******** Releases ******** Before creating a release, the version number needs to be updated in `phynx/version.py`. Then Phynx needs to be installed either with:: python setup.py install or:: python setup.py develop in order proceed with building the release, so the package version numbers will be advertised correctly for the installers and the documentation. Creating Source Releases ======================== Phynx is distributed as a source release for Linux and OS-X. To create a source release, just do:: python setup.py register python setup.py sdist --formats=zip,gztar upload --sign This will create the tgz source file and upload it to the Python Package Index. Uploading to PyPI requires a .pypirc file in your home directory, something like:: [server-login] username: password: You can create a source distribution without uploading by doing:: python setup.py sdist This creates a source distribution in the `dist/` directory. Creating Windows Installers =========================== Open a DOS window, cd into the phynx source directory and run:: python setup.py bdist_wininst Building Phynx documentation ============================ When publishing a new release, the Phynx doumentation needs to be generated and published as well:: python setup.py build_sphinx which will produce the html output and save it in build/sphinx/html. Then run:: python setup.py build_sphinx -b latex cd build/sphinx/latex make all-pdf which will generate a pdf file in the latex directory. Finally, copy the `html/` directory and the `latex/XPaXS.pdf` file to the webserver. To upload the documentation to the Phynx website:: cd build/sphinx/html zip -r phynx * Then visit the `Phynx page at the Python Package Index`_ to upload the documentation. .. _`Phynx page at the Python Package Index`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=pkg_edit&name=phynx