RDF Notation 3

ORDF processes triples and can read and serialise in most of the standard representations. However for RDF data that we write as part of the workings of the system we will almost invariably use Notation 3 or N3 because of its clarity and expressivity. We typically write RDF by hand when we are creating instructions for display of data (corresponding to the View part of a traditional Model-View-Controller paradigm). It also becomes useful when we come to the more advanced capabilities of inferencing.

W3C Documentation

N3 is a standard syntax defined by the W3C. The canonical document is the Notation 3 Design Issues article by Tim Berners-Lee. It however makes for some rather dry reading.

More accessible are the materials from the Semantic Web Tutorial Using N3 from the WWW2003 conference in Budapest. They progress step by step from the most verbose and unadorned way of presenting information through syntactic sugar to present the same in an easily readable and understandable way. The tutorial goes further to writing entailment rules – a special case of Horn clauses and shows how to use the python program CWM to use these rules to draw inferences and make proofs from RDF data.

Fresnel Lenses

The main circumstance in which we write RDF by hand using N3 is when creating “lenses” to display data using the Fresnel vocabulary. There are some examples of lenses we have written in the openbiblio mercurial respository.

Fresnel is a way of writing instructions in RDF for the display of RDF data. The output is an XHTML fragment, a set of nested <div /> elements. The instructions include specifying CSS classes for styling.

A very simple example, with namespace declarations omitted, suppose we have the following data,

:alice a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:name "Alice" ;
    foaf:homepage <http://example.org/alice> .

:bob a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:name "Bob" ;
    foaf:homepage <http://example.org/bob> .

We can write a very simple lens to display every foaf:Person with all of their properties like so,

:personLens a fresnel:Lens ;
    fresnel:classLensDomain foaf:Person ;
    fresnel:purpose fresnel:DefaultLens ;
    fresnel:showProperties (
    ) .

Which results in HTML that looks something like,

<div class="fresnel_container">
    <div class="fresnel_resource">
        <div class="fresnel_property>
            <span class="fresnel_label">name</span>
            <div class="fresnel_value">
                <div class="fresnel_container">
        <div class="fresnel_property">
            <span class="fresnel_label">homepage</span>
            <div class="fresnel_value">
                <div class="fresnel_container">
                    <a href="http://example.org/alice">http://example.org</a>

for Alice and likewise for Bob. Fresnel has a way of adding specific CSS classes or styling instructions to each of these <div /> elements. It is possible to hide or substitute alternative labels as well as prepend or append text.

ORDF contains a Javascript implementation of Fresnel building upon the rdfquery plugin for the jQuery framework. The corresponding Javascript editing interface that we have written also uses the current lens such that one can add only predicates that the lens is concerned with.

A python implementation of Fresnel is planned so as not to depend on Javascript for rendering HTML representations of RDF graphs.

Inference Engines

Though CWM was the first RDF inference engine it is now largely unmaintained and does not use the most efficient techniques of producing entailed statements. It is best thought of these days as a reference implementation, particularly for the N3 language.

The alternative for python is the FuXi reasoner by Chimezie Ogbuji which we are using. It supports both production rule (generating statements entailed by the rules) and back-chaining (working from a constraint to find all statements from the data and rules that satisfy) styles of reasoning and uses the more Rete algorithm for the former – running much faster than CWM.

At present we use only very simple inference rules. This one:

{ ?s a ?t } => { ?s a owl:Thing } .

says that if ?s has a type, then it should also have the owl:Thing type. This is used to allow the generic OWL lens to work with most any data.

Another case is enabling good practice by filling in rdfs:label on things. For example:

{ ?s a foaf:Person .
  ?s foaf:name ?n } => { ?s rdfs:label ?n } .

{ ?s a frbr:Work .
  ?s dc:title ?t } => { ?s rdfs:label ?t } .

that is, if ?s is a person, use their name as label. If ?s is a frbr:Work use the title.

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Graphs in RDF

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