Form Generator

The form generator creates forms for use with WTForms. This generator just like all of the other generators follows the same pattern:

  • attributes are separated by a <colon> ‘:’
  • any default values to a type are separated by a <hyphen> ‘-‘
  • multiple declarations are separated by a <space> ‘ ‘

To get help, run:

patron form -h

The form generator has the following format:

patron form [-b BLUEPRINT] [-v] name field [field ...]

where name and at least one field is required for generating a form.

Declaring fields for your wtforms

The field type pattern is:


Just like the model generator, the parser is forgiving in the sense that all is required at a minimum is just a name and a field type. The parser will just create a label from the name by capitalizing it.

Recognized WTForms Field types:

cli type wtform field type cli type wtform field type
bool BooleanField date DateTimeField
file FileField float FloatField
integer IntegerField radio RadioField
select SelectField multi SelectMultipleField
submit SubmitField string StringField
hidden HiddenField pass PasswordField
text TextAreaField    

Form generator examples

Example #1 - Basic Usage:

patron form Login name:string:Username password:pass confirm:pass

Rendered as:

class Login(Form):
    name = StringField(u'Username')
    password = PasswordField(u'Password')
    confirm = PasswordField(u'Confirm')

Also, don’t forget to make adjustments to your imports as the generator doesn’t touch the import statements.

Optional arguments

Similar to the model generator, the -b argument tells patron what blueprint to generate the form for. By default, it targets the public blueprint.

The other optional argument is the -v flag which tells the form generator to generate validation method stubs for each of your fields in your form.


patron form SomeForm ... -v -b blueprint_or_pkg_name


class SomeForm(Form):

    def validate_name(form, field):



The form parser takes more arguments but it is much quicker to just provide a name:field_type:label than to hack something through the cli. I will make some additions in the next version. If you have any suggestions, please open up an issue on bitbucket.

Last but not least are the add-ons

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