[r, g, b] = self.lattice[r, g, b] * color
return LUT(newLattice)
def __add__(self, other):
if self.cubeSize is not other.cubeSize:
raise NameError("Lattice Sizes not equivalent")
return LUT(self.lattice + other.lattice)
def __sub__(self, other):
if self.cubeSize is not other.cubeSize:
raise NameError("Lattice Sizes not equivalent")
return LUT(self.lattice - other.lattice)
def __mul__(self, other):
className = other.__class__.__name__
if "Color" in className or "float" in className or "int" in className:
return self.MultiplyEachPoint(other)
if self.cubeSize is not other.cubeSize:
raise NameError("Lattice Sizes not equivalent")
return LUT(self.lattice * other.lattice)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self.__mul__(other)
def __eq__(self, lut):
if isinstance(lut, LUT):
return (self.lattice == lut.lattice).all()
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, lut):
result = self.__eq__(lut)
if result is NotImplemented:
return result
return not result
def Plot(self):
Plot a LUT as a 3D RGB cube using matplotlib. Stolen from https://github.com/mikrosimage/ColorPipe-tools/tree/master/plotThatLut.
import matplotlib
# matplotlib : general plot
from matplotlib.pyplot import title, figure
# matplotlib : for 3D plot
# mplot3d has to be imported for 3d projection
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
except ImportError:
print "matplotlib not installed. Run: pip install matplotlib"
#for performance reasons lattice size must be 9 or less
lut = None
if self.cubeSize > 9:
lut = self.Resize(9)
lut = self
# init vars
cubeSize = lut.cubeSize
input_range = xrange(0, cubeSize)
max_value = cubeSize - 1.0
red_values = []
green_values = []
blue_values = []
colors = []
# process color values
for r in input_range:
for g in input_range:
for b in input_range:
# get a value between [0..1]
norm_r = r/max_value
norm_g = g/max_value
norm_b = b/max_value
# apply correction
res = lut.ColorFromColor(Color(norm_r, norm_g, norm_b))
# append values
# append corresponding color
colors.append(rgb2hex([norm_r, norm_g, norm_b]))
# init plot
fig = figure()
fig.canvas.set_window_title('pylut Plotter')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_xlim(min(red_values), max(red_values))
ax.set_ylim(min(green_values), max(green_values))
ax.set_zlim(min(blue_values), max(blue_values))
# plot 3D values
ax.scatter(red_values, green_values, blue_values, c=colors, marker="o")
def Clamp(
value, min, max)
def Clamp(value, min, max):
if min > max:
raise NameError("Invalid Clamp Values")
if value < min:
return float(min)
if value > max:
return float(max)
return value
def Distance3D(
a, b)
def Distance3D(a, b):
return math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0])**2 + (a[1] - b[1])**2 + (a[2] - b[2])**2)
def EmptyLatticeOfSize(
def EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize):
return np.zeros((cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize), object)
def Indices(
cubeSize, bitdepth)
def Indices(cubeSize, bitdepth):
indices = []
for i in Indices01(cubeSize):
indices.append(i * (2**bitdepth - 1))
return indices
def Indices01(
def Indices01(cubeSize):
indices = []
ratio = 1.0/float(cubeSize-1)
for i in xrange(cubeSize):
indices.append(float(i) * ratio)
return indices
def Lerp1D(
beginning, end, value01)
def Lerp1D(beginning, end, value01):
if value01 < 0 or value01 > 1:
raise NameError("Improper Lerp")
range = float(end) - float(beginning)
return float(beginning) + float(range) * float(value01)
def Lerp3D(
beginning, end, value01)
def Lerp3D(beginning, end, value01):
if value01 < 0 or value01 > 1:
raise NameError("Improper Lerp")
return [Lerp1D(beginning[0], end[0], value01), Lerp1D(beginning[1], end[1], value01), Lerp1D(beginning[2], end[2], value01)]
def LerpColor(
beginning, end, value01)
def LerpColor(beginning, end, value01):
if value01 < 0 or value01 > 1:
raise NameError("Improper Lerp")
return Color(Lerp1D(beginning.r, end.r, value01), Lerp1D(beginning.g, end.g, value01), Lerp1D(beginning.b, end.b, value01))
def Remap01ToInt(
val, bitdepth)
def Remap01ToInt(val, bitdepth):
return int(val * (2**bitdepth - 1))
def RemapIntTo01(
val, maxVal)
def RemapIntTo01(val, maxVal):
return (float(val)/float(maxVal))
class Color
RGB floating point representation of a color. 0 is absolute black, 1 is absolute white. Access channel data by color.r, color.g, or color.b.
class Color:
RGB floating point representation of a color. 0 is absolute black, 1 is absolute white.
