This module includes a few classes and functions for working with results of any Pebl learner.
The name of the result output file default=result.pebl
The format for the pebl result file (pickle or html) default=pickle
Directory for html report. default=result
Number of top-scoring networks to save. Specify 0 to indicate that all scored networks should be saved. default=1000
Class for storing any and all output of a learner.
This is a mutable container for networks and scores. In the future, it will also be the place to collect statistics related to the learning task.
Add a network and score to the results.
Returns a posterior object for this result.
Indicates that the learner is starting a new run.
Indicates that the learner is stopping a run.
Save the result to a python pickle file.
The result can be later read using the result.fromfile function.
Create a html report of the result.
outdir is a directory to create html files inside.