Source code for

from os import path
import pandas as pd
import json
import h5py
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
from copy import copy

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

allowed_extensions = ('.hdf', '.hdf5', '.h5', '.json', '.jsonl', '.jsonlines', '.csv')
native_byteorder = native_byteorder = {'little': '<', 'big': '>'}[sys.byteorder]

[docs]def write_data(df, file_path, key='data', use_hp5y=False, **kwargs): name, extension = path.splitext(file_path) if extension in ['.hdf', '.hdf5', '.h5']: if use_hp5y is True: to_h5py(file_path, df, key=key, **kwargs) else: df.to_hdf(file_path, key=key, **kwargs) elif extension == '.json': df.to_json(file_path, **kwargs) elif extension in ('.jsonl', '.jsonline'): df.to_json(file_path, lines=True, orient='records', **kwargs) elif extension == '.csv': index = kwargs.pop('index', False) df.to_csv(file_path, index=index, **kwargs) else: raise IOError( 'cannot write tabular data with format {}. Allowed formats: {}'.format( extension, allowed_extensions, ) )
[docs]def to_native_byteorder(array): ''' Convert numpy array to native byteorder ''' # '|' : not-applicable, '=': native if array.dtype.byteorder not in ('|', '=', native_byteorder): return array.byteswap().newbyteorder() return array
[docs]def read_h5py(file_path, key='data', columns=None, mode='r+'): ''' Read a hdf5 file written with h5py into a dataframe Parameters ---------- file_path: str file to read in key: str name of the hdf5 group to read in columns: iterable[str] Names of the datasets to read in. If not given read all 1d datasets ''' with h5py.File(file_path, mode) as f: group = f.get(key) if group is None: raise IOError('File does not contain group "{}"'.format(key)) # get all columns of which don't have more than one value per row if columns is None: columns = [col for col in group.keys() if group[col].ndim == 1] df = pd.DataFrame() for col in columns: array = to_native_byteorder(group[col][:]) # pandas cannot handle bytes, convert to str if array.dtype.kind == 'S': array = array.astype(str) if array.ndim == 1: df[col] = array elif array.ndim == 2: for i in range(array.shape[1]): df[col + '_{}'.format(i)] = array[:, i] else: log.warning('Skipping column {}, not 1d or 2d'.format(col)) if 'index' in df.columns: df.set_index('index', inplace=True) return df
def h5py_get_n_rows(file_path, key='data', mode='r+'): with h5py.File(file_path, mode) as f: group = f.get(key) if group is None: raise IOError('File does not contain group "{}"'.format(key)) return group[next(iter(group.keys()))].shape[0]
[docs]def read_h5py_chunked(file_path, key='data', columns=None, chunksize=None, mode='r+'): ''' Generator function to read from h5py hdf5 in chunks, returns an iterator over pandas dataframes. When chunksize is None, use 1 chunk ''' with h5py.File(file_path, mode) as f: group = f.get(key) if group is None: raise IOError('File does not contain group "{}"'.format(key)) # get all columns of which don't have more than one value per row if columns is None: columns = [col for col in group.keys() if group[col].ndim == 1] n_rows = h5py_get_n_rows(file_path, key=key) if chunksize is None: n_chunks = 1 chunksize = n_rows else: n_chunks = int(np.ceil(n_rows / chunksize))'Splitting data into {} chunks'.format(n_chunks)) for col in copy(columns): if group[col].ndim > 2: columns.remove(col) log.warning('Ignoring column {}, not 1d or 2d'.format(col)) for chunk in range(n_chunks): start = chunk * chunksize end = min(n_rows, (chunk + 1) * chunksize) df = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(start, end)) for col in columns: array = to_native_byteorder(group[col][start:end]) # pandas cannot handle bytes, convert to str if array.dtype.kind == 'S': array = array.astype(str) if array.ndim == 1: df[col] = array else: for i in range(array.shape[1]): df[col + '_{}'.format(i)] = array[:, i] yield df, start, end
