Source code for ordf.vocab.opmv

.. autoclass:: Agent
.. autoclass:: Process
__all__ = ["Agent", "Process"]

from ordf.term import BNode, Literal, URIRef, Node
from ordf.graph import Graph
from ordf.namespace import OPMV, ORDF, RDF, RDFS, TIME, FOAF
from ordf.utils import get_identifier
from ordf.vocab import foaf
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
from datetime import datetime
from socket import gethostname
import sys, os

[docs]class Agent(foaf.Agent): """ .. autoattribute:: __types__ """ __types__ = [OPMV["Agent"]] "* *opmv:Agent*" def __init__(self, *av, **kw): super(Agent, self).__init__(*av, **kw) self.add((self.identifier, RDF["type"], FOAF["Agent"]))
[docs]class Process(Graph): """ .. autoattribute:: __types__ .. automethod:: agent .. automethod:: use .. automethod:: result .. automethod:: add_distribution """ __types__ = [OPMV["Process"]] """ * *opmv:Process* """ __distributions__ = {} @classmethod
[docs] def add_distribution(cls, name): """ Add a distribution (python package in the setuptools sense) by name to be recorded in provenance graph. This is a classmethod that should be called only once per distribution. The distribution "ordf" is already present. """ try: dist = get_distribution(name) except DistributionNotFound: dist = None cls.__distributions__[name] = dist
def __init__(self, *av, **kw): super(Process, self).__init__(*av, **kw) self.add((self.identifier, RDF.type, OPMV["Process"])) self.time = None self._finished = False self.add((self.identifier, ORDF["cmdline"], Literal(self.cmdline()))) self.add((self.identifier, ORDF["hostname"], Literal(gethostname()))) self.add((self.identifier, ORDF["pid"], Literal(os.getpid()))) descr = "%s on %s (%s)" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), gethostname(), os.getpid()) self.add((self.identifier, RDFS["label"], Literal(descr))) for name, dist in self.__distributions__.items(): b = BNode() self.add((self.identifier, ORDF["version"], b)) self.add((b, RDFS["label"], Literal(name))) if dist is not None: self.add((b, RDF["value"], Literal(dist.version))) def cmdline(self): from sys import argv args = [] for a in argv: a = a.replace("'", "\\'") if " " in a or '"' in a: a = "'" + a + "'" args.append(a) return " ".join(args) def start(self): self.time = BNode() self.add((self.time, RDF.type, TIME["Interval"])) self.add((self.identifier, OPMV["wasPerformedAt"], self.time)) start = BNode() self.add((self.time, TIME["hasBeginning"], start)) self.add((start, RDF.type, TIME["Instant"])) self.add((start, TIME["inXSDDateTime"], Literal(datetime.utcnow()))) def finish(self): if self._finished: return self._finished = True if self.time is None: self.time = BNode() self.add((self.time, RDF["type"], TIME["Instant"])) self.add((self.identifier, OPMV["wasPerformedAt"], self.time)) self.add((self.time, TIME["inXSDDateTime"], Literal(datetime.utcnow()))) else: end = BNode() self.add((self.time, TIME["hasEnd"], end)) self.add((end, RDF.type, TIME["Instant"])) self.add((end, TIME["inXSDDateTime"], Literal(datetime.utcnow()))) def clone(self): p = Process(identifier=self.identifier) p.remove((None, None, None)) p.time = self.time p += self return p
[docs] def use(self, what): """ Add the given :class:`ordf.term.URIRef` or :class:`ordf.term.Graph` as a resource used by this process. """ if isinstance(what, Node): ident = what else: ident = get_identifier(what) self.add((self.identifier, OPMV["used"], ident))
[docs] def agent(self, agent): """ Set the :class:`Agent` that is controlling this :class:`Process` :arg agent: a :class:`ordf.graph.Graph` or instance of :class:`Agent` """ ident = get_identifier(agent) self.add((self.identifier, OPMV["wasControlledBy"], ident)) self += agent
[docs] def result(self, graph): """ Cause linkages to this proces to be added to the given :class:`Graph` """ self.finish() graph.add((graph.identifier, RDF["type"], OPMV["Artifact"])) graph.remove((graph.identifier, OPMV["wasGenereatedBy"], None)) graph.add((graph.identifier, OPMV["wasGeneratedBy"], self.identifier)) graph += self