.. _es-guide-reference-mapping-id-field: ======== Id Field ======== Each document indexed is associated with an id and a type. The **_id** field can be used to index just the id, and possible also store it. By default it is not indexed and not stored (thus, not created). Note, even though the **_id** is not indexed, all the APIs still work (since they work with the **_uid** field), as well as fetching by ids using the **ids** query/filter. The **_id** field can be enabled to be indexed, and possibly stored, using: .. code-block:: js { "tweet" : { :ref:`_id" : {"index ` ex ` "not_analyzed", "store" : "yes"} } } In order to maintain backward compatibility, a node level setting **index.mapping._id.indexed** can be set to **true** to make sure that the id is indexed when upgrading to **0.16**, though its recommended to not index the id.