.. PyBB documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Dec 31 19:09:51 2009. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. PyBB - Django Forum Application =============================== Oficial repository: http://bitbucket.org/lorien/pybb Author's email: lorien@lorien.name Installation ============ * Install all dependencies and configure it. * Edit settings.py * Add ``pybb`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` * Add ``from pybb.settings import *`` line * Add ``pybb.middleware.PybbMiddleware`` to ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` * Add ``url('^forum/', include('pybb.urls'))`` to ``urls.py`` file * Run command ``manage.py migrate`` if you installed `south `_ (recommended) or ``./manage.py syncdb`` (if south is not installed) * Symlink or copy pybb static files to "%MEDIA_ROOT%/pybb" * Run command ``manage.py pybb_created_related_objects`` It will create Profile objects for each existing user. Dependencies ============ * django-common * markdown * pytils (optional) * south (optional) * django-haystack (required for search, optional) Feature list ============ * Each category, forum, topic and post has its own permanent url * BBcode and markdown support * Simple moderator system * Email subscription on topic replies * Topic could be sticked or closed * Plain text urls are converted to active links * Each user has profile with individual forum related settings * Unread topics are marked * i18n * File attachments to the post * AJAX preview of new post content * Search .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1