#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Samuele Carcagno <sam.carcagno@gmail.com>
# This file is part of pybdf
# pybdf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# pybdf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pybdf. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This module can be used to read the header and data from
24-bit BIOSEMI BDF files recorded with the ActiveTwo system.
>>> bdfRec = bdfRecording('res1.bdf') #create bdfRecording object
>>> bdfRec.recordDuration #how many seconds the recording lasts
>>> bdfRec.sampRate #sampling rate for each channel
>>> #read 10 seconds of data from the first two channels
>>> rec = bdfRec.getData(channels=[0, 1], beginning=0, end=10)
from __future__ import nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import, with_statement, print_function, unicode_literals
import copy, numpy
import libforbdf
from numpy import concatenate, diff, where
__version__ = "0.1.15"
[docs]class bdfRecording:
Class for dealing with BIOSEMI 24-bit BDF files.
A bdfRecording object is created with the following syntax::
>>> bdfRec = bdfRecording('bdf_file.bdf')
This reads the BDF header, but not the data. You need to use
the getData() method to read the data.
The full documentation of the BDF file format can be found here:
idCode : str
Identification code
subjId : str
Local subject identification
recId : str
Local recording identification
startDate : str
Recording start date
startTime : str
Recording start time
nBytes : int
Number of bytes occupied by the bdf header
versionDataFormat : str
Version of data format
nDataRecords : int
Number of data records "-1" if unknown
recordDuration : float
Duration of a data record, in seconds
nChannels : int
Number of channels in data record
chanLabels : list of str
Channel labels
transducer : list of str
Transducer type
physDim : str
Physical dimension of channels
physMin : list of int
Physical minimum in units of physical dimension
physMax : list of int
Physical maximum in units of physical dimension
digMin : list of int
Digital minimum
digMax : list of int
Digital maximum
prefilt : list of str
nSampRec : list of int
Number of samples in each data record
reserved : list of str
scaleFactor : list of floats
Scaling factor for digital to physical dimension
sampRate : list of int
Recording sampling rate
statusChanIdx : int
Index of the status channel
nDataChannels : int
Number of data channels containing data (rather than trigger codes)
dataChanLabels : list of str
Labels of the channels containing data (rather than trigger codes)
def __init__(self, fileName):
self.fileName = fileName
f = open(self.fileName, "rb")
#except IOError:
# print("Could not open file. Check that that the file name\
# is correct")
# return
#python already throws an IOError if the file
#does not exist, but maybe we should check that
#the file is indeed of type BDF
self.idCodeNonASCII = f.read(1)
self.idCode = bytes.decode(f.read(7), 'ascii')
self.subjId = bytes.decode(f.read(80), 'ascii')
self.recId = bytes.decode(f.read(80), 'ascii')
self.startDate = bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii')
self.startTime = bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii')
self.nBytes = int(bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii'))
self.versionDataFormat = bytes.decode(f.read(44), 'ascii')
self.nDataRecords = int(bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii'))
self.recordDuration = float(bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii').strip())
self.nChannels = int(bytes.decode(f.read(4), 'ascii'))
self.chanLabels = []
self.transducer = []
self.physDim = []
self.physMin = []
self.physMax = []
self.digMin = []
self.digMax = []
self.prefilt = []
self.nSampRec = []
self.reserved = []
self.scaleFactor = []
self.sampRate = []
self.duration = self.recordDuration * self.nDataRecords
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.chanLabels.append(bytes.decode(f.read(16), 'ascii').strip())
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.transducer.append(bytes.decode(f.read(80), 'ascii').strip())
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.physDim.append(bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii').strip())
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.physMin.append(int(bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii')))
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.physMax.append(int(bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii')))
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.digMin.append(int(bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii')))
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.digMax.append(int(bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii')))
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.prefilt.append(bytes.decode(f.read(80), 'ascii').strip())
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.nSampRec.append(int(bytes.decode(f.read(8), 'ascii')))
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.reserved.append(bytes.decode(f.read(32), 'ascii'))
for i in range(self.nChannels):
self.scaleFactor.append((self.physMax[i] - self.physMin[i]) / (self.digMax[i] - self.digMin[i]))
self.statusChanIdx = self.chanLabels.index("Status")
self.nDataChannels = self.nChannels - 1
self.dataChanLabels = copy.copy(self.chanLabels)
self.sampRate = list(numpy.array(numpy.round(numpy.array(self.nSampRec) / self.recordDuration), dtype=numpy.int16))
[docs] def getData(self, beginning=0, end=None, channels=None, eventTable=True, trigChan=False, sysCodeChan=False):
Read the data from a bdfRecording object
beginning : int
Start time of data chunk to read (seconds).
end : int
End time of data chunk to read (seconds).
channels : list of integers or strings
Channels to read. Both channel numbers, or channel names are accepted. Note that channel numbers are indexed starting from *zero*.
eventTable : boolean
If True, return the triggers event table
trigChan : boolean
If True, return the channel containing the triggers
sysCodeChan : boolean
If True, return the channel containing the system codes
rec : a dictionary with three keys
- data : an array of floats with dimenions nChannels X nDataPoints
- chanLabels : a list containing the labels of the channels that were read,
in the same order they are inserted in the data matrix
- trigChannel : an array of integers with the triggers in decimal format
- sysCodeChannel : an array of integers with the system codes in decimal format
- eventTable : a dictionary with the following keys
- code : array of ints
The trigger codes
- idx : array of ints
The indexes of the trigger codes
- dur : array of floats
The duration of the triggers in seconds
>>> x = bdfRecording('res1.bdf')
>>> rec = x.getData(channels=[0, 2], beginning=0, end=10)
if end is None: #read all data
end = self.nDataRecords
if channels is None: #read all data channels
channels = copy.copy(self.dataChanLabels)
if len(channels) > self.nDataChannels:
print("Requested channels more than available channels. Exiting")
for i in range(len(channels)): #if some or all channels were given as labels convert them to indexes
if isinstance(channels[i], str):
channels[i] = self.dataChanLabels.index(channels[i])
channels = sorted(channels)
chanLabels = []
for i in range(len(channels)):
nChannelsToRead = len(channels)
f = open(self.fileName, "rb")
recordsToRead = end - beginning
data, statchan = libforbdf.read_channels(self.fileName, beginning, end, self.nChannels, self.nSampRec, self.statusChanIdx)
data = numpy.array(data*self.scaleFactor[0], dtype=numpy.float32)
trigChannel = statchan[0,:]
sysCodeChannel = statchan[1,:]
chanToDel = []
for c in range(self.nDataChannels):
if c not in channels:
if len(chanToDel) > 0:
data = numpy.delete(data, numpy.array(chanToDel, dtype=numpy.int16), axis=0)
#event table
evtTab = {}
if eventTable == True:
startPoints = concatenate(([0], where(diff(trigChannel) != 0)[0] + 1))
stopPoints = concatenate((where(diff(trigChannel) != 0)[0], [len(trigChannel)-1]))
trigDurs = (stopPoints - startPoints)/self.sampRate[0]
evt = trigChannel[startPoints]
evtTab['code'] = evt
evtTab['idx'] = startPoints
evtTab['dur'] = trigDurs
evtTab['code'] = None
evtTab['idx'] = None
evtTab['dur'] = None
rec = {}
rec['data'] = data
if trigChan == True:
rec['trigChan'] = trigChannel
rec['trigChan'] = None
if sysCodeChan == True:
rec['sysCodeChan'] = statusChannel
rec['sysCodeChan'] = None
rec['chanLabels'] = chanLabels
rec['eventTable'] = evtTab
return rec