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association_proxy(target_collection, attr, **kw) Return a Python property implementing a view of a target
backref(name, **kwargs) Create a back reference with explicit keyword arguments, which are the same arguments one can send to relationship().
copy(x) Shallow copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.
relationship(argument[, secondary]) Provide a relationship of a primary Mapper to a secondary Mapper.
synonym(name[, map_column, descriptor, ...]) Denote an attribute name as a synonym to a mapped property.
synonym_for(name[, map_column]) Decorator, make a Python @property a query synonym for a column.
validates(*names) Decorate a method as a ‘validator’ for one or more named properties.


Asset(project, name[, code, type]) Manages Assets in a given Project
Boolean([create_constraint, name]) A bool datatype.
Client(name[, code, generic_info]) Represents the Client
Column(*args, **kwargs) Represents a column in a database table.
Comparator(expression) A helper class that allows easy construction of custom PropComparator
Enum(*enums, **kw) Generic Enum Type.
EnvironmentBase Connects the environment (the host program) to the oyProjectManager.
Float([precision, asdecimal]) A type for float numbers.
ForeignKey(column[, _constraint, use_alter, ...]) Defines a dependency between two columns.
Integer(*args, **kwargs) A type for int integers.
Project(name[, code, client]) Manages project related data.
Repository() Repository class gives information about the repository and projects in that repository.
Sequence(project, name[, code]) Sequence object to help manage sequence related data.
Shot(sequence, number[, start_frame, ...]) The class that enables the system to manage shot data.
String([length, convert_unicode, ...]) The base for all string and character types.
Table(*args, **kw) Represent a table in a database.
UniqueConstraint(*columns, **kw) A table-level UNIQUE constraint.
User(name[, initials, email, active]) Manages users
Version(version_of, base_name, type, created_by) Holds versions of assets or shots.
VersionStatusComparator(expression) The comparator class for Version.status
VersionType(name, code, path, filename, ...) A template for Version class.
VersionTypeEnvironments(environment_name) An association object for VersionType.environments
VersionableBase(**kwargs) A base class for Shot and


CircularDependencyError([value]) Raised when there is circular dependencies between Versions