.. _es-guide-reference-api-index: .. _es-guide-reference-api: === Api === This section describes the REST APIs *elasticsearch* provides (mainly) using JSON. The API is exposed using :ref:`HTTP `, :ref:`thrift `, :ref:`memcached `. Options ======= Pretty Results -------------- When appending **?pretty=true** to any request made, the JSON returned will be pretty formatted (use it for debugging only!). Parameters ---------- Rest parameters (when using HTTP, map to HTTP URL parameters) follow the convention of using underscore casing. Boolean Values -------------- All REST APIs parameters (both request parameters and JSON body) support providing boolean "false" as the values: **false**, **0** and **off**. All other values are considered "true". Note, this is not related to fields within a document indexed treated as boolean fields. Number Values ------------- All REST APIs support providing numbered parameters as **string** on top of supporting the native JSON number types. Result Casing ------------- All REST APIs accept the **case** parameter. When set to **camelCase**, all field names in the result will be returned in camel casing, otherwise, underscore casing will be used. Note, this does not apply to the source document indexed. JSONP ----- All REST APIs accept a **callback** parameter resulting in a `JSONP `_ result. You can also use the **source** query string parameter to substitute for the body of the request. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 admin-cluster-health admin-cluster-nodes-info admin-cluster-nodes-shutdown admin-cluster-nodes-stats admin-cluster-state admin-indices-aliases admin-indices-analyze admin-indices-clearcache admin-indices-create-index admin-indices-delete-index admin-indices-delete-mapping admin-indices-flush admin-indices-gateway-snapshot admin-indices-get-mapping admin-indices-open-close admin-indices-optimize admin-indices-put-mapping admin-indices-refresh admin-indices-status admin-indices-templates admin-indices-get-settings admin-indices-update-settings bulk count delete-by-query delete get index_ more-like-this percolate search/index