Source code for pyflation.rk4

""" - Runge-Kutta ODE solver

Provides Runge-Kutta based ODE solvers for use with pyflation models.

#Author: Ian Huston
#For license and copyright information see LICENSE.txt which was distributed with this file.

from __future__ import division # Get rid of integer division problems, i.e. 1/2=0

import numpy as np
import logging

from configuration import _debug

#if not "profile" in __builtins__:
#    def profile(f):
#        return f

#Start logging
root_log_name = logging.getLogger().name
rk_log = logging.getLogger(root_log_name + "." + __name__)

[docs]def rk4stepks(x, y, h, dydx, dargs, derivs): '''Do one step of the classical 4th order Runge Kutta method, starting from y at x with time step h and derivatives given by derivs''' hh = h*0.5 #Half time step h6 = h/6.0 #Sixth of time step xh = x + hh # Halfway point in x direction #First step, we already have derivatives from dydx yt = y + hh*dydx #Second step, get new derivatives dyt = derivs(yt, xh, **dargs) yt = y + hh*dyt #Third step dym = derivs(yt, xh, **dargs) yt = y + h*dym dym = dym + dyt #Fourth step dyt = derivs(yt, x+h, **dargs) #Accumulate increments with proper weights yout = y + h6*(dydx + dyt + 2*dym) return yout #@profile
[docs]def rkdriver_tsix(ystart, simtstart, tsix, tend, allks, h, derivs): """Driver function for classical Runge Kutta 4th Order method. Uses indexes of starting time values instead of actual times. Indexes are number of steps of size h away from initial time simtstart.""" #Make sure h is specified if h is None: raise SimRunError("Need to specify h.") #Set up x counter and index for x xix = 0 # first index #The number of steps is now calculated using around. This matches with the #expression used in second order classes to calculate the first order timestep. #Around rounds .5 values towards even numbers so 0.5->0 and 1.5->2. #The added one is because the step at simtstart should also be counted. number_steps = - simtstart)/h) + 1) if np.any(tsix>number_steps): raise SimRunError("Start times outside range of steps.") #Set up x results array xarr = np.zeros((number_steps,)) #Record first x value xarr[xix] = simtstart first_real_step = if first_real_step > xix: if _debug: rk_log.debug("rkdriver_tsix: Storing x values for steps from %d to %d", xix+1, first_real_step+1) xarr[xix+1:first_real_step+1] = simtstart + np.arange(xix+1, first_real_step+1)*h xix = first_real_step #Get the last start step. Only need to check for NaNs before this. last_start_step = tsix.max() #Check whether ystart is one dimensional and change to at least two dimensions if ystart.ndim == 1: ystart = ystart[..., np.newaxis] v = np.ones_like(ystart)*np.nan #New y results array yshape = [number_steps] yshape.extend(v.shape) yarr = np.ones(yshape, dtype=ystart.dtype)*np.nan #Change yresults at each timestep in tsix to value in ystart #The transpose of ystart is used so that the start_value variable is an array #of all the dynamical variables at the start time given by timeindex. #Test whether the timeindex array has more than one value, i.e. more than one k value for kindex, (timeindex, start_value) in enumerate(zip(tsix, ystart.transpose())): yarr[timeindex, ..., kindex] = start_value for xix in range(first_real_step + 1, number_steps): if _debug: rk_log.debug("rkdriver_tsix: xix=%f", xix) if xix % 1000 == 0:"Step number %i of %i", xix, number_steps) # xix labels the current timestep to be saved current_x = simtstart + xix*h #last_x is the timestep before, which we will need to use for calc last_x = simtstart + (xix-1)*h #Setup any arguments that are needed to send to derivs function dargs = {} #Find first derivative term for the last time step dv = derivs(yarr[xix-1], last_x, **dargs) #Do a rk4 step starting from last time step v = rk4stepks(last_x, yarr[xix-1], h, dv, dargs, derivs) #This masks all the NaNs in the v result so that they are not copied if xix <= last_start_step: v_nonan = ~np.isnan(v) #Save current result without overwriting with NaNs yarr[xix, v_nonan] = v[v_nonan] else: yarr[xix] = np.copy(v) #Save current timestep xarr[xix] = np.copy(current_x) #Get results"Execution of Runge-Kutta method has finished.") return xarr, yarr
[docs]class SimRunError(StandardError): """Generic error for model simulating run. Attributes include current results stack.""" pass