Source code for pyflation.sourceterm.srcequations

""" - Contains classes which implement source term calculation
and are used by

Select the class to be used in a run by changing the settings in
#Author: Ian Huston
#For license and copyright information see LICENSE.txt which was distributed with this file.

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from pyflation.romberg import romb #@UnresolvedImport
from pyflation.sourceterm import srccython #@UnresolvedImport

[docs]def klessq(k, q, theta): r"""Return the scalar magnitude of k^i - q^i squared, where theta is angle between vectors. Parameters ---------- k : float Single k value to compute array for. q : array_like 1-d array of q values to use theta : array_like 1-d array of theta values to use Returns ------- klessq : array_like len(q)*len(theta) array of values Notes ----- The expression evaluated is .. math:: |k^i - q^i|^2 = (k^2 + q^2 - 2kq \cos(\theta)) """ return k**2+q[..., np.newaxis]**2-2*k*np.outer(q,np.cos(theta))
[docs]def klessqksq(k, q, theta): r"""Return the scalar magnitude of (k^i - q^i) squared times 1/k^2, where theta is angle between vectors. Parameters ---------- k : float Single k value to compute array for. q : array_like 1-d array of q values to use theta : array_like 1-d array of theta values to use Returns ------- klessq : array_like len(q)*len(theta) array of values Notes ----- The expression calculated is .. math:: |k^i - q^i|^2/k^2 = (1 + (q/k)^2 - 2(q/k) \cos(\theta)) """ return 1 + (q[..., np.newaxis]/k)**2 - 2*np.outer(q/k,np.cos(theta))
[docs]class SourceEquations(object): ''' Class for source term equations ''' def __init__(self, fixture): """Class for source term equations""" self.fixture = fixture self.fullk = np.arange(fixture["kmin"], fixture["fullkmax"], fixture["deltak"]) self.k = self.fullk[:fixture["numsoks"]] self.kmin = self.k[0] self.deltak = self.k[1] - self.k[0] self.theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, fixture["nthetas"]) self.dtheta = self.theta[1] - self.theta[0]
[docs] def sourceterm(self, bgvars, a, potentials, dp1, dp1dot, theta_terms): """Calculate the source term for this timestep""" pass
[docs] def getthetaterms(self, dp1, dp1dot): """Calculate the theta terms needed for source integrations.""" pass
[docs]class SlowRollSource(SourceEquations): """ Slow roll source term equations """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Class for slow roll source term equations""" super(SlowRollSource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.J_terms = [self.J_A, self.J_B, self.J_C, self.J_D]
[docs] def J_A(self, preterms, dp1, dp1dot, Cterms): """Solution for J_A which is the integral for A in terms of constants C1 and C2.""" q = self.k C1k = Cterms[0][..., np.newaxis] C2k = Cterms[1][..., np.newaxis] aterm = (C1k*q**2 + C2k*q**4) * dp1 * preterms[0] J_A = romb(aterm, self.deltak) return J_A
[docs] def J_B(self, preterms, dp1, dp1dot, Cterms): """Solution for J_B which is the integral for B in terms of constants C3 and C4.""" q = self.k C3k = Cterms[2][..., np.newaxis] C4k = Cterms[3][..., np.newaxis] bterm = (C3k*q**3 + C4k*q**5) * dp1 * preterms[1] J_B = romb(bterm, self.deltak) return J_B
[docs] def J_C(self, preterms, dp1, dp1dot, Cterms): """Solution for J_C which is the integral for C in terms of constants C5.""" q = self.k C5k = Cterms[4][..., np.newaxis] cterm = (C5k*q**2) * dp1dot * preterms[2] J_C = romb(cterm, self.deltak) return J_C
