Changelog ========= 0.3.5. (2015-11-18) ------------------- - Plone 5 compatibility 0.3.4. (2015-04-23) ------------------- - merged 0.3.3 (2015-02-18) ------------------ - added "Test connection" button to P&P control panel 0.3.2 (2015-02-05) ------------------ - fixed issue with suffix of download filename 0.3.1 (2015-01-26) ------------------ - username/password are no longer mandatory 0.3.0 (2015-01-19) ------------------ - better integration with XML Director project - controlpanel for PP server settings - webservice settings are now being persisted per Plone instance instead of per Zope installation - updated documentation 0.2.5 (2014-11-17) ------------------ - minor fix 0.2.3 (24-03-2014) ------------------ - typo in fonts.css fixed 0.2.2 (24-10-2013) ------------------ - reorganized directory layout - fixed issues with nested resource directories in copyResources() 0.2.1 (06-10-2013) ------------------ - added browser layer 0.2.0 (03-10-2013) ------------------ - updated documentation 0.1.9 (30-09-2013) ------------------ - support for new-style collections (Plone 4.3+) and images 0.1.8 (30-09-2013) ------------------ - some fixes for folder aggregation 0.1.7 (19-09-2013) ------------------ - images used from within a PDF template file directly inside a resource should be marked with 0.1.6 (17-09-2013) ------------------ - merged 0.1.5 (21-08-2013) ------------------ - merged 0.1.5 (21-08-2013) ------------------ - merged 0.1.4 (12-07-2013) ------------------- - major style and fonts cleanup 0.1.3 (11-07-2013) ------------------- - various fixes - Plone 4.0 - 4.2 compatibility 0.1.0 (11-07-2013) ------------------- - initial release