[docs]def read_data(file_path, **kwargs): ''' This is a utility wrapper for other reading functions. It will look for the file extension and try to use the correct reader and return a dataframe. Currently supported are hdf5 (pandas and h5py), json, jsonlines and csv Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path to the input file All kwargs are passed to the individual reading function: pandas hdf5: pd.read_hdf h5py hdf5: json: pd.DataFrame(json.load(file)) jsonlines: pd.read_json csv: pd.read_csv ''' name, extension = path.splitext(file_path) if extension in ['.hdf', '.hdf5', '.h5']: try: df = pd.read_hdf(file_path, **kwargs) except (TypeError, ValueError): df = read_h5py(file_path, **kwargs) elif extension == '.json': with open(file_path, 'r') as j: d = json.load(j) df = pd.DataFrame(d) elif extension in ('.jsonl', '.jsonlines'): df = pd.read_json(file_path, lines=True, **kwargs) elif extension == '.csv': df = pd.read_csv(file_path, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown data file extension {}'.format(extension)) return df
[docs]def check_extension(file_path, allowed_extensions=allowed_extensions): p, extension = path.splitext(file_path) if extension not in allowed_extensions: raise IOError('Allowed formats: {}'.format(allowed_extensions))
[docs]def to_h5py(filename, df, key='data', mode='w', dtypes=None, index=True, **kwargs): ''' Write pandas dataframe to h5py style hdf5 file Parameters ---------- filename: str output file name df: pd.DataFrame The data to write out key: str the name for the hdf5 group to hold all datasets, default: data mode: str 'w' to overwrite existing files, 'a' to append dtypes: dict if given, a mapping of column names to dtypes for conversion. index: bool If bool, also save the index of the dataframe All `**kwargs` are passed to h5py.create_dataset ''' assert mode in ('w', 'a'), 'mode has to be either "a" or "w"' array = df.to_records(index=index) if dtypes is not None: array = change_recarray_dtype(array, dtypes) with h5py.File(filename, mode=mode) as f: if mode == 'w': initialize_h5py(f, array.dtype, key=key, **kwargs) append_to_h5py(f, array, key=key)
def change_recarray_dtype(array, dtypes): ''' Change dtypes of recarray columns Parameters ---------- array: np.recarray The array to modify dtypes: dict if given, a mapping of column names to dtypes for conversion. Returns ------- array: np.recarray Copy of the original array with changed dtypes ''' # get a modifieabale list of dtypes dt = array.dtype.descr # create a mapping from column name to index idx = {k: i for i, (k, d) in enumerate(dt)} for col, new_type in dtypes.items(): dt[idx[col]] = (col, new_type) dt = np.dtype(dt) return array.astype(dt) def initialize_h5py(f, dtypes, key='events', **kwargs): ''' Create a group with name `key` and empty datasets for each entry in dtypes. Parameters ---------- f: h5py.File the hdf5 file, opened either in write or append mode dtypes: numpy.dtype the numpy dtype object of a record or structured array describing the columns key: str the name for the hdf5 group to hold all datasets, default: data All kwargs are passed to h5py create_dataset ''' group = f.create_group(key) for name in dtypes.names: dtype = dtypes[name] maxshape = [None] + list(dtype.shape) shape = [0] + list(dtype.shape) if dtype.base == object: dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) elif dtype.type == np.datetime64: # save dates as ISO string, create dummy date to get correct length dt = np.array(0, dtype=dtype).astype('S').dtype else: dt = dtype.base group.create_dataset( name, shape=tuple(shape), maxshape=tuple(maxshape), dtype=dt, **kwargs ) return group def append_to_h5py(f, array, key='events'): ''' Append a numpy record or structured array to the given hdf5 file The file should have been previously initialized with initialize_hdf5 Parameters ---------- f: h5py.File the hdf5 file, opened either in write or append mode array: numpy.array or numpy.recarray the numpy array to append key: str the name for the hdf5 group with the corresponding data sets ''' group = f.get(key) for column in array.dtype.names: dataset = group.get(column) n_existing_rows = dataset.shape[0] n_new_rows = array[column].shape[0] dataset.resize(n_existing_rows + n_new_rows, axis=0) # swap byteorder if not native if array[column].dtype.byteorder not in ('=', native_byteorder, '|'): data = array[column].newbyteorder().byteswap() else: data = array[column] if data.dtype.type == np.datetime64: data = data.astype('S') if data.ndim == 1: dataset[n_existing_rows:] = data elif data.ndim == 2: dataset[n_existing_rows:, :] = data else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 1d and 2d arrays are supported at this point')