Plex Tutorial

Using Plex

There are two basic steps to creating and using a Plex scanner :

  1. Create a Lexicon object which defines the tokens you want to recognise, and what you want to do when they are recognised.
  2. Create a Scanner object, which associates a Lexicon with a stream of characters and enables you to read tokens.

In the following sections, we’ll look at these steps in more detail.

Specifying a Lexicon

A Plex scanner is specified by creating a Lexicon object. The Lexicon constructor takes a list of 2-element tuples, each of which contains a pattern and an action. Here is a simple example :

#   Example 1

from plex import *

lexicon = Lexicon([
    (Str("Python"),      "my_favourite_language"),
    (Str("Perl"),        "the_other_language"),
    (Str("rocks"),       "is_excellent"),
    (Str("sucks"),       "is_differently_good"),
    (Rep1(Any(" \t\n")), IGNORE)

The expression Str(s) creates a pattern which matches the literal string s. Any(s) matches any single character from the string s, and Rep1(p) matches one or more repetitions of the pattern p.

Associated with each pattern is an action to be performed when that pattern is recognised. The simplest form of action is just a value to be returned. There are also some special actions, such as IGNORE, which causes the text which matched the pattern to be ignored. So the last item above means that any sequence of one or more blanks, tabs or newlines is to be ignored.

Creating and using a Scanner

Scanning is performed by a Scanner object. When you create a Scanner, you specify the Lexicon that is to be used, and an input stream, which should be a file-like object.

To read tokens from the input stream, you call the read() method of the Scanner. Each time read() is called, it returns a tuple

(value, text)

where value is the value returned by the token’s action, and text is the text from the input stream that matched the token.

We can test out the Lexicon we defined earlier like this:

#   Example 2

filename = "my_file.txt"
f = open(filename, "r")
scanner = Scanner(lexicon, f, filename)
while 1:
    token =
    print token
    if token[0] is None:

If we feed it the following input:

Python rocks

we get the following sequence of tuples returned by successive read() calls:

('my_favourite_language', 'Python')
('is_excellent', 'rocks')
(None, '')

Note that a token with a value of None is returned when the scanner hits the end of the input.

Getting the scanner position

Scanners have a position() method which returns the position of the last token read using read(). It returns a tuple :

(filename, line_number, char_number)

The line_number is 1-based and char_number is the 0-based position within the line. The filename is whatever string you supplied as the filename parameter, if any, when you created the Scanner. The filename parameter to the Scanner is optional, and is purely for your convenience – its only use is to be returned by position().

More patterns and actions

In this section, we’ll look at some more pattern constructors, and some more things that can be specified as the action associated with a token. Here is a Lexicon definition for a simple programming language.

#   Example 3

letter = Range("AZaz")
digit = Range("09")
name = letter + Rep(letter | digit)
number = Rep1(digit)
space = Any(" \t\n")
comment = Str("{") + Rep(AnyBut("}")) + Str("}")

resword = Str("if", "then", "else", "end")

lex = Lexicon([
    (name,            'ident'),
    (number,          'int'),
    (resword,         TEXT),
    (Any("+-*/=<>"),  TEXT),
    (space | comment, IGNORE)

This example introduces some more features:

  • Range() takes a string containing pairs of characters. It matches any single character which lies within one of the ranges defined by a pair.
  • Rep() matches zero or more repetitions of a pattern (as opposed to Rep1(), which matches one or more).
  • AnyBut(s) matches any single character (including a newline) which is not in the string s.
  • Patterns can be combined using the operators ‘+’ and ‘|’. The pattern p1 + p2 matches p1 followed by p2, and p1 | p2 matches either p1or p2.
  • Str() can take multiple strings as arguments, in which case it matches any one of them. Str(s1, s2, s3...) is equivalent to Str(s1) | Str(s2) | Str(s3) | ...
  • The TEXT special action causes the matched text to be returned as the value of the token. Here it is used to arrange for the reserved words and operators to all have unique token values, without having to explicitly list them all as separate tokens.

Incidentally, this example also illustrates some of the advantages of using a constructor-function approach to building regular expressions as opposed to the traditional character-string syntax. Patterns can be broken down into readable chunks and the parts commented, and general Python coding techniques can be brought to bear much more easily.