Access channel data by color.r, color.g, or color.b.
def __init__(self, r, g, b):
self.r = r
self.g = g
self.b = b
def Clamped01(self):
return Color(Clamp(float(self.r), 0, 1), Clamp(float(self.g), 0, 1), Clamp(float(self.b), 0, 1))
def FromRGBInteger(r, g, b, bitdepth):
Instantiates a floating point color from RGB integers at a bitdepth.
maxBits = 2**bitdepth - 1
return Color(RemapIntTo01(r, maxBits), RemapIntTo01(g, maxBits), RemapIntTo01(b, maxBits))
def FromFloatArray(array):
Creates Color from a list or tuple of 3 floats.
return Color(array[0], array[1], array[2])
def FromRGBIntegerArray(array, bitdepth):
Creates Color from a list or tuple of 3 RGB integers at a specified bitdepth.
maxBits = 2**bitdepth - 1
return Color(RemapIntTo01(array[0], maxBits), RemapIntTo01(array[1], maxBits), RemapIntTo01(array[2], maxBits))
def ToFloatArray(self):
Creates a tuple of 3 floating point RGB values from the floating point color.
return (self.r, self.g, self.b)
def ToRGBIntegerArray(self, bitdepth):
Creates a list of 3 RGB integer values at specified bitdepth from the floating point color.
return (Remap01ToInt(self.r, bitdepth), Remap01ToInt(self.g, bitdepth), Remap01ToInt(self.b, bitdepth))
def ClampColor(self, min, max):
Returns a clamped color.
return Color(Clamp(self.r, min.r, max.r), Clamp(self.g, min.g, max.g), Clamp(self.b, min.b, max.b))
def DistanceToColor(color):
if isinstance(color, Color):
return Distance3D(self.ToFloatArray(), color.ToFloatArray())
return NotImplemented
def __add__(self, color):
return Color(self.r + color.r, self.g + color.g, self.b + color.b)
def __sub__(self, color):
return Color(self.r - color.r, self.g - color.g, self.b - color.b)
def __mul__(self, color):
if not isinstance(color, Color):
mult = float(color)
return Color(self.r * mult, self.g * mult, self.b * mult)
return Color(self.r * color.r, self.g * color.g, self.b * color.b)
def __eq__(self, color):
if isinstance(color, Color):
return self.r == color.r and self.g == color.g and self.b == color.b
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, color):
result = self.__eq__(color)
if result is NotImplemented:
return result
return not result
def __str__(self):
return "(" + str(self.r) + ", " + str(self.g) + ", " + str(self.b) + ")"
def FormattedAsFloat(self, format = '{:1.6f}'):
return format.format(self.r) + " " + format.format(self.g) + " " + format.format(self.b)
def FormattedAsInteger(self, bitdepth):
rjustValue = len(str(2**bitdepth - 1)) + 1
return str(Remap01ToInt(self.r, bitdepth)).rjust(rjustValue) + " " + str(Remap01ToInt(self.g, bitdepth)).rjust(rjustValue) + " " + str(Remap01ToInt(self.b, bitdepth)).rjust(rjustValue)
def FromFloatArray(
Creates Color from a list or tuple of 3 floats.
def FromFloatArray(array):
Creates Color from a list or tuple of 3 floats.
return Color(array[0], array[1], array[2])
def FromRGBInteger(
r, g, b, bitdepth)
Instantiates a floating point color from RGB integers at a bitdepth.
def FromRGBInteger(r, g, b, bitdepth):
Instantiates a floating point color from RGB integers at a bitdepth.
maxBits = 2**bitdepth - 1
return Color(RemapIntTo01(r, maxBits), RemapIntTo01(g, maxBits), RemapIntTo01(b, maxBits))
def FromRGBIntegerArray(
array, bitdepth)
Creates Color from a list or tuple of 3 RGB integers at a specified bitdepth.
def FromRGBIntegerArray(array, bitdepth):
Creates Color from a list or tuple of 3 RGB integers at a specified bitdepth.
maxBits = 2**bitdepth - 1
return Color(RemapIntTo01(array[0], maxBits), RemapIntTo01(array[1], maxBits), RemapIntTo01(array[2], maxBits))
var b
var g
var r
def __init__(
self, r, g, b)
def __init__(self, r, g, b):
self.r = r
self.g = g
self.b = b
def ClampColor(
self, min, max)
Returns a clamped color.
def ClampColor(self, min, max):
Returns a clamped color.
