Raw Image data products

Readout modes


In single mode, the detector is readout after a reset. After the readout, the detector is reset gain. This readout mode has limited utillity and it is meant for engeneering.

The frame contains a single HDU. The data section of the HDU contains the 2048x2048 dataframe. In the header, the following keywords are set

READPROC = F / The frame has been preprocessed after readout
READMODE = ‘SINGLE’  / The readmode used to adquire the image

Correlated double sampling

In correlated double sampling, the detector is reset, then read inmediately after the reset and then read after the programed exposure time.

The frame contains a single HDU. The data section of the HDU contains a 2048x2048x2 dataframe. The first layer contains the readout after reset and the second the readout after the exposure time. In the header, the following keywords are set

READPROC = F / The frame has been preprocessed after readout
READMODE = ‘CDS’  / The readmode used to adquire the image


Fowler mode is an extension of CDS. The detector is reset, then read n times, exposed and then read agin n times. The exposure time in this case is equal to the time between correlated reads.

The frame contains a single HDU. The data section of the HDU contains a 2048x2048x2n dataframe. The first n layers contain the readouts after reset and the second n the readouts after the exposure time. In the header, the following keywords are set

READPROC = F / The frame has been preprocessed after readout
READMODE = ‘FOWLER’  / The readmode used to adquire the image
READSAMP = 2*n / Number of samples taken

Follow-up-the ramp

In ramp mode, the exposure time is sampled n times.

The frame contains a single HDU. The data section of the HDU contains a 2048x2048xn dataframe. Each layer contains the n-th readouts after reset. In the header, the following keywords are set

READPROC = F / The frame has been preprocessed after readout
READMODE = ‘RAMP’  / The readmode used to adquire the image
READSAMP = n / Number of samples taken

Image types





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