Case-insensitive matching

The pattern constructor NoCase() takes a pattern and turns it into another pattern which matches the same strings except that upper and lower case letters are treated as equivalent. For example, if you wanted the language of Example 3 to be case-insensitive, you could write

resword = NoCase(Str("if", "then", "else", "end"))

If you wanted, you could also write

letter = NoCase(Range("AZ"))

However, note that the scanned text returned when an identifier is matched will still be as it was in the input file, so you’ll have to do case-conversion on it yourself.

There is also an inverse operation Case(). Whether a pattern is matched case-sensitively or case-insensitively is determined by the closest enclosing NoCase() or Case(). So, the pattern

NoCase(Str("Mary") + Case(Str("had a") + NoCase(Str("little")) + Str("lambda")))

will match the words “Mary” and “little” case-insensitively, and “had”, “a” and “lambda” case-sensitively.

Using action procedures

The action associated with a token can be an arbitrary Python function, which allows effects to be achieved that would otherwise be outside the scope of a simple finite-state machine.

Here is an example which uses action procedures to recognise Modula-style nested comments by keeping track of the nesting depth. It uses some of the pattern definitions from the last example.

#       Example 4

def begin_comment(scanner, text):
    scanner.nesting_level = scanner.nesting_level + 1

def end_comment(scanner, text):
    scanner.nesting_level = scanner.nesting_level - 1

def maybe_a_name(scanner, text):
    if scanner.nesting_level == 0:
        return 'ident'

lex = Lexicon([
    (Str("(*"), begin_comment),
    (Str("*)"), end_comment),
    (name,      maybe_a_name),
    (space,     IGNORE)

scn = Scanner(lex,...)
scn.nesting_level = 0

When an action procedure is called, it is passed the scanner which has just recognised the token, and the text which was matched. If the procedure returns anything other than None, it is returned as the value of the token. If it returns None, scanning continues as if the IGNORE action hadbeen specified.

Here, the procedures begin_comment() and end_comment() maintain a count of the comment nesting level in an extra instance attribute attached to the Scanner. When something that might be an identifier is recognised, the maybe_a_name() procedure checks whether it’s inside a comment. If so, ‘ident’ is returned as the value of the token; otherwise the default value of None is returned, and scanning continues.

At this point you’re probably thinking that the last bit is rather clumsy, and you’re right. If we wanted to recognise more tokens than just identifiers, we’d have to have maybe_an_operator(), maybe_a_number(), maybe_a_keyword(), etc. – rather unwieldy! In the next example, we’ll see a much better way.

Scanner States

At any given time, a Scanner can be in one of a number of states.Each state has a set of tokens associated with it, and only tokens belonging to the current state are recognised. There is always at least one state, the default state, whose name is the empty string. In the scanners we’ve seen so far, all the tokens have been associated with the default state. This section shows how to create additional states and associated tokens with them.

Here is an example which uses scanner states to skip over comments. For simplicity, this one only handles non-nested comments; we’ll extend it to nested comments in a later example.

#   Example 5

lex = Lexicon([
    (name,            'ident'),
    (number,          'int'),
    (space,           IGNORE),
    (Str("(*"),       Begin('comment')),
    State('comment', [
        (Str("*)"), Begin('')),
        (AnyChar,   IGNORE)

The State() constructor introduces a new scanner state. It is used in place of a token in the token list, and takes two arguments: the nameof the state, and another list of tokens. (In case you’re wondering, that second token list can only contain tokens, not States. States can’t be nested.)

The way it works is this. Initially, a newly-created Scanner is in the default state, called ‘’. In this state, only the first four tokens will match. When the beginning of a comment is recognised, the action Begin(‘comment’) is invoked. This is another special action, whose effect is to change the current state of the scanner. Now the scanner is in the state called ‘comment’, and will only recognise the two tokens belonging to that state. Their effect is to ignore everything up to the next end-comment marker, whereupon the default state is re-entered and normal scanning continues. (AnyChar, as its name suggests, matches any single character.)

Note that the patterns which recognise the insides of the comment rely on the longest match feature of Plex: if more than one token matches at a given input position, and they match strings of different lengths, the longest one takes precedence.

The scanner-state technique makes recognising comments rather easy. Since we’re not trying to handle nesting, we could have recognised the whole comment using a single pattern, but it would be a rather tricky and complicated one – something like Str(“(“) + Rep(AnyBut(““) | (Str(“*”) + AnyBut(“)”))) + Str(“*)”). By using a separate state for comments, we avoid any such nightmare.