return Color(Clamp(self.r, min.r, max.r), Clamp(self.g, min.g, max.g), Clamp(self.b, min.b, max.b))
def Clamped01(
def Clamped01(self):
return Color(Clamp(float(self.r), 0, 1), Clamp(float(self.g), 0, 1), Clamp(float(self.b), 0, 1))
def DistanceToColor(
def DistanceToColor(color):
if isinstance(color, Color):
return Distance3D(self.ToFloatArray(), color.ToFloatArray())
return NotImplemented
def FormattedAsFloat(
self, format='{:1.6f}')
def FormattedAsFloat(self, format = '{:1.6f}'):
return format.format(self.r) + " " + format.format(self.g) + " " + format.format(self.b)
def FormattedAsInteger(
self, bitdepth)
def FormattedAsInteger(self, bitdepth):
rjustValue = len(str(2**bitdepth - 1)) + 1
return str(Remap01ToInt(self.r, bitdepth)).rjust(rjustValue) + " " + str(Remap01ToInt(self.g, bitdepth)).rjust(rjustValue) + " " + str(Remap01ToInt(self.b, bitdepth)).rjust(rjustValue)
def ToFloatArray(
Creates a tuple of 3 floating point RGB values from the floating point color.
def ToFloatArray(self):
Creates a tuple of 3 floating point RGB values from the floating point color.
return (self.r, self.g, self.b)
def ToRGBIntegerArray(
self, bitdepth)
Creates a list of 3 RGB integer values at specified bitdepth from the floating point color.
def ToRGBIntegerArray(self, bitdepth):
Creates a list of 3 RGB integer values at specified bitdepth from the floating point color.
return (Remap01ToInt(self.r, bitdepth), Remap01ToInt(self.g, bitdepth), Remap01ToInt(self.b, bitdepth))
class LUT
A class that represents a 3D LUT with a 3D numpy array. The idea is that the modifications are non-volatile, meaning that every modification method returns a new LUT object.
class LUT:
A class that represents a 3D LUT with a 3D numpy array. The idea is that the modifications are non-volatile, meaning that every modification method returns a new LUT object.
def __init__(self, lattice, name = "Untitled LUT"):
self.lattice = lattice
Numpy 3D array representing the 3D LUT.
self.cubeSize = self.lattice.shape[0]
LUT is of size (cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize) and index positions are from 0 to cubeSize-1
self.name = str(name)
Every LUT has a name!
def Resize(self, newCubeSize):
Scales the lattice to a new cube size.
if newCubeSize == self.cubeSize:
return self
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(newCubeSize)
ratio = float(self.cubeSize - 1.0) / float(newCubeSize-1.0)
for x in xrange(newCubeSize):
for y in xrange(newCubeSize):
for z in xrange(newCubeSize):
newLattice[x, y, z] = self.ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(x*ratio, y*ratio, z*ratio)
return LUT(newLattice, name = self.name + "_Resized"+str(newCubeSize))
def _ResizeAndAddToData(self, newCubeSize, data, progress = False):
Scales the lattice to a new cube size.
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(newCubeSize)
ratio = float(self.cubeSize - 1.0) / float(newCubeSize-1.0)
maxVal = newCubeSize-1
bar = Bar("Building search tree", max = maxVal, suffix='%(percent)d%% - %(eta)ds remain')
for x in xrange(newCubeSize):
if progress:
for y in xrange(newCubeSize):
for z in xrange(newCubeSize):
data.add(self.ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(x*ratio, y*ratio, z*ratio).ToFloatArray(), (RemapIntTo01(x,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(y,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(z,maxVal)))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
return data
def Reverse(self, progress = False):
Reverses a LUT. Warning: This can take a long time depending on if the input/output is a bijection.
tree = self.KDTree(progress)
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(self.cubeSize)
maxVal = self.cubeSize - 1
bar = Bar("Searching for matches", max = maxVal, suffix='%(percent)d%% - %(eta)ds remain')
for x in xrange(self.cubeSize):
if progress:
for y in xrange(self.cubeSize):
for z in xrange(self.cubeSize):
newLattice[x, y, z] = Color.FromFloatArray(tree.search_nn((RemapIntTo01(x,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(y,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(z,maxVal))).aux)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
return LUT(newLattice, name = self.name +"_Reverse")
def KDTree(self, progress = False):
tree = kdtree.create(dimensions=3)
tree = self._ResizeAndAddToData(self.cubeSize*3, tree, progress)
return tree
def CombineWithLUT(self, otherLUT):
Combines LUT with another LUT.
if self.cubeSize is not otherLUT.cubeSize:
raise NameError("Lattice Sizes not equivalent")
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for x in xrange(cubeSize):
for y in xrange(cubeSize):
for z in xrange(cubeSize):
selfColor = self.lattice[x, y, z].Clamped01()
newLattice[x, y, z] = otherLUT.ColorFromColor(selfColor)
return LUT(newLattice, name = self.name + "+" + otherLUT.name)
def ClampColor(self, min, max):
Returns a new RGB clamped LUT.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for x in xrange(cubeSize):
for y in xrange(cubeSize):
for z in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[x, y, z] = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(x, y, z).ClampColor(min, max)
return LUT(newLattice)
def _LatticeTo3DLString(self, bitdepth):
Used for internal creating of 3DL files.
