Source code for pyflation.cosmographs

""" - Graphing functions for pyflation package

This module provides helper functions for graphing the results of 
pyflation simulations using the Matplotlib package ( 

Especially useful is the multi_format_save function which saves the specified
figure to different formats as requested.

#Author: Ian Huston
#For license and copyright information see LICENSE.txt which was distributed with this file.

import os
import itertools

    import pylab as P
    import matplotlib
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Matplotlib is needed to use the plotting helper functions in")

# Local import from package
import helpers

calN = r"$\mathcal{N}_\mathrm{end} - \mathcal{N}$"

#Legend properties
legend_props = {"large": matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=12),
                "half": matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=10),
                "small": matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=9)}

line_props = {"colours": ["red", "green", "blue"],
              "dots": ["-", "--", ":"],
              "coloursanddots": ["r-", "g--", "b:"]}

line_prop_default = line_props["coloursanddots"]

[docs]class CosmoGraphError(StandardError): """Generic error for graphing facilities.""" pass
[docs]def makeklegend(fig, k): """Attach a legend to the figure specified outlining the k modes used.""" if not fig: fig = P.gcf() P.figure(fig.number) l = P.legend([r"$k=" + helpers.eto10(ks) + "$" for ks in k]) P.draw() return l
[docs]def reversexaxis(a=None): """Reverse the direction of the x axis for the axes object a.""" if not a: a = P.gca() a.set_xlim(a.get_xlim()[::-1]) return
[docs]def multi_format_save(filenamestub, fig=None, formats=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """Save figure in multiple formats at once. Parameters ---------- filenamestub: String Filename with path to which will be added the appropriate extension for each different file saved. fig: Matplotlib figure object, optional Figure to save to disk. Defaults to current figure. formats: list-like, optional List of format specifiers to save to, default is ["pdf", "eps", "png", "svg"] Must be of types supported by current installation. Other kwargs: These are provided to matplotlib.pylab.savefig. See there for documentation. Returns ------- filenames: list list of saved file names """ if not formats: formats = ["png", "pdf", "eps", "svg"] #Check directory exists if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filenamestub)): raise IOError("Directory specified does not exist!") if not fig: fig = P.gcf() #Check files don't exist savedfiles = [] for f in formats: filename = filenamestub + "." + f if os.path.isfile(filename): if not overwrite: raise IOError("File " + filename + " already exists! File not overwritten.") try: fig.savefig(filename, format = f, **kwargs) except IOError: raise savedfiles.append(filename) return savedfiles
[docs]def save(fname, dir=None, fig=None): if fig is None: fig = P.gcf() if dir is None: dir = os.getcwd() multi_format_save(os.path.join(dir, fname), fig, formats=["pdf", "png", "eps"])
[docs]def save_with_prompt(fname): save = raw_input("Do you want to save the figure, filename:" + fname + "? (y/n) ") if save.lower() == "y": save(fname)
[docs]def set_size_small(fig): fig.set_size_inches((4,3)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.93)
[docs]def set_size_large(fig): fig.set_size_inches((6,4.5)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.10, right=0.90, top=0.90)
[docs]def set_size_half(fig): fig.set_size_inches((6,3)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.95)
[docs]def set_size(fig, size="large"): if size=="small": set_size_small(fig) elif size=="large": set_size_large(fig) elif size=="half": set_size_half(fig) else: raise ValueError("Variable size should be either \"large\", \"half\" or \"small\"!")
[docs]class LogFormatterTeXExponent(P.LogFormatter, object): """Extends pyplot.LogFormatter to use tex notation for tick labels.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LogFormatterTeXExponent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap call to parent class with change to tex notation.""" label = super(LogFormatterTeXExponent, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs) label = "$" + label + "$" label = helpers.eto10(label) return label
[docs]def calN_figure(ts, ys, fig=None, plot_fn=None, models_legends=None, ylabel=None, size="large", ls=line_prop_default, halfticks=False): """Create a figure using \mathcal{N} on the x-axis. Parameters ---------- ts: list of arrays x-axis values ys: list of arrays y-axis values, each element should be the same length as corresponding ts element. fig: Pylab figure instance, optional Figure to draw on, default is to create a new figure. plot_fn: function, optional The Pylab plotting function to use, defaults to P.plot. models_legends: list, optional List of raw strings (including LaTeX) to use in legend of plot. Defaults to not plotting legend. ylabel: string, optional Raw string (including LaTeX) for y-axis, defaults to empty. size: string, optional One of "small", "large", "half", which specifies the size of the figure by using pyflation.cosmographs.set_size. Defaults to "large". ls: list, optional List of linestyle strings to use with each successive line. Defaults to ["r-", "g--", "b:"] halfticks: boolean, optional If True only show half the ticks on the y-axis Returns ------- fig: the figure instance """ if plot_fn is None: plot_fn = P.plot #Setup figure if fig is None: fig = P.figure() set_size(fig, size) lprops = itertools.cycle(ls) #Plot using specified function lines = [plot_fn(t[-1] - t, s, for t, s in zip(ts, ys)] #Reverse x axis to count in correct direction reversexaxis() #Get current axis ax = fig.gca() #Add small offset so end of inflation is shown ax.set_xlim(right=(t[0]-t[-1])/30.0) if halfticks: #Only show half the ticks on the y axis. oldticks = ax.get_yticks() ax.set_yticks(oldticks[::2]) ax.set_yticks(oldticks[1::2], minor=True) #Add labels P.xlabel(calN) if ylabel: P.ylabel(ylabel) #Check if legends are given if models_legends: ax.legend(models_legends, loc=0, prop=legend_props[size]) return fig
[docs]def generic_figure(xs, ys, fig=None, plot_fn=None, models_legends=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, size="large", ls=line_prop_default, halfticks=False): """Create a generic figure with standard x-axis. Parameters ---------- xs: list of arrays x-axis values ys: list of arrays y-axis values, each element should be the same length as corresponding xs element. fig: Pylab figure instance, optional Figure to draw on, default creates a new figure. plot_fn: function, optional The Pylab plotting function to use, defaults to P.plot. models_legends: list, optional List of raw strings (including LaTeX) to use in legend of plot. Defaults to not plotting legend. xlabel: string, optional Raw string (including LaTeX) for x-axis, defaults to empty. ylabel: string, optional Raw string (including LaTeX) for y-axis, defaults to empty. size: string, optional One of "small", "large", "half", which specifies the size of the figure by using pyflation.cosmographs.set_size. Defaults to "large". ls: list, optional List of linestyle strings to use with each successive line. Defaults to ["r-", "g--", "b:"] halfticks: boolean, optional If True only show half the ticks on the y-axis Returns ------- fig: the figure instance """ if plot_fn is None: plot_fn = P.plot #Setup figure fig = P.figure() set_size(fig, size) lprops = itertools.cycle(ls) #Plot using specified function lines = [plot_fn(x, s, for x, s in zip(xs, ys)] ax = fig.gca() if halfticks: #Only show half the ticks on the y axis. oldticks = ax.get_yticks() ax.set_yticks(oldticks[::2]) ax.set_yticks(oldticks[1::2], minor=True) #Add labels if xlabel: P.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: P.ylabel(ylabel) #Check if legends are given if models_legends: ax.legend(models_legends, loc=0, prop=legend_props[size]) return fig