There is another advantage as well. When Plex is scanning a token, it has to buffer up all the characters read until the whole token is recognised, in case you’re interested in the matched text. In the case of a comment, you’re not, but Plex has no way of knowing that, so if you try to recognise the whole comment as a single pattern, Plex happily buffers it all up before throwing it away. In contrast, the above example skips over the comment while never having to keep more than 2 characters. If someone feeds you a comment a few megabytes long one day, you might be thankful for that.

Here’s an extended version which handles the full range of Pascal-style comments :

#   Example 6

lex = Lexicon([
    (name,            'ident'),
    (number,          'int'),
    (space,           IGNORE),
    (Str("(*"),       Begin('comment1')),
    (Str("{"),        Begin('comment2')),
    State('comment1', [
        (Str("*)"), Begin('')),
        (AnyChar,   IGNORE)
    State('comment2', [
        (Str("}"),  Begin('')),
        (AnyChar,   IGNORE)

The comment2 state in this example relies on the priority rule: if two tokens match strings of the samelength, the one that occurs first in the token list takes precedence.

Now let’s extend Example 5 to handle nested comments. While we’re at it, we’ll illustrate a technique for packaging up action procedures with a scanner in a neater way than we did in Example 4.

#   Example 7

class MyScanner(Scanner):

    def begin_comment(self, text):
        if self.nesting_level == 0:
        self.nesting_level = self.nesting_level + 1

    def end_comment(self, text):
        self.nesting_level = self.nesting_level - 1
        if self.nesting_level == 0:

    lexicon = Lexicon([
        (name,          'ident'),
        (number,        'int'),
        (space,         IGNORE),
        (Str("(*"),     begin_comment),
        State('comment', [
            (Str("(*"), begin_comment),
            (Str("*)"), end_comment),
            (AnyChar,   IGNORE)

    def __init__(self, file, name):
        Scanner.__init__(self, self.lexicon, file, name)
        self.nesting_level = 0

The trick here is that we construct the Lexicon inside the class scope of MyScanner, and plug in methods of MyScanner as action procedures. The Lexicon becomes a class attribute which is passed on to the Scanner constructor by the MyScanner constructor. The result is a completely self-contained subclass of Scanner that comes with its own Lexicon and knows how to initialise itself. To use it, all we need to do is

scanner = MyScanner(file, filename)

and away we go.

Note the use of the begin() method of the Scanner in the action procedures. This has the same effect as the Begin() special action.

Matching line beginnings and endings

Plex has three special pattern primitives, Bol, Eol and Eof, which match the beginning of a line, the end of a line and the end of the file, respectively. For example, if you were processing mail headers, you might use patterns such as

from    = Bol + "From:"
to      = Bol + "To:"
subject = Bol + "Subject:"

These patterns work by matching imaginary characters that Plex inserts into the input stream. For example, given an input file consisting of

H e l l o \n w o r l d

Plex sees it as

<bol> H e l l o <eol> \n <bol> w o r l d <eol> <eof>

These imaginary characters are never matched by any of the ordinary patterns, but they are skipped over if necessary in order to get to something which does match. So if you’re not interested in them, you can write your patterns as though they didn’t exist and everything will work as you expect.

Something to keep in mind is that the Bol, Eol and Eof patterns will only match once at any given input position, so, for instance, a pattern such as Bol + Bol + Str(“Hello”) will never match. It would obviously be silly to write such a pattern directly, but it could arise accidentally when combining separately defined patterns if you’re not careful.

A more subtle problem can occur if you have two tokens in your Lexicon such as

(Str("Hello") + Eol,   'hello'),
(Eol + Opt(Str("\n")), 'eol')

where the intention of the second token is to match the end of any line, even if the file does not end with a newline. The problem is that when the first token matches it absorbs the <eol> marker, so the second token fails to match. One way to avoid the problem in this case is to write the second pattern as Str(“n”) | Eof.

Scanning indented languages

The next example shows how you can build a scanner for an indentation-sensitive language such as Python. We’ll begin by declaring a new Scanner class and some action methods for keeping track of brackets and indentation.

