Installation ============ This documentation assumes that your installation of Plone/Zope is based on zc.buildout. - edit your *buildout.cfg* - add *pp.client-plone* to the **eggs** options of your buildout.cfg:: eggs = ... pp.client-plone - restart Zope/Plone - configure url, username and password of the server through the ``Produce & Publish server`` configuration option within the Plone site setup. .. note:: This version of the Produce & Publish Plone Client Connector requires an installation of the new ``pp.server`` Produce & Publish Server. It will not work with the older ``zopyx.smartprintng.server`` server implementation. Supported Plone content-types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Archetypes-based content-types ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Document - Folder (nested structure) - News item - Collection (new-style collections Plone 4.3 only) - Image Dexterity-based content-types +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There is no direct support for Dexterity content-types available however the configuration contains an example configuration on how to register the interface of a Dexterity content-type with the Plone Client Connector. However support for Dexterity types will only work for filesystem-based Dexterity types with a related marker interface - there is no support for through-the-web defined Dexterity types. Usage ~~~~~ The Plone connector provides a dedicated @@asPDF view that can be added to the URL of any of the supported content-types of Plone (Document, Folder, Newsitem, PloneGlossary). So when your document is for example associated with the URL:: :: http://your.server/plone/my-page you can generate a PDF by using the URL :: http://your.server/plone/my-page/@@asPDF Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ The @@asPDF view accepts the following parameters controlling certain aspects of the PDF conversion: - **language** - can be set to 'de', 'en', 'fr' etc. in order to control language-specific aspects of the PDF conversion. Most important: this parameter controls the hyphenation. The Plone connector comes out-of-the-box with hypenation tables for several languages.  You can omit this URL parameter if the **Language** metadata parameter (of the top-level document) to be converted is set within Plone. - **converter** - if you are using the Produce & Publish server with a converter backend other than PrinceXML you can specify a different name (default is *princexml*). Possible values - ``princexml`` - ``pdfreactor`` - ``phantomjs`` - **resource** - can be set in order to specify a registered resource directory to be used for running the conversion. The ```resource`` parameter must be identical with the ``name`` parameter of the related ZCML ```` directive. - **template** - can be used to specify the name of template to be used for running the conversion. The ``template`` parameter usually refers to a .pt filename inside the ``resource`` directory. Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The environment variable ``PP_ZIP_OUTPUT`` can be set to export all resources used for the conversion into a ZIP file for debugging purposes. The path of the generated ZIP file is logged within the standard Zope/Plone logfile (or the console if Plone is running in foreground).