.. _es-guide-appendix-clients: ======= Clients ======= Clients ------- * `ElasticSearch.pm `_: Perl client. * `pyes `_: Python client. * `pyelasticsearch `_: Python client. * `em-elasticsearch `_: elasticsearch library for eventmachine. * `rubberband `_: Ruby client. * `tire `_: Ruby API & DSL, with full ActiveModel compatibility. * `elastic_searchable `_: Ruby client + Rails integration. * `erlastic_search `_: Erlang client. * `Elastica `_: PHP client. * `elasitcsearch `_ `_ PHP client. * `NEST `_: .NET client. * `ElasticSearch.NET `_: .NET client. Integrations ------------ * `Grails `_: ElasticSearch Grails plugin. * `escargot `_: ElasticSearch connector for Rails (WIP). * `catalyst `_: ElasticSearch and Catalyst integration. * `django-elasticsearch `_: Django ElasticSearch Backend. * `elasticflume `_: `Flume `_ ume sink implementation. * `Terrastore Search `_: `Terrastore `_ re/ integration module with elasticsearch. * `Wonderdog `_: Hadoop bulk loader into elasticsearch. * `Play! Framework `_: Integrate with Play! Framework Application. Misc ---- * `Puppet `_: elasticsearch puppet module. * `elasticsearch-rpms `_: RPMs for elasticsearch. Front Ends ---------- * `elasticsearch-head `_: A web front end for an elastic search cluster. * `elasticsearch-js `_: Both a JavaScript (jqeury) based client and monitoring (check the stats demo). Github ------ Github is a place where a lot of development is done around *elasticsearch*, here is a simple search for `repos `_.