string = ""
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
for currentCubeIndex in range(0, cubeSize**3):
redIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
latticePointColor = self.lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex].Clamped01()
string += latticePointColor.FormattedAsInteger(bitdepth) + "\n"
return string
def ToLustre3DLFile(self, fileOutPath, bitdepth = 12):
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
inputDepth = math.log(cubeSize-1, 2)
if int(inputDepth) != inputDepth:
raise NameError("Invalid cube size for 3DL. Cube size must be 2^x + 1")
lutFile = open(fileOutPath, 'w')
lutFile.write("Mesh " + str(int(inputDepth)) + " " + str(bitdepth) + "\n")
lutFile.write(' '.join([str(int(x)) for x in Indices(cubeSize, 10)]) + "\n")
lutFile.write("\n#Tokens required by applications - do not edit\nLUT8\ngamma 1.0")
def ToNuke3DLFile(self, fileOutPath, bitdepth = 16):
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
lutFile = open(fileOutPath, 'w')
lutFile.write(' '.join([str(int(x)) for x in Indices(cubeSize, bitdepth)]) + "\n")
def ToCubeFile(self, cubeFileOutPath):
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
cubeFile = open(cubeFileOutPath, 'w')
cubeFile.write("LUT_3D_SIZE " + str(cubeSize) + "\n")
for currentCubeIndex in range(0, cubeSize**3):
redIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
latticePointColor = self.lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex].Clamped01()
cubeFile.write( latticePointColor.FormattedAsFloat() )
if(currentCubeIndex != cubeSize**3 - 1):
def ColorFromColor(self, color):
Returns what a color value should be transformed to when piped through the LUT.
color = color.Clamped01()
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
return self.ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(color.r * (cubeSize-1), color.g * (cubeSize-1), color.b * (cubeSize-1))
#integer input from 0 to cubeSize-1
def ColorAtLatticePoint(self, redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint):
Returns a color at a specified lattice point - this value is pulled from the actual LUT file and is not interpolated.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
if redPoint > cubeSize-1 or greenPoint > cubeSize-1 or bluePoint > cubeSize-1:
raise NameError("Point Out of Bounds: (" + str(redPoint) + ", " + str(greenPoint) + ", " + str(bluePoint) + ")")
return self.lattice[redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint]
#float input from 0 to cubeSize-1
def ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(self, redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint):
Gets the interpolated color at an interpolated lattice point.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
if 0 < redPoint > cubeSize-1 or 0 < greenPoint > cubeSize-1 or 0 < bluePoint > cubeSize-1:
raise NameError("Point Out of Bounds")
lowerRedPoint = Clamp(int(math.floor(redPoint)), 0, cubeSize-1)
upperRedPoint = Clamp(lowerRedPoint + 1, 0, cubeSize-1)
lowerGreenPoint = Clamp(int(math.floor(greenPoint)), 0, cubeSize-1)
upperGreenPoint = Clamp(lowerGreenPoint + 1, 0, cubeSize-1)
lowerBluePoint = Clamp(int(math.floor(bluePoint)), 0, cubeSize-1)
upperBluePoint = Clamp(lowerBluePoint + 1, 0, cubeSize-1)
C000 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C010 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C100 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C001 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C110 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C111 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C101 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C011 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C00 = LerpColor(C000, C100, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C10 = LerpColor(C010, C110, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C01 = LerpColor(C001, C101, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C11 = LerpColor(C011, C111, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C1 = LerpColor(C01, C11, 1.0 - (upperBluePoint - bluePoint))
C0 = LerpColor(C00, C10, 1.0 - (upperBluePoint - bluePoint))
return LerpColor(C0, C1, 1.0 - (upperGreenPoint - greenPoint))
def FromIdentity(cubeSize):
Creates an indentity LUT of specified size.
identityLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
indices01 = Indices01(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
identityLattice[r, g, b] = Color(indices01[r], indices01[g], indices01[b])
return LUT(identityLattice, name = "Identity"+str(cubeSize))
def FromLustre3DLFile(lutFilePath):
lutFile = open(lutFilePath, 'rU')
lutFileLines = lutFile.readlines()
meshLineIndex = 0
cubeSize = -1
for line in lutFileLines:
if "Mesh" in line:
inputDepth = int(line.split()[1])
outputDepth = int(line.split()[2])
cubeSize = 2**inputDepth + 1
meshLineIndex += 1
if cubeSize == -1:
raise NameError("Invalid .3dl file.")
lattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
currentCubeIndex = 0
for line in lutFileLines[meshLineIndex+1:]:
if len(line) > 0 and len(line.split()) == 3 and "#" not in line:
#valid cube line
redValue = line.split()[0]
greenValue = line.split()[1]
blueValue = line.split()[2]
redIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex] = Color.FromRGBInteger(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, bitdepth = outputDepth)
currentCubeIndex += 1
return LUT(lattice, name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lutFilePath))[0])
def FromNuke3DLFile(lutFilePath):
lutFile = open(lutFilePath, 'rU')
lutFileLines = lutFile.readlines()
meshLineIndex = 0
cubeSize = -1
lineSkip = 0
for line in lutFileLines:
if "#" in line or line == "\n":
meshLineIndex += 1
outputDepth = int(math.log(int(lutFileLines[meshLineIndex].split()[-1])+1,2))
cubeSize = len(lutFileLines[meshLineIndex].split())
if cubeSize == -1:
raise NameError("Invalid .3dl file.")
lattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
currentCubeIndex = 0
# for line in lutFileLines[meshLineIndex+1:]:
for line in lutFileLines[meshLineIndex+1:]:
# print line
if len(line) > 0 and len(line.split()) == 3 and "#" not in line:
#valid cube line
redValue = line.split()[0]
greenValue = line.split()[1]
blueValue = line.split()[2]
redIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex] = Color.FromRGBInteger(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, bitdepth = outputDepth)
currentCubeIndex += 1
return LUT(lattice, name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lutFilePath))[0])
def FromCubeFile(cubeFilePath):
cubeFile = open(cubeFilePath, 'rU')
cubeFileLines = cubeFile.readlines()
cubeSizeLineIndex = 0
cubeSize = -1
for line in cubeFileLines:
if "LUT_3D_SIZE" in line:
cubeSize = int(line.split()[1])
cubeSizeLineIndex += 1
if cubeSize == -1:
raise NameError("Invalid .cube file.")
lattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
currentCubeIndex = 0
for line in cubeFileLines[cubeSizeLineIndex+1:]:
if len(line) > 0 and len(line.split()) == 3 and "#" not in line:
#valid cube line
redValue = float(line.split()[0])
greenValue = float(line.split()[1])
blueValue = float(line.split()[2])
redIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex] = Color(redValue, greenValue, blueValue)
currentCubeIndex += 1
return LUT(lattice, name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cubeFilePath))[0])
def AddColorToEachPoint(self, color):
Add a Color value to every lattice point on the cube.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[r, g, b] = self.lattice[r, g, b] + color
return LUT(newLattice)
def SubtractColorFromEachPoint(self, color):
Subtract a Color value to every lattice point on the cube.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[r, g, b] = self.lattice[r, g, b] - color
return LUT(newLattice)
def MultiplyEachPoint(self, color):
Multiply by a Color value or float for every lattice point on the cube.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[r, g, b] = self.lattice[r, g, b] * color
return LUT(newLattice)
def __add__(self, other):
if self.cubeSize is not other.cubeSize:
raise NameError("Lattice Sizes not equivalent")
return LUT(self.lattice + other.lattice)
def __sub__(self, other):
if self.cubeSize is not other.cubeSize:
raise NameError("Lattice Sizes not equivalent")
return LUT(self.lattice - other.lattice)
def __mul__(self, other):
className = other.__class__.__name__
if "Color" in className or "float" in className or "int" in className:
return self.MultiplyEachPoint(other)
if self.cubeSize is not other.cubeSize:
raise NameError("Lattice Sizes not equivalent")
return LUT(self.lattice * other.lattice)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self.__mul__(other)
def __eq__(self, lut):
if isinstance(lut, LUT):
return (self.lattice == lut.lattice).all()
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, lut):
result = self.__eq__(lut)
if result is NotImplemented:
return result
return not result
def Plot(self):
Plot a LUT as a 3D RGB cube using matplotlib. Stolen from https://github.com/mikrosimage/ColorPipe-tools/tree/master/plotThatLut.
