Resource directories ==================== The Plone Client connector allows you to define your own resource directories containing - the PDF main template - style sheets - font files - hyphenation files Registering your own resource directory --------------------------------------- First you need your own policy - e.g. *zopyx.theme*. Inside the configure.zcml file of your *zopyx.theme* you need to register a sub-directory using the ``pp:resourceDirectory`` directive: :: The registered ``resources_pdf`` directory must contain all resource files as flat structure (no sub-directories). The ``name`` parameter relates to the optional ``resource`` URL parameter as use for the ``@@asPlainPDF`` browser view. Naming conventions ------------------ - PDF template: .pt - Stylesheets: .css, .styles - Images: .gif, .jpg, .png - Hyphenation files: .hyp - Coverpage templates (only used with Authoring Environment): .cover - Font files: .otf, .ttf