[docs] def J_D(self, preterms, dp1, dp1dot, Cterms): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" q = self.k C6k = Cterms[5][..., np.newaxis] C7k = Cterms[6][..., np.newaxis] dterm = (C6k*q + C7k*q**3) * dp1dot * preterms[3] J_D = romb(dterm, self.deltak) return J_D
[docs] def getthetaterms(self, dp1, dp1dot): r"""Return array of integrated values for specified theta function and dphi function. Parameters ---------- dp1 : array_like Array of values for dphi1 dp1dot : array_like Array of values for dphi1dot Returns ------- theta_terms : tuple Tuple of len(k)xlen(q) shaped arrays of integration results Notes ----- The returned expression is of the form .. math:: \bigg(\int(\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi^\dagger_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi^\dagger_1(k-q) d\theta)\bigg) """ sinth = np.sin(self.theta) cossinth = np.cos(self.theta)*np.sin(self.theta) theta_terms = np.empty([4, self.k.shape[0], self.k.shape[0]], dtype=dp1.dtype) lenq = len(self.k) for n in xrange(len(self.k)): #Calculate interpolated values of dphi and dphidot dphi_res = srccython.interpdps(dp1, dp1dot, self.kmin, self.deltak, n, self.theta, lenq) #Integrate theta dependence of interpolated values # dphi terms theta_terms[0,n] = romb(sinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[1,n] = romb(cossinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) # dphidot terms theta_terms[2,n] = romb(sinth*dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[3,n] = romb(cossinth*dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) return theta_terms
[docs] def calculate_Cterms(self, bgvars, a, potentials): """ Calculate the C terms needed for source term integration. """ #Unpack variables phi, phidot, H = bgvars k = self.k #Set ones array with same shape as self.k onekshape = np.ones(k.shape) #Get potentials V, Vp, Vpp, Vppp = potentials a2 = a**2 H2 = H**2 aH2 = a2*H2 k2 = k**2 #Set C_i values C1 = 1/H2 * (Vppp + 3 * phidot * Vpp + 2 * phidot * k2 /a2 ) C2 = 3.5 * phidot /(aH2) * onekshape C3 = -4.5 * phidot * k / (aH2) C4 = -phidot/(aH2 * k) C5 = -1.5 * phidot * onekshape C6 = 2 * phidot * k C7 = - phidot / k Cterms = [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7] return Cterms
[docs] def sourceterm(self, bgvars, a, potentials, dp1, dp1dot): """Return integrated slow roll source term. The source term before integration is calculated here using the slow roll approximation. This function follows the revised version of Eq (5.8) in Malik 06 (astro-ph/0610864v5). Parameters ---------- bgvars : tuple Tuple of background field values in the form `(phi, phidot, H)` a : float Scale factor at the current timestep, `a = ainit*exp(n)` potentials : tuple Tuple of potential values in the form `(U, dU, dU2, dU3)` dp1 : array_like Array of known dp1 values dp1dot : array_like Array of dpdot1 values Returns ------- src_integrand : array_like Array containing the unintegrated source terms for all k and q modes. References ---------- Malik, K. 2006, JCAP03(2007)004, astro-ph/0610864v5 """ #Calculate dphi(q) and dphi(k-q) dp1_q = dp1[:self.k.shape[-1]] dp1dot_q = dp1dot[:self.k.shape[-1]] theta_terms = self.getthetaterms(dp1, dp1dot) Cterms = self.calculate_Cterms(bgvars, a, potentials) #Get component integrals J_A = self.J_A(theta_terms, dp1_q, dp1dot_q, Cterms) J_B = self.J_B(theta_terms, dp1_q, dp1dot_q, Cterms) J_C = self.J_C(theta_terms, dp1_q, dp1dot_q, Cterms) J_D = self.J_D(theta_terms, dp1_q, dp1dot_q, Cterms) src = 1/((2*np.pi)**2 ) * (J_A + J_B + J_C + J_D) return src