#   Example - Python scanner

class PythonScanner(Scanner):

We need to keep track of brackets, because indentation and newlines should be ignored inside brackets. We’ll just treat all brackets the same and leave the parser to check that they match up properly.

def open_bracket_action(self, text):
    self.bracket_nesting_level = self.bracket_nesting_level + 1
    return text

def close_bracket_action(self, text):
    self.bracket_nesting_level = self.bracket_nesting_level - 1
    return text

We’ll keep a stack of indentation levels as a list of integers. The top item on this stack will be at the end of the list.

def current_level(self):
    return self.indentation_stack[-1]

We’ll be using a separate scanner state to deal with indentation, because this will make it easier to keep track of the various conditions under which leading whitespace should be regarded as indentation. The trigger for entering this state will be encountering a newline, so we’ll define an action for that.

def newline_action(self, text):
    if self.bracket_nesting_level == 0:
        return 'newline'

Note that we only recognise a newline as terminating a statement if we’re not inside brackets, otherwise we ignore it.

Here comes the action we’ll call when we recognise some leading space that should be treated as indentation. For simplicity, we’ll assume that the file is indented using all tabs or all spaces, so that the indentation level is just the length of the string. The version in the examples directory contains some code to check these assumptions; we omit it here for clarity. Note that we don’t bother checking whether we’re inside brackets, because the ‘indent’ state will never be entered in that case.

When we’ve finished, we change the scanner back to the default state.

def indentation_action(self, text):
    current_level = self.current_level()
    new_level = len(text)
    if new_level > current_level:
    elif new_level < current_level:

def indent_to(self, new_level):
    self.produce('INDENT', '')

def dedent_to(self, new_level):
    while new_level < self.current_level():
        self.produce('DEDENT', '')

Calling the produce() method of the Scanner object has the same effect as returning a value from the action procedure. You can also pass an optional second argument, which is substituted for the matched text in the returned tuple. We’re not interested in the matched text here (it’s just the indentation string) so we pass an empty string as the second argument.

The reason we’re using produce() instead of simply returning a value is that it can be called more than once before returning from the action procedure, and the values get queued up and returned one at a time by subsequent calls to read(). This behaviour is crucial for when we dedent more than one level at a time, because we have to generate multiple “dedent” tokens from a single pattern match.

The version in the examples directory also contains another test here to make sure that the dedent matches some previous indent level.

One more thing. When we get to the end of the file, we need to put out enough “dedent” tokens to get back to ground zero. To do this, we’ll override the eof() method of the Scanner. This method is called when the scanner reaches the end of the file, just before returning the end-of-file token.

def eof(self):

Okay, that’s the end of the action procedures. Now we need a bunch of patterns, most of which are straightforward but tedious – see the examples directory if you’re interested. We’ll just look at the ones related to whitespace handling.

indentation = Rep(Str(" ")) | Rep(Str("\t"))

This pattern matches an indentation string. The fact that it has to occur at the beginning of a line will be taken care of by the scanner states.

lineterm = Str("\n") | Eof

This pattern matches the end of a line. It’s written this way instead of just Str(“n”) because we want it to match even at the end of the last line of a file that doesn’t end with a newline.

escaped_newline = Str("\\\n")

We’ll use this one to soak up a newline preceded by a backslash before lineterm gets hold of it.

comment = Str("#") + Rep(AnyBut("\n"))

This pattern matches everything from a comment character up to, but not including, the end of the line.

blank_line = indentation + Opt(comment) + lineterm

We’ll use this pattern to skip over lines which are completely blank or contain only a comment, so that they won’t generate spurious indentation or newline tokens.

Now we’re ready for the lexicon definition. Having defined all our patterns and action procedures, it’s fairly straightforward.

lexicon = Lexicon([
    (name,            'name'),
    (number,          'number'),
    (stringlit,       'string'),
    (punctuation,     TEXT),
    (opening_bracket, open_bracket_action),
    (closing_bracket, close_bracket_action),
    (lineterm,        newline_action),
    (comment,         IGNORE),
    (spaces,          IGNORE),
    (escaped_newline, IGNORE),
    State('indent', [
        (blank_line,    IGNORE),
        (indentation,   indentation_action),

Finally, we need to initialise the indentation stack and bracket counter, and set the initial state to ‘indent’ before starting.

def __init__(self, file):
    Scanner.__init__(self, self.lexicon, file)
    self.indentation_stack = [0]
    self.bracket_nesting_level = 0

And we’re done. That wasn’t too hard now, was it ?

Traditional regular expression syntax

If you’re one of those diehards that prefers to write regular expressions using the traditional cryptic character-string syntax, the plex.Traditional submodule provides what you want. For example,

from plex.Traditional import re

ident = re("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*")

See the Reference section for the precise details of the syntax.

That’s All, Folks

We have now touched on all the main features of Plex; for the fine details, see the Reference section. Good luck and happy Plexing!