Changelog ========= Trunk (v.0.17.0) API BREAKING: Added new searcher iterator API. (To use the old code rename ".search" in ".search_raw") API BREAKING: renamed indexes in indices. To be complaint to ES documentation. Tests refactory. v. 0.16.0: Updated documentation. Added TextQuery and some clean up of code. Added percolator (matterkkila). Added date_histogram facet (zebuline). Added script fields to Search object, also add "fields" to TermFacet (aguereca). Added analyze_wildcard param to StringQuery (available for ES 0.16.0) (zebuline). Add ScriptFields object used as parameter script_fields of Search object (aguereca). Add IdsQuery, IdsFilter and deleteByQuery (aguereca). Bulk delete (acdha). v. 0.15.0: Only require simplejson for python < 2.6 (matterkkila) Added basic version support to ES.index and Search (merrellb) Added scan method to ES. This is only supported on ES Master (pre 0.16) (merrellb) Added GeoPointField to mapping types (merrellb) Disable thrift in Added missing _routing property in ObjectField Added ExistsFilter Improved HasChildren Add min_similarity and prefix_length to flt. Added _scope to HasChildQuery. (andreiz) Added parent/child document in test indexing. Added _scope to HasChildFilter. Added MissingFilter as a subclass of TermFilter Fixed error in checking TermsQuery (merrellb) If an analyzer is set on a field, the returned mapping will have an analyzer Add a specific error subtype for mapper parsing exceptions (rboulton) Add support for Float numeric field mappings (rboulton) ES.get() now accepts "fields" as well as other keyword arguments (eg "routing") (rboulton) Allow dump_curl to be passed a filehandle (or still a filename), don't for filenames to be in /tmp, and add a basic test of it. Add alias handling (rboulton) Add ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException - used for example when writing to an alias which refers to more than one index. (rboulton) Handle errors produced by deleting a missing document, and add a test for it. (rboulton) Split Query object into a Search object, for the search specific parts, and a Query base class. Allow to take a query or a search object. Make some of the methods of Query base classes chainable, where that is an obviously reasonable thing to do. (rboulton) v. 0.14.0: Added delete of mapping type. Embedded urllib3 to be buildout safe and for users sake. Some code cleanup. Added reindex by query (usable only with my elasticsearch git branch). Added contrib with mailman indexing. Autodetect if django is available and added related functions. Code cleanup and PEP8. Reactivated the morelikethis query. Fixed river support plus unittest. (Tavis Aitken) Added autorefresh to sync search and write. Added QueryFilter. Forced name attribute in multifield declaration. Added is_empty to ConstantScoreQuery and fixed some bad behaviour. Added CustomScoreQuery. Added parent/children indexing. Added dump commands in a script file "curl" way. Added a lot of fix from Richard Boulton. v. 0.13.1: Added jython support (HTTP only for now). v. 0.13.0: API Changes: errors -> exceptions. Splitting of query/filters. Added open/close of index. Added the number of retries if server is down. Refactory Range query. (Andrei) Improved HTTP connection timeout/retries. (Sandymahalo) Cleanup some imports. (Sandymahalo) v. 0.12.1: Added collecting server info. Version 0.12 or above requirement. Fixed attachment plugin. Updated bulk insert to use new api. Added facet support (except geotypes). Added river support. Cleanup some method. Added default_indexes variable. Added datetime deserialization. Improved performance and memory usage in bulk insert replacing list with StringIO. Initial propagation of elasticsearch exception to python. v. 0.12.0: added http transport, added autodetect of transport, updated thrift interface. v. 0.10.3: added bulk insert, explain and facet. v. 0.10.2: added new geo query type. v. 0.10.1: added new connection pool system based on pycassa one. v. 0.10.0: initial working version.