import matplotlib
# matplotlib : general plot
from matplotlib.pyplot import title, figure
# matplotlib : for 3D plot
# mplot3d has to be imported for 3d projection
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
except ImportError:
print "matplotlib not installed. Run: pip install matplotlib"
#for performance reasons lattice size must be 9 or less
lut = None
if self.cubeSize > 9:
lut = self.Resize(9)
lut = self
# init vars
cubeSize = lut.cubeSize
input_range = xrange(0, cubeSize)
max_value = cubeSize - 1.0
red_values = []
green_values = []
blue_values = []
colors = []
# process color values
for r in input_range:
for g in input_range:
for b in input_range:
# get a value between [0..1]
norm_r = r/max_value
norm_g = g/max_value
norm_b = b/max_value
# apply correction
res = lut.ColorFromColor(Color(norm_r, norm_g, norm_b))
# append values
# append corresponding color
colors.append(rgb2hex([norm_r, norm_g, norm_b]))
# init plot
fig = figure()
fig.canvas.set_window_title('pylut Plotter')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_xlim(min(red_values), max(red_values))
ax.set_ylim(min(green_values), max(green_values))
ax.set_zlim(min(blue_values), max(blue_values))
# plot 3D values
ax.scatter(red_values, green_values, blue_values, c=colors, marker="o")
def FromCubeFile(
def FromCubeFile(cubeFilePath):
cubeFile = open(cubeFilePath, 'rU')
cubeFileLines = cubeFile.readlines()
cubeSizeLineIndex = 0
cubeSize = -1
for line in cubeFileLines:
if "LUT_3D_SIZE" in line:
cubeSize = int(line.split()[1])
cubeSizeLineIndex += 1
if cubeSize == -1:
raise NameError("Invalid .cube file.")
lattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
currentCubeIndex = 0
for line in cubeFileLines[cubeSizeLineIndex+1:]:
if len(line) > 0 and len(line.split()) == 3 and "#" not in line:
#valid cube line
redValue = float(line.split()[0])
greenValue = float(line.split()[1])
blueValue = float(line.split()[2])
redIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex] = Color(redValue, greenValue, blueValue)
currentCubeIndex += 1
return LUT(lattice, name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cubeFilePath))[0])
def FromIdentity(
Creates an indentity LUT of specified size.
def FromIdentity(cubeSize):
Creates an indentity LUT of specified size.
identityLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
indices01 = Indices01(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
identityLattice[r, g, b] = Color(indices01[r], indices01[g], indices01[b])
return LUT(identityLattice, name = "Identity"+str(cubeSize))
def FromLustre3DLFile(
def FromLustre3DLFile(lutFilePath):
lutFile = open(lutFilePath, 'rU')
lutFileLines = lutFile.readlines()
meshLineIndex = 0
cubeSize = -1
for line in lutFileLines:
if "Mesh" in line:
inputDepth = int(line.split()[1])
outputDepth = int(line.split()[2])
cubeSize = 2**inputDepth + 1
meshLineIndex += 1
if cubeSize == -1:
raise NameError("Invalid .3dl file.")
lattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
currentCubeIndex = 0
for line in lutFileLines[meshLineIndex+1:]:
if len(line) > 0 and len(line.split()) == 3 and "#" not in line:
#valid cube line
redValue = line.split()[0]
greenValue = line.split()[1]
blueValue = line.split()[2]
redIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex] = Color.FromRGBInteger(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, bitdepth = outputDepth)
currentCubeIndex += 1
return LUT(lattice, name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lutFilePath))[0])
def FromNuke3DLFile(
def FromNuke3DLFile(lutFilePath):
lutFile = open(lutFilePath, 'rU')
lutFileLines = lutFile.readlines()
meshLineIndex = 0
cubeSize = -1
lineSkip = 0
for line in lutFileLines:
if "#" in line or line == "\n":
meshLineIndex += 1
outputDepth = int(math.log(int(lutFileLines[meshLineIndex].split()[-1])+1,2))
cubeSize = len(lutFileLines[meshLineIndex].split())
if cubeSize == -1:
raise NameError("Invalid .3dl file.")
lattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
currentCubeIndex = 0
# for line in lutFileLines[meshLineIndex+1:]:
for line in lutFileLines[meshLineIndex+1:]:
# print line
if len(line) > 0 and len(line.split()) == 3 and "#" not in line:
#valid cube line
redValue = line.split()[0]
greenValue = line.split()[1]
blueValue = line.split()[2]
redIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex] = Color.FromRGBInteger(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, bitdepth = outputDepth)
currentCubeIndex += 1
return LUT(lattice, name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lutFilePath))[0])
var cubeSize
LUT is of size (cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize) and index positions are from 0 to cubeSize-1
var lattice
Numpy 3D array representing the 3D LUT.
var name
Every LUT has a name!
def __init__(
self, lattice, name='Untitled LUT')
def __init__(self, lattice, name = "Untitled LUT"):
self.lattice = lattice
Numpy 3D array representing the 3D LUT.
self.cubeSize = self.lattice.shape[0]
LUT is of size (cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize) and index positions are from 0 to cubeSize-1
self.name = str(name)
Every LUT has a name!
def AddColorToEachPoint(
self, color)
Add a Color value to every lattice point on the cube.
def AddColorToEachPoint(self, color):
Add a Color value to every lattice point on the cube.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[r, g, b] = self.lattice[r, g, b] + color
return LUT(newLattice)
def ClampColor(
self, min, max)
Returns a new RGB clamped LUT.
