Source code for pyflation.cmpotentials

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" - Cosmological potentials for

Provides functions which can be used with 
Default parameter values are included but can also be 
specified as a dictionary.

#Author: Ian Huston
#For license and copyright information see LICENSE.txt which was distributed with this file.

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np

[docs]def msqphisq(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V=1/2 m^2 phi^2 where m is the mass of the inflaton field. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameter "mass" which specifies m above. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- m can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the mass as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "mass" in params: m = params["mass"] else: #Use WMAP value of mass (in Mpl) m = 6.3267e-6 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) #Use inflaton mass mass2 = m**2 #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 U = np.asscalar(0.5*(mass2)*(y[0]**2)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d((mass2)*y[0]) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(mass2) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d(0) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def lambdaphi4(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V=1/4 lambda phi^4 for a specified lambda. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameter "lambda" which specifies lambda above. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- lambda can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the value as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "lambda" in params: l = params["lambda"] else: #Use WMAP value of lambda l = 1.5506e-13 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) #potential U = 1/4 l \phi^4 U = np.asscalar(0.25*l*(y[0]**4)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d(l*(y[0]**3)) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(3*l*(y[0]**2)) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d(6*l*(y[0])) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def linde(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for Linde potential V = -m^2/2 \phi^2 +\lambda/4 \phi^4 + m^4/4lambda Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameters "mass" and "lambda" which specifies the variables. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- lambda can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the value as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. mass can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the mass as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "mass" in params: m = params["mass"] else: #Use Salopek et al value of mass (in Mpl) m = 5e-8 #Use inflaton mass mass2 = m**2 #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "lambda" in params: l = params["lambda"] else: #Use WMAP value of lambda #l = 1.5506e-13 l = 1.55009e-13 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) U = np.asscalar(-0.5*(mass2)*(y[0]**2) + 0.25*l*(y[0]**4) + (m**4)/(4*l)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d(-(mass2)*y[0] + l*(y[0]**3)) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(-mass2 + 3*l*(y[0]**2)) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d(6*l*(y[0])) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def hybrid2and4(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for hybrid potential V = -m^2/2 \phi^2 +\lambda/4 \phi^4 Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameters "mass" and "lambda" which specifies the variables. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- lambda can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the value as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. mass can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the mass as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "mass" in params: m = params["mass"] else: #Use Salopek et al value of mass (in Mpl) m = 5e-8 #Use inflaton mass mass2 = m**2 #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "lambda" in params: l = params["lambda"] else: #Use WMAP value of lambda l = 1.55123e-13 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) U = np.asscalar(0.5*(mass2)*(y[0]**2) + 0.25*l*(y[0]**4)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d((mass2)*y[0] + l*(y[0]**3)) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(mass2 + 3*l*(y[0]**2)) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d(6*l*(y[0])) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def phi2over3(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V= sigma phi^(2/3) for a specified sigma. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameter "sigma" which specifies lambda above. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- sigma can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the value as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "sigma" in params: s = params["sigma"] else: #Use WMAP value of lambda s = 3.81686e-10 #Unit Mpl^{10/3} if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) #potential U = 1/4 s \phi^4 U = np.asscalar(s*(y[0]**(2.0/3))) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d((2.0/3)*s*(y[0]**(-1.0/3))) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(-(2.0/9)*s*(y[0]**(-4.0/3))) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d((8.0/27)*s*(y[0]**(-7.0/3))) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def msqphisq_withV0(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V=1/2 m^2 phi^2 + V0 where m is the mass of the inflaton field. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameter "mass" which specifies m above. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- m can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the mass as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "mass" in params: m = params["mass"] else: #Use WMAP value of mass (in Mpl) m = 1.7403553e-06 if params is not None and "V0" in params: V0 = params["V0"] else: V0 = 5e-10 # Units Mpl^4 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) #Use inflaton mass mass2 = m**2 #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 U = np.asscalar(0.5*(mass2)*(y[0]**2) + V0) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d((mass2)*y[0]) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(mass2) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d(0) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def step_potential(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V=1/2 m^2 phi^2 ( 1 + c*tanh((phi-phi_s) / d) where m is the mass of the inflaton field and c, d and phi_s are provided. Form is taken from Chen etal. arxiv:0801.3295. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameter "mass" which specifies m above. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- m can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the mass as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "mass" in params: m = params["mass"] else: #Use WMAP value of mass (in Mpl) m = 6.3267e-6 if params is not None: c = params.get("c", 0.0018) d = params.get("d", 0.022) #Units of Mpl phi_s = params.get("phi_s", 14.84) #Units of Mpl else: c = 0.0018 d = 0.022 phi_s = 14.84 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) #Use inflaton mass mass2 = m**2 #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 phisq = y[0]**2 phiterm = (y[0]-phi_s)/d s = 1/np.cosh(phiterm) t = np.tanh(phiterm) U = np.asscalar(0.5*(mass2)*(y[0]**2) * (1 + c * (t - 1))) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d((mass2)*y[0] * (1 + c*(t-1)) + c * mass2 * phisq * s**2 / (2*d)) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(0.5*mass2*(4*c*y[0]*s**2/d - 2*c*phisq*s**2*t/(d**2) + 2*(1+c*(t-1)))) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d(0.5*mass2*(6*c*s**2/d - 12*c*y[0]*s**2*t/(d**2) + c*phisq*(-2*s**4/(d**3) + 4*s**2*t**2/(d**3)))) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def bump_potential(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V=1/2 m^2 phi^2 ( 1 + c*sech((phi-phi_b) / d) where m is the mass of the inflaton field and c, d and phi_b are provided. Form is taken from Chen etal. arxiv:0801.3295. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameter "mass" which specifies m above. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- m can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the mass as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "mass" in params: m = params["mass"] else: #Use WMAP value of mass (in Mpl) m = 6.3267e-6 if params is not None: c = params.get("c", 0.0005) d = params.get("d", 0.01) #Units of Mpl phi_b = params.get("phi_b", 14.84) #Units of Mpl else: c = 0.0005 d = 0.01 phi_b = 14.84 #Use inflaton mass mass2 = m**2 #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) phisq = y[0]**2 phiterm = (y[0]-phi_b)/d s = 1/np.cosh(phiterm) t = np.tanh(phiterm) U = np.asscalar(0.5*(mass2)*(y[0]**2) * (1 + c * s)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d((mass2)*y[0] * (1 + c*s) - c * mass2 * phisq * s*t / (2*d)) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(0.5*mass2*(-4*c*y[0]*s*t/d + c*phisq*(-s**3/(d**2) + s*(t**2)/(d**2)) + 2*(1+c*s))) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d(0.5*mass2*(-6*c*s*t/d + 6*c*y[0]*(-s**3/(d**2) + s*(t**2)/(d**2)) + c*phisq*(5*s**3*t/(d**3) - s*t**3/(d**3)))) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def resonance(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V=1/2 m^2 phi^2 ( 1 + c*sin(phi / d) ) where m is the mass of the inflaton field and c, d and phi_b are provided. Form is taken from Chen etal. arxiv:0801.3295. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameter "mass" which specifies m above, and the parameters "c" and "d" which tune the oscillation. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- m can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the mass as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "mass" in params: m = params["mass"] else: #Use WMAP value of mass (in Mpl) m = 6.3267e-6 if params is not None: c = params.get("c", 5e-7) d = params.get("d", 0.0007) #Units of Mpl else: c = 5e-7 d = 0.0007 #Use inflaton mass mass2 = m**2 #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) phi = y[0] phisq = phi**2 phiterm = phi/d sphi = np.sin(phiterm) cphi = np.cos(phiterm) U = np.asscalar(0.5*(mass2)*(phisq) * (1 + c * sphi)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d((mass2)*phi * (1 + c*sphi) + c * mass2 * phisq * cphi / (2*d)) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(mass2*((1+c*sphi) + 2*c/d * cphi * phi)) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d(mass2*(3*c/d*cphi -3*c/d**2*sphi * phi -0.5*c/d**3 *cphi * phisq)) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def bump_nothirdderiv(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V=1/2 m^2 phi^2 ( 1 + c*sech((phi-phi_b) / d) where m is the mass of the inflaton field and c, d and phi_b are provided. Form is taken from Chen etal. arxiv:0801.3295. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameter "mass" which specifies m above. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- m can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the mass as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "mass" in params: m = params["mass"] else: #Use WMAP value of mass (in Mpl) m = 6.3267e-6 if params is not None: c = params.get("c", 0.0005) d = params.get("d", 0.01) #Units of Mpl phi_b = params.get("phi_b", 14.84) #Units of Mpl else: c = 0.0005 d = 0.01 phi_b = 14.84 #Use inflaton mass mass2 = m**2 #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] # The shape of the potentials is important to be consistent with the # multifield case. The following shapes should be used for a single field # model: # # U : scalar (use np.asscalar) # dUdphi : 1d vector (use np.atleast_1d) # d2Udphi2 : 2d array (use np.atleast_2d) # d3Udphi3 : 3d array (use np.atleast_3d) phisq = y[0]**2 phiterm = (y[0]-phi_b)/d s = 1/np.cosh(phiterm) t = np.tanh(phiterm) U = np.asscalar(0.5*(mass2)*(y[0]**2) * (1 + c * s)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.atleast_1d((mass2)*y[0] * (1 + c*s) - c * mass2 * phisq * s*t / (2*d)) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.atleast_2d(0.5*mass2*(-4*c*y[0]*s*t/d + c*phisq*(-s**3/(d**2) + s*(t**2)/(d**2)) + 2*(1+c*s))) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.atleast_3d(0.0) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def hybridquadratic(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V = 1/2 m1^2 phi^2 + 1/2 m2^2 chi^2 where m1 and m2 are the masses of the fields. Needs nfields=2. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameters "m1" and "m2" specified above. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params: m1 = params.get("m1", 1.395464769e-6) m2 = params.get("m2", 9.768253382e-6) else: m1 = 1.395464769e-6 m2 = 9.768253382e-6 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] #Use inflaton mass mass2 = np.array([m1, m2])**2 #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 U = np.asscalar(0.5*(m1**2*y[0]**2 + m2**2*y[2]**2)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = mass2*np.array([y[0],y[2]]) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = mass2*np.eye(2) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.zeros((2,2,2)) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def ridge_twofield(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V=V0 - g phi - 1/2 m^2 chi^2 where g is a parameter and m is the mass of the chi field. Needs nfields=2. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameters "V0", "g", "m". Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params: g = params.get("g", 1e-5) m = params.get("m", 12e-5) V0 = params.get("V0", 1) else: g = 1e-5 m = 12e-5 V0 = 1 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 U = np.asscalar(V0 - g*y[0] - 0.5*m**2*y[2]**2) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.array([-g, -m**2 * y[2]]) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.array([[0,0], [0,-m**2]]) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = np.zeros((2,2,2)) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def nflation(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V = \sum_\alpha 1/2 m^2 \phi_\alpha^2 where m is the mass of each of the fields. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameter "mass" which specifies m above. The number of fields is specified through "nfields". Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. Notes ----- m can be specified in the dictionary params or otherwise it defaults to the mass as normalized with the WMAP spectrum Pr = 2.457e-9 at the WMAP pivot scale of 0.002 Mpc^-1. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params is not None and "mass" in params: m = params["mass"] else: #Use WMAP value of mass (in Mpl) m = 6.3267e-6 nfields = params["nfields"] if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] phis_ix = slice(0,nfields*2,2) #Use inflaton mass mass2 = m**2 #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 U = np.sum(0.5*(mass2)*(y[phis_ix]**2)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = (mass2)*y[phis_ix] #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = mass2*np.eye(nfields, dtype=np.complex128) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = None return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def quartictwofield(y, params=None): """Return (V, dV/dphi, d2V/dphi2, d3V/dphi3) for V= 1/2(m1^2 \phi^2 + 1/2 l1 \phi^4 + m2^2 \chi^2 + 1/2 l2 \chi^4) where m1, m2, l1, l2 are parameters. Needs nfields=2. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values in this case should hold the parameters "m1", "m2", "l1", "l2", as specified above. Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params: m1 = params.get("m1", 5e-6) m2 = params.get("m2", 5e-8) l1 = params.get("l1", 5e-10) l2 = params.get("l2", 5e-14) else: m1 = 5e-6 m2 = 5e-8 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 U = np.asscalar(0.5*(m1**2*y[0]**2 + 0.5*l1*y[0]**4 + m2**2*y[2]**2 + 0.5*l2*y[2]**4)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.array([m1**2*y[0] + l1*y[0]**3, m2**2*y[2] + l2*y[2]**3]) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.eye(2)*np.array([m1**2 + 3*l1*y[0]**2, m2**2 + 3*l2*y[2]**2]) #3rd deriv d3Udphi3 = None return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def hybridquartic(y, params=None): """Return the potential and its first three derivatives for the hybrid quartic model. The potential is given by .. math:: V = \Lambda^4 [ (1-\chi^2/v^2)^2 + \phi^2/\mu^2 + 2\phi^2\chi^2/(\phi_c^2 v^2) ] where the parameter are :math:`\Lambda, v, \mu and \phi_c`. Needs nfields=2. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values labelled "lambda" , "v", "mu", "phi_c". Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params: l = params.get("lambda", 2.3644e-6) v = params.get("v", 0.1) mu = params.get("mu", 1e3) phi_c = params.get("phi_c", 0.01) else: l = 2.3644e-6 v = 0.1 mu = 1e3 phi_c = 0.01 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] phi = y[0] chi = y[2] l4 = l**4 phicv2 = (phi_c*v)**2 #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 U = np.asscalar(l4 *((1-chi**2/v**2)**2 + phi**2/mu**2 + 2*(phi*chi)**2/phicv2)) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = l4*np.array([2*phi/mu**2 + 4*phi*chi**2/phicv2, -4*chi/v**2 * (1-chi**2/v**2) + 4*phi**2*chi/phicv2]) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = l4*np.array([[2/mu**2 + 4*chi**2/phicv2, # V phi phi 8*phi*chi/phicv2], # V phi chi [8*phi*chi/phicv2, # V chi phi -4/v**2 * (1-3*chi**2/v**2) + 4*phi**2/phicv2]]) # V chi chi #3rd deriv Not set as not used in first order calculation d3Udphi3 = np.zeros((2,2,2)) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def inflection(y, params=None): r"""Return the potential and its first three derivatives for an inflection point model. The potential is given by .. math:: V = V_0 + 0.5 m^2 \phi^2 + g \chi + 1/6 \lambda \chi^3 + \lambda/(8 r) \chi^4 where :math:`V_0 = 0.75gr + \lambda/24 r^3 + g/(4r^3)` and the parameters are :math:`\lambda, m, g and r`. Needs nfields=2. Parameters ---------- y : array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params : dict Dictionary of parameter values labelled "lambda" , "m", "g", "r". Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3 : tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params: l = params.get("lambda", 3e3) g = params.get("g", 3e-2) r = params.get("r", 0.14) m = params.get("m", 1.0) else: l = 3e3 g = 3e-2 r = 0.14 m = 1.0 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] V_0 = 0.75*g*r + l/24.0 * r**3 phi = y[0] chi = y[2] #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 U = np.asscalar(V_0 + 0.5*m**2*phi**2 + g*chi + 1/6.0 * l * chi**3 + (g/(4*r**3) + l/(8*r)) * chi**4) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.array([m**2*phi, g + 0.5 * l * chi**2 + (g/(2*r**3) + l/(2*r)) * chi**3]) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.array([[m**2, # V phi phi 0.0], # V phi chi [0.0, # V chi phi l*chi + 3/2*(g/r**3 + l/r) * chi**2]]) # V chi chi #3rd deriv Not set as not used in first order calculation d3Udphi3 = np.zeros((2,2,2)) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def hilltopaxion(y, params=None): r"""Return the potential and its first three derivatives for a hilltop axion model. The potential is given by .. math:: V = 0.5 m^2 \varphi^2 + \Lambda^4 (1 - \cos(2\pi\chi/f)) where the parameters are \Lambda, m, and f . Needs nfields=2. Parameters ---------- y: array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params: dict Dictionary of parameter values labelled "Lambda" , "m", "f". Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3: tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params: l = params.get("Lambda", np.sqrt(6e-6/(4*np.pi))) f = params.get("f", 1.0) m = params.get("m", 6e-6) else: l = np.sqrt(6e-6/(4*np.pi)) f = 1.0 m = 6e-6 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] phi = y[0] chi = y[2] twopif = 2*np.pi/f #potential U = 1/2 m^2 \phi^2 U = np.asscalar(0.5*m**2*phi**2 + l**4*(1 - np.cos(twopif*chi))) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.array([m**2*phi, l**4*(twopif)*np.sin(twopif*chi)]) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.array([[m**2, # V phi phi 0.0], # V phi chi [0.0, # V chi phi l**4*(twopif)**2*np.cos(twopif*chi)]]) # V chi chi #3rd deriv Not set as not used in first order calculation d3Udphi3 = np.zeros((2,2,2)) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3
[docs]def productexponential(y, params=None): r"""Return the potential and its first three derivatives for a product exponential potential. The potential is given by .. math:: V = V_0 \phi^2 \exp(-\lambda \chi^2) where the parameters are :math:`V_0, \lambda`. Needs nfields=2. Parameters ---------- y: array Array of variables with background phi as y[0] If you want to specify a vector of phi values, make sure that the first index still runs over the different variables, using newaxis if necessary. params: dict Dictionary of parameter values labelled "lambda" , "V_0". Returns ------- U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3: tuple of arrays Tuple of the potential and its first three derivatives. """ #Check if mass is specified in params if params: l = params.get("lambda", 0.05) V_0 = params.get("V_0", 5.3705e-13) else: l = 0.05 V_0 = 5.3705e-13 if len(y.shape)>1: y = y[:,0] phi = y[0] chi = y[2] explchi2 = np.exp(-l*chi**2) #potential U U = np.asscalar(V_0*phi**2 * explchi2) #deriv of potential wrt \phi dUdphi = np.array([2*V_0*phi*explchi2, -2*l*chi*V_0*phi**2*explchi2]) #2nd deriv d2Udphi2 = np.array([[2*V_0*explchi2, # V phi phi -4*l*chi*V_0*phi*explchi2], # V phi chi [-4*l*chi*V_0*phi*explchi2, # V chi phi -2*l*V_0*phi**2*explchi2*(1-2*l*chi)]]) # V chi chi #3rd deriv Not set as not used in first order calculation d3Udphi3 = np.zeros((2,2,2)) return U, dUdphi, d2Udphi2, d3Udphi3