tests package



tests.CallCase module

tests.CheckEscUnesc module

class tests.CheckEscUnesc.CheckEscUnesc(*args, **kargs)[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

check_esc_unesc(_in, _esc, _unesc, tps=None)[source]

tests.CheckNormpathX module

class tests.CheckNormpathX.CheckNormpathX(*args, **kargs)[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

check_normpathX(_in, _norm, ty=None)[source]

tests.MyTestCase module

Test PyUnit environment. This is a required call-dummy only.

class tests.MyTestCase.TestCase(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

class tests.MyTestCase.UseCase(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: unittest.case.TestCase

Module contents

PyUnit tests

These tests could either be called from the command line, or within Eclipse by the plugin PyDev / PyUnit.

  • CLI: ‘python setup.py test
  • Eclipse: Install PyDev, open the view PyUnit and proceed.

REMARK: For additional unit tests refer to subdirectory ‘UseCases’


Provided library modules of ‘epyunit’.