Source code for postgresql.temporal

# .temporal - manage the temporary cluster
Temporary PostgreSQL cluster for the process.
import os
import atexit
from collections import deque
from .cluster import Cluster, ClusterError
from . import installation
from .python.socket import find_available_port

[docs]class Temporal(object): """ Manages a temporary cluster for the duration of the process. Instances of this class reference a distinct cluster. These clusters are transient; they will only exist until the process exits. Usage:: >>> from postgresql.temporal import pg_tmp >>> with pg_tmp: ... ps = db.prepare('SELECT 1') ... assert ps.first() == 1 Or `pg_tmp` can decorate a method or function. """ #: Format the cluster directory name. cluster_dirname = 'pg_tmp_{0}_{1}'.format cluster = None _init_pid_ = None _local_id_ = 0 builtins_keys = { 'connector', 'db', 'do', 'xact', 'proc', 'settings', 'prepare', 'sqlexec', 'newdb', } def __init__(self): self.builtins_stack = deque() self.sandbox_id = 0 # identifier for keeping temporary instances unique. self.__class__._local_id_ = self.local_id = (self.__class__._local_id_ + 1) def __call__(self, callable): def in_pg_temporal_context(*args, **kw): with self: return callable(*args, **kw) n = getattr(callable, '__name__', None) if n: in_pg_temporal_context.__name__ = n return in_pg_temporal_context def destroy(self): # Don't destroy if it's not the initializing process. if os.getpid() == self._init_pid_: # Kill all the open connections. try: c = cluster.connection(user = 'test', database = 'template1',) with c: if c.version_info[:2] <= (9,1): c.sys.terminate_backends() else: c.sys.terminate_backends_92() except Exception: # Doesn't matter much if it fails. pass cluster = self.cluster self.cluster = None self._init_pid_ = None if cluster is not None: cluster.stop() cluster.wait_until_stopped(timeout = 5) cluster.drop() def init(self, installation_factory = installation.default, inshint = { 'hint' : "Try setting the PGINSTALLATION " \ "environment variable to the `pg_config` path" } ): if self.cluster is not None: return ## # Hasn't been created yet, but doesn't matter. # On exit, obliterate the cluster directory. self._init_pid_ = os.getpid() atexit.register(self.destroy) # [$HOME|.]/.pg_tmpdb_{pid} self.cluster_path = os.path.join( os.environ.get('HOME', os.getcwd()), self.cluster_dirname(self._init_pid_, self.local_id) ) self.logfile = os.path.join(self.cluster_path, 'logfile') installation = installation_factory() if installation is None: raise ClusterError( 'could not find the default pg_config', details = inshint ) cluster = Cluster(installation, self.cluster_path,) # If it exists already, destroy it. if cluster.initialized(): cluster.drop() cluster.encoding = 'utf-8' cluster.init( user = 'test', # Consistent username. encoding = cluster.encoding, logfile = None, ) # Configure self.cluster_port = find_available_port() if self.cluster_port is None: raise ClusterError( 'could not find a port for the test cluster on localhost', creator = cluster ) cluster.settings.update(dict( port = str(self.cluster_port), max_connections = '20', shared_buffers = '200', listen_addresses = 'localhost', log_destination = 'stderr', log_min_messages = 'FATAL', unix_socket_directory = cluster.data_directory, )) cluster.settings.update(dict( max_prepared_transactions = '10', )) # Start it up. with open(self.logfile, 'w') as lfo: cluster.start(logfile = lfo) cluster.wait_until_started() # Initialize template1 and the test user database. c = cluster.connection(user = 'test', database = 'template1',) with c: c.execute('create database test') # It's ready. self.cluster = cluster def push(self): c = self.cluster.connection(user = 'test') c.connect() extras = [] def new_pg_tmp_connection(l = extras, c = c, sbid = 'sandbox' + str(self.sandbox_id + 1)): # Used to create a new connection that will be closed # when the context stack is popped along with 'db'. l.append(c.clone()) l[-1].settings['search_path'] = str(sbid) + ',' + l[-1].settings['search_path'] return l[-1] # The new builtins. builtins = { 'db' : c, 'prepare' : c.prepare, 'xact' : c.xact, 'sqlexec' : c.execute, 'do' :, 'settings' : c.settings, 'proc' : c.proc, 'connector' : c.connector, 'new' : new_pg_tmp_connection, } if not self.builtins_stack: # Store any of those set or not set. current = { k : __builtins__[k] for k in self.builtins_keys if k in __builtins__ } self.builtins_stack.append((current, [])) # Store and push. self.builtins_stack.append((builtins, extras)) __builtins__.update(builtins) self.sandbox_id += 1 def pop(self, exc, drop_schema = 'DROP SCHEMA sandbox{0} CASCADE'.format): builtins, extras = self.builtins_stack.pop() self.sandbox_id -= 1 # restore __builtins__ if len(self.builtins_stack) > 1: __builtins__.update(self.builtins_stack[-1][0]) else: previous = self.builtins_stack.popleft() for x in self.builtins_keys: if x in previous: __builtins__[x] = previous[x] else: # Wasn't set before. __builtins__.pop(x, None) # close popped connection, but only if we're not in an interrupt. # However, temporal will always terminate all backends atexit. if exc is None or isinstance(exc, Exception): # Interrupt then close. Just in case something is lingering. for xdb in [builtins['db']] + list(extras): if xdb.closed is False: # In order for a clean close of the connection, # interrupt before closing. It is still # possible for the close to block, but less likely. xdb.interrupt() xdb.close() # Interrupted and closed all the other connections at this level; # now remove the sandbox schema. c = self.cluster.connection(user = 'test') with c: # Use a new connection so that the state of # the context connection will not have to be # contended with. c.execute(drop_schema(self.sandbox_id+1)) else: # interrupt pass def __enter__(self): if self.cluster is None: self.init() self.push() try: db.connect() db.execute('CREATE SCHEMA sandbox' + str(self.sandbox_id)) db.settings['search_path'] = 'sandbox' + str(self.sandbox_id) + ',' + db.settings['search_path'] except Exception as e: # failed to initialize sandbox schema; pop it. self.pop(e) raise def __exit__(self, exc, val, tb): if self.cluster is not None: self.pop(val) #: The process' temporary cluster.
pg_tmp = Temporal()