[docs]class FullSingleFieldSource(SourceEquations): """ Full single field (non slow-roll) source term equations """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Class for slow roll source term equations""" super(FullSingleFieldSource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.J_params = {"A1": {"n":2, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":0}, "A2": {"n":3, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":0}, "A3": {"n":4, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":0}, "A4": {"n":5, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":0}, "A5": {"n":2, "dphiterm": "dp1dot", "pretermix":0}, "A6": {"n":3, "dphiterm": "dp1dot", "pretermix":0}, "B1": {"n":4, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":1}, "C1": {"n":2, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":2}, "C2": {"n":2, "dphiterm": "dp1dot", "pretermix":2}, "D1": {"n":1, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":3}, "D2": {"n":3, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":3}, "D3": {"n":1, "dphiterm": "dp1dot", "pretermix":3}, "D4": {"n":3, "dphiterm": "dp1dot", "pretermix":3}, "E1": {"n":2, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":4}, "E2": {"n":2, "dphiterm": "dp1dot", "pretermix":4}, "F1": {"n":2, "dphiterm": "dp1", "pretermix":5}, "F2": {"n":2, "dphiterm": "dp1dot", "pretermix":5}, "G1": {"n":2, "dphiterm": "dp1dot", "pretermix":6}, } self.J_terms = dict([(Jkey,self.J_factory(Jkey)) for Jkey in self.J_params.iterkeys()])
[docs] def J_factory(self, Jkey): def newJfunc(preterms, dp1, dp1dot, Cterms): return self.J_func(preterms, dp1, dp1dot, Cterms, Jkey) return newJfunc
[docs] def J_func(self, preterms, dp1, dp1dot, Cterms, Jkey): """Generic solution for J_func integral.""" q = self.k #Set up variables from list of Jterms and constants #Constant term Cterm = Cterms[Jkey][..., np.newaxis] #Index of q n = self.J_params[Jkey]["n"] #Get text of dphiterm and set variable dphitermtext = self.J_params[Jkey]["dphiterm"] if dphitermtext == "dp1": dphiterm = dp1 elif dphitermtext == "dp1dot": dphiterm = dp1dot #Get preterm index pretermix = self.J_params[Jkey]["pretermix"] preterm = preterms[pretermix] integrand = (Cterm*q**n) * dphiterm * preterm J_integral = romb(integrand, self.deltak) return J_integral
[docs] def getthetaterms(self, dp1, dp1dot): r"""Return array of integrated values for specified theta function and dphi function. Parameters ---------- dp1 : array_like Array of values for dphi1 dp1dot : array_like Array of values for dphi1dot Returns ------- theta_terms : tuple Tuple of len(k)xlen(q) shaped arrays of integration results Notes ----- The returned expression is of the form .. math:: \bigg(\int(\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi^\dagger_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi^\dagger_1(k-q) d\theta)\bigg) """ # Sinusoidal theta terms sinth = np.sin(self.theta) cossinth = np.cos(self.theta)*sinth cos2sinth = np.cos(self.theta)*cossinth sin3th = sinth*sinth*sinth theta_terms = np.empty([7, self.k.shape[0], self.k.shape[0]], dtype=dp1.dtype) lenq = len(self.k) for n in xrange(len(self.k)): #klq = klessq(onek, q, theta) dphi_res = srccython.interpdps(dp1, dp1dot, self.kmin, self.deltak, n, self.theta, lenq) theta_terms[0,n] = romb(sinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[1,n] = romb(cossinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[2,n] = romb(sinth*dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[3,n] = romb(cossinth*dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) #New