passlib.hash.sha1_crypt - SHA-1 Crypt

SHA1-Crypt is a hash algorithm introduced by NetBSD in 2004. It’s based on a variation of the PBKDF1 algorithm, and supports a large salt and variable number of rounds.

See also

password hash usage – for examples of how to use this class via the common hash interface.


class passlib.hash.sha1_crypt

This class implements the SHA1-Crypt password hash, and follows the PasswordHash API.

It supports a variable-length salt, and a variable number of rounds.

The using() method accepts the following optional keywords:

  • salt (str) – Optional salt string. If not specified, an 8 character one will be autogenerated (this is recommended). If specified, it must be 0-64 characters, drawn from the regexp range [./0-9A-Za-z].
  • salt_size (int) – Optional number of bytes to use when autogenerating new salts. Defaults to 8 bytes, but can be any value between 0 and 64.
  • rounds (int) – Optional number of rounds to use. Defaults to 480000, must be between 1 and 4294967295, inclusive.
  • relaxed (bool) –

    By default, providing an invalid value for one of the other keywords will result in a ValueError. If relaxed=True, and the error can be corrected, a PasslibHashWarning will be issued instead. Correctable errors include rounds that are too small or too large, and salt strings that are too long.

    New in version 1.6.


This class will use the first available of two possible backends:

  • stdlib crypt(), if the host OS supports sha1-crypt (NetBSD).
  • a pure python implementation of sha1-crypt built into Passlib.

You can see which backend is in use by calling the get_backend() method.


An example hash (of password) is $sha1$40000$jtNX3nZ2$hBNaIXkt4wBI2o5rsi8KejSjNqIq. An sha1-crypt hash string has the format $sha1$rounds$salt$checksum, where:

  • $sha1$ is the prefix used to identify sha1-crypt hashes, following the Modular Crypt Format
  • rounds is the decimal number of rounds to use (40000 in the example).
  • salt is 0-64 characters drawn from [./0-9A-Za-z] (jtNX3nZ2 in the example).
  • checksum is 28 characters drawn from the same set, encoding a 168-bit checksum. (hBNaIXkt4wBI2o5rsi8KejSjNqIq/ in the example).


This implementation of sha1-crypt differs from the NetBSD implementation in a few ways:

  • Default Rounds:

    The NetBSD implementation randomly varies the actual number of rounds when generating a new configuration string, in order to decrease predictability. This feature is provided by Passlib to all hashes, via the CryptContext class, and so it omitted from this implementation.

  • Zero-Padded Rounds:

    The specification does not specify how to deal with zero-padding within the rounds portion of the hash. No existing examples or test vectors have zero padding, and allowing it would result in multiple encodings for the same configuration / hash. To prevent this situation, Passlib will throw an error if the rounds in a hash have leading zeros.

  • Restricted salt string character set:

    The underlying algorithm can unambiguously handle salt strings which contain any possible byte value besides \x00 and $. However, Passlib strictly limits salts to the hash64 character set, as nearly all implementations of sha1-crypt generate and expect salts containing those characters.

  • Unicode Policy:

    The underlying algorithm takes in a password specified as a series of non-null bytes, and does not specify what encoding should be used; though a us-ascii compatible encoding is implied by nearly all known reference hashes.

    In order to provide support for unicode strings, Passlib will encode unicode passwords using utf-8 before running them through sha1-crypt. If a different encoding is desired by an application, the password should be encoded before handing it to Passlib.


[1]description of sha1-crypt algorithm -
[2]NetBSD implementation of SHA1-Crypt -
[3]rfc defining PBKDF1 & PBKDF2 - -