.. py:module:: petlx petlx - Optional Extensions to the petl Package =============================================== :mod:`petlx` is a collection of extensions to :mod:`petl`, a tentative Python module for extracting, transforming and loading tables of data. - Documentation: http://packages.python.org/petlx - Source Code: https://github.com/alimanfoo/petlx - Download: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/petlx - Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/python-etl For an overview of all functions in the package, see the :ref:`genindex`. Installation ------------ This module is available from the `Python Package Index `_. On Linux distributions you should be able to do ``easy_install petlx`` or ``pip install petlx``. On Windows or Mac you can download manually, extract and run ``python setup.py install``. Extracting (reading) tables from Excel files -------------------------------------------- .. autofunction:: petlx.fromxlsx Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`