.. _es-guide-reference-query-dsl-bool-filter: =========== Bool Filter =========== A filter that matches documents matching boolean combinations of other queries. Similar in concept to Boolean query, except that the clauses are other filters. Can be placed within queries that accept a filter. .. code-block:: js { "filtered" : { "query" : { "queryString" : { "default_field" : "message", "query" : "elasticsearch" } }, "filter" : { "bool" : { "must" : { "term" : { "tag" : "wow" } }, "must_not" : { "range" : { "age" : { "from" : 10, "to" : 20 } } }, "should" : [ { "term" : { "tag" : "sometag" } }, { "term" : { "tag" : "sometagtag" } } ] } } } } Caching ======= The result of the `bool` filter is automatically cached by default. The `_cache` can be set to `false` to turn it off.