def ClampColor(self, min, max):
Returns a new RGB clamped LUT.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for x in xrange(cubeSize):
for y in xrange(cubeSize):
for z in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[x, y, z] = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(x, y, z).ClampColor(min, max)
return LUT(newLattice)
def ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(
self, redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint)
Gets the interpolated color at an interpolated lattice point.
def ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(self, redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint):
Gets the interpolated color at an interpolated lattice point.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
if 0 < redPoint > cubeSize-1 or 0 < greenPoint > cubeSize-1 or 0 < bluePoint > cubeSize-1:
raise NameError("Point Out of Bounds")
lowerRedPoint = Clamp(int(math.floor(redPoint)), 0, cubeSize-1)
upperRedPoint = Clamp(lowerRedPoint + 1, 0, cubeSize-1)
lowerGreenPoint = Clamp(int(math.floor(greenPoint)), 0, cubeSize-1)
upperGreenPoint = Clamp(lowerGreenPoint + 1, 0, cubeSize-1)
lowerBluePoint = Clamp(int(math.floor(bluePoint)), 0, cubeSize-1)
upperBluePoint = Clamp(lowerBluePoint + 1, 0, cubeSize-1)
C000 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C010 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C100 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C001 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C110 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, lowerGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C111 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C101 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(upperRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, lowerBluePoint)
C011 = self.ColorAtLatticePoint(lowerRedPoint, upperGreenPoint, upperBluePoint)
C00 = LerpColor(C000, C100, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C10 = LerpColor(C010, C110, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C01 = LerpColor(C001, C101, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C11 = LerpColor(C011, C111, 1.0 - (upperRedPoint - redPoint))
C1 = LerpColor(C01, C11, 1.0 - (upperBluePoint - bluePoint))
C0 = LerpColor(C00, C10, 1.0 - (upperBluePoint - bluePoint))
return LerpColor(C0, C1, 1.0 - (upperGreenPoint - greenPoint))
def ColorAtLatticePoint(
self, redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint)
Returns a color at a specified lattice point - this value is pulled from the actual LUT file and is not interpolated.
def ColorAtLatticePoint(self, redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint):
Returns a color at a specified lattice point - this value is pulled from the actual LUT file and is not interpolated.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
if redPoint > cubeSize-1 or greenPoint > cubeSize-1 or bluePoint > cubeSize-1:
raise NameError("Point Out of Bounds: (" + str(redPoint) + ", " + str(greenPoint) + ", " + str(bluePoint) + ")")
return self.lattice[redPoint, greenPoint, bluePoint]
def ColorFromColor(
self, color)
Returns what a color value should be transformed to when piped through the LUT.
def ColorFromColor(self, color):
Returns what a color value should be transformed to when piped through the LUT.
color = color.Clamped01()
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
return self.ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(color.r * (cubeSize-1), color.g * (cubeSize-1), color.b * (cubeSize-1))
def CombineWithLUT(
self, otherLUT)
Combines LUT with another LUT.
def CombineWithLUT(self, otherLUT):
Combines LUT with another LUT.
if self.cubeSize is not otherLUT.cubeSize:
raise NameError("Lattice Sizes not equivalent")
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for x in xrange(cubeSize):
for y in xrange(cubeSize):
for z in xrange(cubeSize):
selfColor = self.lattice[x, y, z].Clamped01()
newLattice[x, y, z] = otherLUT.ColorFromColor(selfColor)
return LUT(newLattice, name = self.name + "+" + otherLUT.name)
def KDTree(
self, progress=False)
def KDTree(self, progress = False):
tree = kdtree.create(dimensions=3)
tree = self._ResizeAndAddToData(self.cubeSize*3, tree, progress)
return tree
def MultiplyEachPoint(
self, color)
Multiply by a Color value or float for every lattice point on the cube.
def MultiplyEachPoint(self, color):
Multiply by a Color value or float for every lattice point on the cube.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[r, g, b] = self.lattice[r, g, b] * color
return LUT(newLattice)
def Plot(
Plot a LUT as a 3D RGB cube using matplotlib. Stolen from https://github.com/mikrosimage/ColorPipe-tools/tree/master/plotThatLut.
def Plot(self):
Plot a LUT as a 3D RGB cube using matplotlib. Stolen from https://github.com/mikrosimage/ColorPipe-tools/tree/master/plotThatLut.