terms for full solution # E term integration theta_terms[4,n] = romb(cos2sinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) #Get klessq for F and G terms klq2 = klessqksq(self.k[n], self.k, self.theta) sinklq = sin3th/klq2 #Get rid of NaNs in places where dphi_res=0 or equivalently klq2<self.kmin**2 sinklq[klq2<self.kmin**2] = 0 # F term integration theta_terms[5,n] = romb(sinklq *dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) # G term integration theta_terms[6,n] = romb(sinklq *dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) return theta_terms
[docs] def calculate_Cterms(self, bgvars, a, potentials,): """ Calculate the value of the constants needed for source term integration. """ #Unpack variables phi, phidot, H = bgvars k = self.k #Get potentials V, Vp, Vpp, Vppp = potentials #Set ones array with same shape as self.k onekshape = np.ones(self.k.shape) a2 = a**2 H2 = H**2 aH2 = a2*H2 pdot2 = phidot**2 #Calculate Q term Q = a2 * (V * phidot + Vp) C_A1 = (1/H2 * (Vppp + 3*phidot*Vpp + 2*pdot2*Vp) + 1/aH2 * (-0.75*pdot2*Q**2/aH2 + Q*pdot2) ) * onekshape Cterms = dict(A1 = C_A1, A2 = -0.5*phidot/aH2*k, A3 = 1/(aH2) * (3.5*phidot - 0.25*phidot**3) * onekshape, A4 = -phidot/(k*aH2), A5 = 2*Q/aH2 * onekshape, A6 = -pdot2/aH2*Q/k, B1 = 0.25*phidot**3/aH2 * onekshape, C1 = 2*Q/aH2 * onekshape, C2 = (0.25*phidot**3 - 1.5*phidot)* onekshape, D1 = 2*Q*k/aH2, D2 = 2*Q/(aH2*k), D3 = phidot*2*k, D4 = -phidot/k, E1 = Q**2/(aH2**2)*phidot * onekshape, E2 = pdot2/aH2 * Q * onekshape, F1 = -0.25 * Q**2/(aH2**2)*phidot * onekshape, F2 = -0.5*pdot2*Q/aH2 * onekshape, G1 = -0.25*phidot**3 * onekshape) return Cterms
[docs] def sourceterm(self, bgvars, a, potentials, dp1, dp1dot): """Return unintegrated slow roll source term. The source term before integration is calculated here using the slow roll approximation. This function follows the revised version of Eq (5.8) in Malik 06 (astro-ph/0610864v5). Parameters ---------- bgvars : tuple Tuple of background field values in the form `(phi, phidot, H)` a : float Scale factor at the current timestep, `a = ainit*exp(n)` potentials : tuple Tuple of potential values in the form `(U, dU, dU2, dU3)` dp1 : array_like Array of known dp1 values dp1dot : array_like Array of dpdot1 values Returns ------- src_integrand : array_like Array containing the unintegrated source terms for all k and q modes. References ---------- Malik, K. 2006, JCAP03(2007)004, astro-ph/0610864v5 """ #Calculate dphi(q) and dphi(k-q) dp1_q = dp1[:self.k.shape[-1]] dp1dot_q = dp1dot[:self.k.shape[-1]] theta_terms = self.getthetaterms(dp1, dp1dot) Cterms = self.calculate_Cterms(bgvars, a, potentials) J_result = np.zeros(self.k.shape, dtype=dp1.dtype) #Get component integrals for Jkey in self.J_params.iterkeys(): J_result += self.J_func(theta_terms, dp1_q, dp1dot_q, Cterms, Jkey) src = 1/((2*np.pi)**2 ) * J_result return src
[docs]class SelectedkOnlyFullSource(FullSingleFieldSource): """Convenience class to the source term for selected k values.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Class for slow roll source term equations""" super(SelectedkOnlyFullSource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if "kix_wanted" in kwargs: self.kix_wanted = kwargs["kix_wanted"] else: self.kix_wanted = [52] #Hard coded for quick hack.
