Source code for fact.analysis.statistics

import numpy as np

[docs]def li_ma_significance(n_on, n_off, alpha=0.2): ''' Calculate the Li&Ma significance for given observations data Parameters ---------- n_on: integer or array like Number of events for the on observations n_off: integer of array like Number of events for the off observations alpha: float Scaling factor for the off observations, for wobble observations this is 1 / number of off regions ''' scalar = np.isscalar(n_on) n_on = np.array(n_on, copy=False, ndmin=1) n_off = np.array(n_off, copy=False, ndmin=1) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): p_on = n_on / (n_on + n_off) p_off = n_off / (n_on + n_off) t1 = n_on * np.log(((1 + alpha) / alpha) * p_on) t2 = n_off * np.log((1 + alpha) * p_off) ts = (t1 + t2) significance = np.sqrt(ts * 2) significance[np.isnan(significance)] = 0 significance[n_on < alpha * n_off] = 0 if scalar: return significance[0] return significance