Source code for piecash.core.account

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import uuid

from enum import Enum
from sqlalchemy import Column, VARCHAR, ForeignKey, INTEGER
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, validates

from .._common import CallableList
from .._declbase import DeclarativeBaseGuid
from ..sa_extra import mapped_to_slot_property

root_types = {"ROOT"}
asset_types = {'RECEIVABLE', 'MUTUAL', 'CASH', 'ASSET', 'BANK', 'STOCK'}
liability_types = {'CREDIT', 'LIABILITY', 'PAYABLE'}
income_types = {"INCOME"}
expense_types = {"EXPENSE"}
trading_types = {'TRADING'}
equity_types = {"EQUITY"}
# : the different types of accounts
ACCOUNT_TYPES = equity_types | income_types | expense_types | asset_types | liability_types | root_types | trading_types

class AccountType(Enum):
    root = "ROOT"
    receivable = "RECEIVABLE"
    mutual = "MUTUAL"
    cash = "CASH"
    asset = "ASSET"
    bank = "BANK"
    stock = "STOCK"
    credit = "CREDIT"
    liability = "LIABILITY"
    payable = "PAYABLE"
    income = "INCOME"
    expense = "EXPENSE"
    trading = "TRADING"
    equity = "EQUITY"

# types that are compatible with other types
incexp_types = income_types | expense_types
assetliab_types = asset_types | liability_types

# types according to the sign of their balance
positive_types = asset_types | expense_types | trading_types
negative_types = liability_types | income_types | equity_types

def _is_parent_child_types_consistent(type_parent, type_child, control_mode):
    Return True if the child account is consistent with the parent account in terms of types, i.e.:

    1) if the parent is a root account, child can be anything but a root account
    2) if the child is a root account, it must have no parent account
    3) both parent and child are of the same family (asset, equity, income&expense, trading)

        type_parent(str): the type of the parent account
        type_child(str):  the type of the child account

        True if both accounts are consistent, False otherwise
    if type_parent in root_types:
        if "allow-root-subaccounts" in control_mode:
            return type_child in ACCOUNT_TYPES
            return type_child in (ACCOUNT_TYPES - root_types)

    if type_child in root_types:
        return (type_parent is None) or ("allow-root-subaccounts" in control_mode)

    for acc_types in (assetliab_types, equity_types, incexp_types, trading_types):
        if (type_child in acc_types) and (type_parent in acc_types):
            return True

    return False

[docs]class Account(DeclarativeBaseGuid): """ A GnuCash Account which is specified by its name, type and commodity. Attributes: type (str): type of the Account sign (int): 1 for accounts with positive balances, -1 for accounts with negative balances code (str): code of the Account commodity (:class:`piecash.core.commodity.Commodity`): the commodity of the account commodity_scu (int): smallest currency unit for the account non_std_scu (int): 1 if the scu of the account is NOT the same as the commodity description (str): description of the account name (str): name of the account fullname (str): full name of the account (including name of parent accounts separated by ':') placeholder (int): 1 if the account is a placeholder (should not be involved in transactions) hidden (int): 1 if the account is hidden is_template (bool): True if the account is a template account (ie commodity=template/template) parent (:class:`Account`): the parent account of the account (None for the root account of a book) children (list of :class:`Account`): the list of the children accounts splits (list of :class:`piecash.core.transaction.Split`): the list of the splits linked to the account lots (list of :class:``): the list of lots to which the account is linked book (:class:``): the book if the account is the root account (else None) budget_amounts (list of :class:`piecash.budget.BudgetAmount`): list of budget amounts of the account scheduled_transaction (:class:`piecash.core.transaction.ScheduledTransaction`): scheduled transaction linked to the account """ __tablename__ = 'accounts' __table_args__ = {} # column definitions guid = Column('guid', VARCHAR(length=32), primary_key=True, nullable=False, default=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex) name = Column('name', VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) type = Column('account_type', VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) commodity_guid = Column('commodity_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey('commodities.guid')) _commodity_scu = Column('commodity_scu', INTEGER(), nullable=False) _non_std_scu = Column('non_std_scu', INTEGER(), nullable=False) @property def non_std_scu(self): return self._non_std_scu @property def commodity_scu(self): return self._commodity_scu @commodity_scu.setter def commodity_scu(self, value): if value is None: self._non_std_scu = 0 if self.commodity: value = self.commodity.fraction else: value = 0 else: self._non_std_scu = 1 self._commodity_scu = value parent_guid = Column('parent_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey('accounts.guid')) code = Column('code', VARCHAR(length=2048)) description = Column('description', VARCHAR(length=2048)) hidden = Column('hidden', INTEGER()) _placeholder = Column('placeholder', INTEGER()) placeholder = mapped_to_slot_property(_placeholder, slot_name="placeholder", slot_transform=lambda v: "true" if v else None) # relation definitions commodity = relation('Commodity', back_populates='accounts') children = relation('Account', back_populates='parent', cascade='all, delete-orphan', collection_class=CallableList, ) parent = relation('Account', back_populates='children', remote_side=guid, ) splits = relation('Split', back_populates='account', cascade='all, delete-orphan', collection_class=CallableList, ) lots = relation('Lot', back_populates='account', cascade='all, delete-orphan', collection_class=CallableList, ) budget_amounts = relation('BudgetAmount', back_populates='account', cascade='all, delete-orphan', collection_class=CallableList, ) scheduled_transaction = relation('ScheduledTransaction', back_populates='template_account', cascade='all, delete-orphan', uselist=False, ) def __init__(self, name, type, commodity, parent=None, description=None, commodity_scu=None, hidden=0, placeholder=0, code=None, book=None, children=None): book = book or (commodity and or (parent and if not book: raise ValueError("Could not find a book to attach the account to") book.add(self) = name self.commodity = commodity self.type = type self.parent = parent self.description = description self.hidden = hidden self.placeholder = placeholder self.code = code self.commodity_scu = commodity_scu if children: self.children[:] = children def object_to_validate(self, change): if change[-1] != "deleted": yield self def validate(self): if self.type not in ACCOUNT_TYPES: raise ValueError("Account_type '{}' is not in {}".format(self.type, ACCOUNT_TYPES)) if self.parent: if not _is_parent_child_types_consistent(self.parent.type, self.type, raise ValueError("Child type '{}' is not consistent with parent type {}".format( self.type, self.parent.type)) for acc in self.parent.children: if == and acc != self: raise ValueError("{} has two children with the same name {} : {} and {}".format(self.parent,, self, acc)) else: if self.type in root_types: if not in ['Template Root', 'Root Account']: raise ValueError("{} is a root account but has a name = '{}'".format(self, else: raise ValueError("{} has no parent but is not a root account".format(self)) @validates('commodity')
[docs] def observe_commodity(self, key, value): """ Ensure update of commodity_scu when commodity is changed """ if value and (self.commodity_scu is None or self.non_std_scu == 0): self.commodity_scu = value.fraction return value
@property def fullname(self): if self.parent: pfn = self.parent.fullname if pfn: return u"{}:{}".format(pfn, else: return else: return u""
[docs] def get_balance(self): """ Returns the balance of the account """ return sum([sp.value for sp in self.splits]) * self.sign
@property def sign(self): return 1 if (self.type in positive_types) else -1 @property def is_template(self): return self.commodity.namespace == 'template' def __unirepr__(self): if self.commodity: return u"Account<{acc.fullname}[{acc.commodity.mnemonic}]>".format(acc=self) else: return u"Account<{acc.fullname}>".format(acc=self)