[docs] def getthetaterms(self, dp1, dp1dot): r"""Return array of integrated values for specified theta function and dphi function. This modified version only returns the result for one k value. Parameters ---------- dp1 : array_like Array of values for dphi1 dp1dot : array_like Array of values for dphi1dot Returns ------- theta_terms : tuple Tuple of len(k)xlen(q) shaped arrays of integration results in form Notes ----- The returned expression is of the form .. math:: \bigg(\int(\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi^\dagger_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi^\dagger_1(k-q) d\theta)\bigg) """ # Sinusoidal theta terms sinth = np.sin(self.theta) cossinth = np.cos(self.theta)*sinth cos2sinth = np.cos(self.theta)*cossinth sin3th = sinth*sinth*sinth theta_terms = np.empty([7, self.k.shape[0], self.k.shape[0]], dtype=dp1.dtype) lenq = len(self.k) for n in np.atleast_1d(self.kix_wanted): #klq = klessq(onek, q, theta) dphi_res = srccython.interpdps(dp1, dp1dot, self.kmin, self.deltak, n, self.theta, lenq) theta_terms[0,n] = romb(sinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[1,n] = romb(cossinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[2,n] = romb(sinth*dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[3,n] = romb(cossinth*dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) #New terms for full solution # E term integration theta_terms[4,n] = romb(cos2sinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) #Get klessq for F and G terms klq2 = klessqksq(self.k[n], self.k, self.theta) sinklq = sin3th/klq2 #Get rid of NaNs in places where dphi_res=0 or equivalently klq2<self.kmin**2 sinklq[klq2<self.kmin**2] = 0 # F term integration theta_terms[5,n] = romb(sinklq *dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) # G term integration theta_terms[6,n] = romb(sinklq *dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) return theta_terms
[docs]class SelectedkOnlySlowRollSource(SlowRollSource): """Convenience class to do slow roll calculation of source term for only selected k modes.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Class for slow roll source term equations""" super(SelectedkOnlySlowRollSource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if "kix_wanted" in kwargs: self.kix_wanted = kwargs["kix_wanted"] else: self.kix_wanted = [52] #Hard coded for quick hack.
[docs] def getthetaterms(self, dp1, dp1dot): r"""Return array of integrated values for specified theta function and dphi function. Parameters ---------- dp1 : array_like Array of values for dphi1 dp1dot : array_like Array of values for dphi1dot Returns ------- theta_terms : tuple Tuple of len(k)xlen(q) shaped arrays of integration results in form Notes ----- The returned expression is of the form .. math:: \bigg(\int(\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi^\dagger_1(k-q) d\theta, \int(\cos(\theta)\sin(\theta) \delta\varphi^\dagger_1(k-q) d\theta)\bigg) """ sinth = np.sin(self.theta) cossinth = np.cos(self.theta)*np.sin(self.theta) theta_terms = np.empty([4, self.k.shape[0], self.k.shape[0]], dtype=dp1.dtype) lenq = len(self.k) for n in np.atleast_1d(self.kix_wanted): #Calculate interpolated values of dphi and dphidot dphi_res = srccython.interpdps(dp1, dp1dot, self.kmin, self.deltak, n, self.theta, lenq) #Integrate theta dependence of interpolated values # dphi terms theta_terms[0,n] = romb(sinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[1,n] = romb(cossinth*dphi_res[0], dx=self.dtheta) # dphidot terms theta_terms[2,n] = romb(sinth*dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) theta_terms[3,n] = romb(cossinth*dphi_res[1], dx=self.dtheta) return theta_terms
[docs]class ConvolutionOnlyFullSource(SelectedkOnlyFullSource): """Convenience class to calculate the convolution for selected k values.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Class for slow roll source term equations""" super(ConvolutionOnlyFullSource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def sourceterm(self, bgvars, a, potentials, dp1, dp1dot): """Return unintegrated slow roll source term. The source term before integration is calculated here using the slow roll approximation. This function follows the revised version of Eq (5.8) in Malik 06 (astro-ph/0610864v5). Parameters ---------- bgvars : tuple Tuple of background field values in the form `(phi, phidot, H)` a : float Scale factor at the current timestep, `a = ainit*exp(n)` potentials : tuple Tuple of potential values in the form `(U, dU, dU2, dU3)` dp1 : array_like Array of known dp1 values dp1dot : array_like Array of dpdot1 values Returns ------- src_integrand : array_like Array containing the unintegrated source terms for all k and q modes. References ---------- Malik, K. 2006, JCAP03(2007)004, astro-ph/0610864v5 """ #Calculate dphi(q) and dphi(k-q) dp1_q = dp1[:self.k.shape[-1]] dp1dot_q = dp1dot[:self.k.shape[-1]] theta_terms = self.getthetaterms(dp1, dp1dot) Cterms = {"A1": np.ones(self.k.shape)} #Get component integrals for convolution only J_result = self.J_func(theta_terms, dp1_q, dp1dot_q, Cterms, "A1") src = 1/((2*np.pi)**2 ) * J_result return src