Source code for pyhocon.config_tree

from collections import OrderedDict
from pyhocon.exceptions import ConfigException, ConfigWrongTypeException, ConfigMissingException

[docs]class ConfigTree(object): KEY_SEP = '.' def __init__(self): self._dictionary = OrderedDict() def _merge_config_tree(self, a, b): """Merge config b into a :param a: target config :type a: ConfigTree :param b: source config :type b: ConfigTree :return: merged config a """ for key, value in b._dictionary.items(): # if key is in both a and b and both values are dictionary then merge it otherwise override it if key in a._dictionary.items() and isinstance(a._dictionary[key], ConfigTree) and isinstance(a._dictionary[key], ConfigTree): self._merge_dict(a._dictionary[key], b._dictionary[key]) else: a._dictionary[key] = value return a def _put(self, key_path, value, append=False): key_elt = key_path[0] if len(key_path) == 1: # if value to set does not exist, override # if they are both configs then merge # if not then override if key_elt in self._dictionary and isinstance(self._dictionary[key_elt], ConfigTree) and isinstance(value, ConfigTree): self._merge_config_tree(self._dictionary[key_elt], value) elif append: l = self._dictionary.get(key_elt) if isinstance(l, list): l += value elif l is None: self._dictionary[key_elt] = value else: raise ConfigWrongTypeException("Cannot concatenate the list {key}: {value} to {prev_value} of {type}".format( key='.'.join(key_path), value=value, prev_value=l, type=l.__class__.__name__) ) else: self._dictionary[key_elt] = value else: next_config_tree = self._dictionary.get(key_elt) if not isinstance(next_config_tree, ConfigTree): # create a new dictionary or overwrite a previous value next_config_tree = ConfigTree() self._dictionary[key_elt] = next_config_tree next_config_tree._put(key_path[1:], value, append) def _get(self, key_path, key_index=0): key_elt = key_path[key_index] elt = self._dictionary.get(key_elt) if elt is None: raise ConfigMissingException("No configuration setting found for key {key}".format(key='.'.join(key_path[:key_index + 1]))) if key_index == len(key_path) - 1: return elt elif isinstance(elt, ConfigTree): return elt._get(key_path, key_index + 1) else: raise ConfigWrongTypeException("{key} has type {type} rather than dict".format(key='.'.join(key_path[:key_index + 1]), type=type(elt).__name__))
[docs] def put(self, key, value, append=False): """Put a value in the tree (dot separated) :param key: key to use (dot separated). E.g., a.b.c :type key: basestring :param value: value to put """ self._put(key.split(ConfigTree.KEY_SEP), value, append)
[docs] def get(self, key): """Get a value from the tree :param key: key to use (dot separated). E.g., a.b.c :type key: basestring :return: value in the tree located at key """ return self._get(key.split(ConfigTree.KEY_SEP))
[docs] def get_string(self, key): """Return string representation of value found at key :param key: key to use (dot separated). E.g., a.b.c :type key: basestring :return: string value :type return: basestring """ return str(self.get(key))
[docs] def get_int(self, key): """Return int representation of value found at key :param key: key to use (dot separated). E.g., a.b.c :type key: basestring :return: int value :type return: int """ return int(self.get(key))
[docs] def get_float(self, key): """Return float representation of value found at key :param key: key to use (dot separated). E.g., a.b.c :type key: basestring :return: float value :type return: float """ return float(self.get(key))
[docs] def get_bool(self, key): """Return boolean representation of value found at key :param key: key to use (dot separated). E.g., a.b.c :type key: basestring :return: boolean value :type return: bool """ return bool(self.get(key))
[docs] def get_list(self, key): """Return list representation of value found at key :param key: key to use (dot separated). E.g., a.b.c :type key: basestring :return: list value :type return: list """ value = self.get(key) if isinstance(value, list): return value else: raise ConfigException("{key} has type '{type}' rather than 'list'".format(key=key, type=type(value).__name__))
[docs] def get_config(self, key): """Return tree config representation of value found at key :param key: key to use (dot separated). E.g., a.b.c :type key: basestring :return: config value :type return: ConfigTree """ value = self.get(key) if isinstance(value, ConfigTree): return value else: raise ConfigException("{key} has type '{type}' rather than 'config'".format(key=key, type=type(value).__name__))
[docs] def items(self): """Return items found in the config :return: list of items :type return: list """ return self._dictionary.items()
[docs] def iteritems(self): """Return items iterator found in the config :return: items iterator :type return: iterator """ return self._dictionary.iteritems()
[docs] def iterkeys(self): """Return keys iterator found in the config :return: keys iterator :type return: iterator """ return self._dictionary.iterkeys()
[docs] def itervalues(self): """Return values iterator found in the config :return: values iterator :type return: iterator """ return self._dictionary.itervalues()
def __getitem__(self, item): val = self.get(item) if val is None: raise KeyError(item) return val def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._dictionary def __str__(self): return str(self._dictionary) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._dictionary) def __len__(self): return len(self._dictionary) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._dictionary.__setitem__(key, value)
[docs]class ConfigList(list): def __init__(self, iterable): l = list(iterable) super(ConfigList, self).__init__(l) for index, value in enumerate(l): if isinstance(value, ConfigValues): value.parent = self value.index = index
[docs]class ConfigValues(object): def __init__(self, iterable): self.tokens = iterable self.parent = None self.key = None for index, token in enumerate(self.tokens): if isinstance(token, ConfigSubstitution): token.parent = self token.index = index # if the last token is an unquoted string then right strip it if isinstance(self.tokens[-1], ConfigUnquotedString): self.tokens[-1] = self.tokens[-1].rstrip()
[docs] def has_substitution(self): return next((True for token in self.tokens if isinstance(token, ConfigSubstitution)), False)
[docs] def transform(self): if self.has_substitution(): return self if len(self.tokens) == 1: return self.tokens[0] return ''.join(token if isinstance(token, str) else str(token) + ' ' for token in self.tokens[:-1]) + str(self.tokens[-1])
[docs] def put(self, index, value): self.tokens[index] = value
[docs]class ConfigSubstitution(object): def __init__(self, variable, ws): self.variable = variable = ws self.index = None self.parent = None
[docs]class ConfigUnquotedString(str): def __init__(self, value): super(ConfigUnquotedString, self).__init__(value)
[docs]class ConfigSlashString(str): def __init__(self, value): super(ConfigUnquotedString, self).__init__(value)