pyddlib package


pyddlib.add module

class pyddlib.add.ADD(index, low, high, value)[source]

Bases: pyddlib.dd.DD

Reduced Ordered Algebraic Decision Diagram class.

  • index (int) – root vertex variable index (-1 if terminal vertex)
  • low (pyddlib.ADD) – low child vertex of ADD (None if terminal vertex)
  • high (pyddlib.ADD) – high child vertex of ADD (None if terminal vertex)
  • value – terminal numeric value (None if non-terminal vertex)
classmethod constant(value)[source]

Return a terminal node with a given numeric value.

Parameters:value (Number) – numeric value
Return type:pyddlib.ADD

Return variable index of node.

Return type:int

Return True if ADD function represents a constant value. Otherwise, return False.

Return type:bool

Return True if ADD function represents a constant value. Otherwise, return False.

Return type:bool

Return True if ADD function represents the function of a single boolean variable. Otherwise, return False.

Return type:bool

Compute a new reduced ADD with variable marginalized. Return self.restrict({variable.index: 1}) + self.restrict({variable.index: 0})

Parameters:variable – ADD variable node
Return type:pyddlib.ADD
classmethod terminal(value)[source]

Return a terminal node with a given numeric value.

Parameters:value (Number) – numeric value
Return type:pyddlib.ADD

Return node value.

Return type:Number or None
classmethod variable(index)[source]

Return the ADD representing the function of a single boolean variable with given index.

Parameters:index (int) – variable index
Return type:pyddlib.ADD

pyddlib.bdd module

class pyddlib.bdd.BDD(index, low, high, value)[source]

Bases: pyddlib.dd.DD

Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram class.

  • index (int) – root vertex variable index (-1 if terminal vertex)
  • low (pyddlib.BDD) – low child vertex of BDD (None if terminal vertex)
  • high (pyddlib.BDD) – high child vertex of BDD (None if terminal vertex)
  • value – terminal boolean value (None if non-terminal vertex)

Return True if BDD function represents boolean value True. Otherwise, return False.

Return type:bool

Return True if BDD function represents a constant value. Otherwise, return False.

Return type:bool

Return True if BDD function represents the function of a single boolean variable. Otherwise, return False.

Return type:bool

Return True if BDD function represents boolean value False. Otherwise, return False.

Return type:bool
classmethod one()[source]

Return the BDD representing the constant function True.

Return type:pyddlib.BDD
classmethod terminal(value)[source]

Return a terminal node with a given boolean value.

Parameters:value (bool) – True or False
Return type:pyddlib.BDD
classmethod variable(index)[source]

Return the BDD representing the function of a single boolean variable with given index.

Parameters:index (int) – variable index
Return type:pyddlib.BDD
classmethod zero()[source]

Return the BDD representing the constant function False.

Return type:pyddlib.BDD

pyddlib.dd module

class pyddlib.dd.DD[source]

Bases: object

Decision Diagram abstract base class.

classmethod apply(v1, v2, op)[source]

Return a new canonical representation of the pyddlib.DD object for the result of v1 op v2.

  • v1 (pyddlib.DD) – root vertex of left operand
  • v2 (pyddlib.DD) – root vertex of right operand
  • op (callable object or function) – a binary operator
Return type:



Reduce in place a pyddlib.DD object rooted in self by removing duplicate nodes and redundant sub-trees. Return the canonical representation of the pyddlib.DD object.

Return type:pyddlib.DD

Return a new reduced ADD with variables in valuation.keys() restricted to valuation.values().

Parameters:valuation (dict(int,bool)) – mapping from variable index to boolean value
Return type:pyddlib.ADD

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