import matplotlib
# matplotlib : general plot
from matplotlib.pyplot import title, figure
# matplotlib : for 3D plot
# mplot3d has to be imported for 3d projection
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
except ImportError:
print "matplotlib not installed. Run: pip install matplotlib"
#for performance reasons lattice size must be 9 or less
lut = None
if self.cubeSize > 9:
lut = self.Resize(9)
lut = self
# init vars
cubeSize = lut.cubeSize
input_range = xrange(0, cubeSize)
max_value = cubeSize - 1.0
red_values = []
green_values = []
blue_values = []
colors = []
# process color values
for r in input_range:
for g in input_range:
for b in input_range:
# get a value between [0..1]
norm_r = r/max_value
norm_g = g/max_value
norm_b = b/max_value
# apply correction
res = lut.ColorFromColor(Color(norm_r, norm_g, norm_b))
# append values
# append corresponding color
colors.append(rgb2hex([norm_r, norm_g, norm_b]))
# init plot
fig = figure()
fig.canvas.set_window_title('pylut Plotter')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_xlim(min(red_values), max(red_values))
ax.set_ylim(min(green_values), max(green_values))
ax.set_zlim(min(blue_values), max(blue_values))
# plot 3D values
ax.scatter(red_values, green_values, blue_values, c=colors, marker="o")
def Resize(
self, newCubeSize)
Scales the lattice to a new cube size.
def Resize(self, newCubeSize):
Scales the lattice to a new cube size.
if newCubeSize == self.cubeSize:
return self
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(newCubeSize)
ratio = float(self.cubeSize - 1.0) / float(newCubeSize-1.0)
for x in xrange(newCubeSize):
for y in xrange(newCubeSize):
for z in xrange(newCubeSize):
newLattice[x, y, z] = self.ColorAtInterpolatedLatticePoint(x*ratio, y*ratio, z*ratio)
return LUT(newLattice, name = self.name + "_Resized"+str(newCubeSize))
def Reverse(
self, progress=False)
Reverses a LUT. Warning: This can take a long time depending on if the input/output is a bijection.
def Reverse(self, progress = False):
Reverses a LUT. Warning: This can take a long time depending on if the input/output is a bijection.
tree = self.KDTree(progress)
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(self.cubeSize)
maxVal = self.cubeSize - 1
bar = Bar("Searching for matches", max = maxVal, suffix='%(percent)d%% - %(eta)ds remain')
for x in xrange(self.cubeSize):
if progress:
for y in xrange(self.cubeSize):
for z in xrange(self.cubeSize):
newLattice[x, y, z] = Color.FromFloatArray(tree.search_nn((RemapIntTo01(x,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(y,maxVal), RemapIntTo01(z,maxVal))).aux)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
return LUT(newLattice, name = self.name +"_Reverse")
def SubtractColorFromEachPoint(
self, color)
Subtract a Color value to every lattice point on the cube.
def SubtractColorFromEachPoint(self, color):
Subtract a Color value to every lattice point on the cube.
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
newLattice = EmptyLatticeOfSize(cubeSize)
for r in xrange(cubeSize):
for g in xrange(cubeSize):
for b in xrange(cubeSize):
newLattice[r, g, b] = self.lattice[r, g, b] - color
return LUT(newLattice)
def ToCubeFile(
self, cubeFileOutPath)
def ToCubeFile(self, cubeFileOutPath):
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
cubeFile = open(cubeFileOutPath, 'w')
cubeFile.write("LUT_3D_SIZE " + str(cubeSize) + "\n")
for currentCubeIndex in range(0, cubeSize**3):
redIndex = currentCubeIndex % cubeSize
greenIndex = ( (currentCubeIndex % (cubeSize*cubeSize)) / (cubeSize) )
blueIndex = currentCubeIndex / (cubeSize*cubeSize)
latticePointColor = self.lattice[redIndex, greenIndex, blueIndex].Clamped01()
cubeFile.write( latticePointColor.FormattedAsFloat() )
if(currentCubeIndex != cubeSize**3 - 1):
def ToLustre3DLFile(
self, fileOutPath, bitdepth=12)
def ToLustre3DLFile(self, fileOutPath, bitdepth = 12):
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
inputDepth = math.log(cubeSize-1, 2)
if int(inputDepth) != inputDepth:
raise NameError("Invalid cube size for 3DL. Cube size must be 2^x + 1")
lutFile = open(fileOutPath, 'w')
lutFile.write("Mesh " + str(int(inputDepth)) + " " + str(bitdepth) + "\n")
lutFile.write(' '.join([str(int(x)) for x in Indices(cubeSize, 10)]) + "\n")
lutFile.write("\n#Tokens required by applications - do not edit\nLUT8\ngamma 1.0")
def ToNuke3DLFile(
self, fileOutPath, bitdepth=16)
def ToNuke3DLFile(self, fileOutPath, bitdepth = 16):
cubeSize = self.cubeSize
lutFile = open(fileOutPath, 'w')
lutFile.write(' '.join([str(int(x)) for x in Indices(cubeSize, bitdepth)]) + "\n")
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