PyColors’s documentation

Module colors

Python module to ease the use of colors on programs that run on CLI. Works fine on Linux and any Operating System running BaSH or compatibles. If the shell’s not color compatible, he’ll get the raw string. The module have predefined some basic colors, but you can use any color, if you know the color code.

Usage example

>>> from colors import Color
>>> yellow = Color('1;33')
>>> print yellow('Hello World')
Hello World
>>> from colors import red
>>> print red('Ola Mundo')

Working with this module as an optional dependency

If you don’t want to force the users to have PyColors installed you can make the use of the colors module optional. For example:

# trying to use colors
    from colors import light_blue, light_red, red, white
    light_blue = light_red = red = white = lambda(x): str(x)

With this, if the user don’t have the colors module, he’ll get the raw strings normally.

copyright:2009 Rafael Goncalves Martins.
license:BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
class colors.Color(color_code)
PyColors main class
This function forces the non-usage of colors. You can also disable colors setting the environment variable DISABLE_COLORS with any value.

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