
otpauth is One Time Password Authentication, which is usually called as two steps verification. You may have heard it from Google, Dropbox and etc.

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Installing otpauth is simple with pip:

$ pip install otpauth

or, with easy_install:

$ easy_install otpauth


Generate and validate an otp code is very simple:

>>> from otpauth import OtpAuth
>>> auth = OtpAuth('secret')  # a secret string
>>> auth.hotp()  # generate a count based code, default count is 4
>>> auth.valid_hotp(330810)
>>> auth.hotp(2)  # generate a count based code, count is 2
>>> auth.valid_hotp(720111)
>>> auth.totp()  # generate a time based code
>>> auth.valid_totp(828657)


You can create a QR code for Google Authenticator to scan:

>>> from otpauth import OtpAuth
>>> auth = OtpAuth('secret')  # a secret string
>>> s = auth.to_uri('totp', 'Example:foo@bar.baz', 'Foo')
>>> import qrcode
>>> img = qrcode.make(s)

Developer Guide

Here is the API reference for otpauth.

class otpauth.OtpAuth(secret)

One Time Password Authentication.

Parameters:secret – A secret token for the authentication.

Generate a HOTP code.

Parameters:counter – HOTP is a counter based algorithm.
to_google(type, label, issuer, counter=None)

Generate the otpauth protocal string for Google Authenticator.

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: Use to_uri() instead.

to_uri(type, label, issuer, counter=None)

Generate the otpauth protocal string.

  • type – Algorithm type, hotp or totp.
  • label – Label of the identifier.
  • issuer – The company, the organization or something else.
  • counter – Counter of the HOTP algorithm.
totp(period=30, timestamp=None)

Generate a TOTP code.

A TOTP code is an extension of HOTP algorithm.

  • period – A period that a TOTP code is valid in seconds
  • timestamp – Create TOTP at this given timestamp
valid_hotp(code, last=0, trials=100)

Valid a HOTP code.

  • code – A number that is less than 6 characters.
  • last – Guess HOTP code from last + 1 range.
  • trials – Guest HOTP code end at last + trials + 1.
valid_totp(code, period=30, timestamp=None)

Valid a TOTP code.

  • code – A number that is less than 6 characters.
  • period – A period that a TOTP code is valid in seconds
  • timestamp – Validate TOTP at this given timestamp
otpauth.generate_hotp(secret, counter=4)

Generate a HOTP code.

  • secret – A secret token for the authentication.
  • counter – HOTP is a counter based algorithm.
otpauth.generate_totp(secret, period=30, timestamp=None)

Generate a TOTP code.

A TOTP code is an extension of HOTP algorithm.

  • secret – A secret token for the authentication.
  • period – A period that a TOTP code is valid in seconds
  • timestamp – Current time stamp.


Here is the full history of otpauth.

Version 1.0

Released on Jan 25, 2015

Nothing new. It is stable now.

Version 0.3.0

Released on Dec 18, 2014

  • Make generate_hotp and generate_totp functions.
  • Add timestamp parameters for generate_totp. #3

Version 0.2.0

Released on Nov 14, 2013

  • Change API name to_google to to_uri.

Version 0.1.2

Released on Aug 16, 2013

  • Raise ValueError instead of TypeError when parameters are wrong.
  • Add documentation.

I believe this library is stable now. Someday it will turn into 1.0.0.

Version 0.1.1

Released on Jul 4, 2013

  • Remove === for Google Authenticator. #1

Version 0.1.0

First preview release.

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