This module brings OpenCyc piecemeal into ORDF/RDFLib applications.
.. autoclass:: Concept
.. autofunction:: rdf_data
.. _OpenCyc: http://sw.opencyc.org/
from ordf.graph import ConjunctiveGraph, Graph
from ordf.namespace import register_ns, Namespace, RDF, RDFS, OWL
from ordf.term import BNode, Literal
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError
CYC = Namespace("http://sw.opencyc.org/concept/")
CYC_ANNOT = Namespace("http://sw.cyc.com/CycAnnotations_v1#")
register_ns("cyc", CYC)
register_ns("cycAnnot", CYC_ANNOT)
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def rdf_data():
Data fixture for OpenCyc. Starts with the top level predicate
and recurses through all 'owl:DatatypeProperty', 'owl:ObjectProperty',
predicates and classes present in the returned RDF either as
subjects or appearing in 'rdfs:domain' or 'rdfs:range'. In this
way builds up a basic ontology that can be used for reasoning.
This function may take some time to complete as at the time of
writing it will yield some 520 distinct graphs.
g = Graph(identifier=CYC_ANNOT[""])
yield g
seen = set()
def _f(ident):
if ident.startswith(CYC[""]) and ident not in seen:
x = Graph(identifier=ident)
log.info("fetching %s" % ident)
_g = Graph().parse(ident)
except HTTPError, e:
log.error("error fetching %s: %s" % (ident, e))
x += _g.bnc((ident, None, None))
yield x
for s in _g.distinct_subjects(RDF["type"], RDF["Property"]):
for x in _f(s): yield x
for s in _g.distinct_subjects(RDF["type"], OWL["AnnotationProperty"]):
for x in _f(s): yield x
for s in _g.distinct_subjects(RDF["type"], OWL["DatatypeProperty"]):
for x in _f(s): yield x
for s in _g.distinct_subjects(RDF["type"], OWL["ObjectProperty"]):
for x in _f(s): yield x
for s in _g.distinct_subjects(RDF["type"], OWL["Class"]):
for x in _f(s): yield x
for s in _g.distinct_subjects(RDFS["subClassOf"]):
for x in _f(s): yield x
for p in _g.distinct_predicates():
for x in _f(p): yield x
for o in _g.bnc((None, RDFS["domain"], None)).distinct_objects():
for x in _f(o): yield x
for o in _g.bnc((None, RDFS["range"], None)).distinct_objects():
for x in _f(o): yield x
for o in _g.bnc((None, RDFS["subClassOf"], None)).distinct_objects():
for x in _f(o): yield x
for g in _f(CYC["Mx4rvViA1pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA"]): ## top level predicate
log.info("Seen %d distinct concepts" % len(seen))
yield g
[docs]class Concept(Graph):
OpenCyc is very big. For most purposes we don't want to have to store
the entire knowledge base in our local store, but for inferencing
purposes we often will want to store some of the relevant concepts.
OpenCyc handily provides a search interface that gives results in
XML, and we use this to retrieve a concept if we don't know it's URI
Initialisation of :class:`Concept` takes, as with any other :class:`Graph`
an optional 'store' argument. If the concept in question does not
exist in the store it will be fetched and added. The data that is
returned by OpenCyc will typically include some other resources,
these are filtered out. Only the blank node closure of the requested
resource is added to the store.
The :class:`Concept` class has methods for walking the ontology
tree, documented below. These can be useful for adding relevant
resources to the store in an automated way, but can be quite slow
as they can make a potentially large number of HTTP requests.
>>> lamb, = Concept.search("lamb", max=1)
>>> print lamb.cycAnnot()
(JuvenileFn Sheep)
>>> for parent in lamb.parents():
... print parent.cycAnnot()
.. automethod:: search
.. automethod:: parents
.. automethod:: ancestors
.. automethod:: cycAnnot
_not_found = set()
def __init__(self, *av, **kw):
super(Concept, self).__init__(*av, **kw)
if self.one((None, None, None)) is None:
log.info("fetching %s" % self.identifier)
g = Graph().parse(self.identifier)
self += g.bnc((self.identifier, None, None))
except HTTPError, e:
log.error("error fetching %s: %s" % (self.identifier, e))
_nss = { "cyc": "http://ws.opencyc.org/xsd/CycConcepts" }
[docs] def search(self, name, max=1, exact=True, store="IOMemory"):
The OpenCyc search interface is not documented anywhere obvious, but
a very small amount of reverse engineering the JavaScript code on the
website and analysing the XML given in returned is sufficient to
implement this method.
:param name: a text string to search on. This might be the name
in English of the concept that is of interest
:param max: maximum number of results to return
:param exact: exact matches only
:param store: the RDFLib Store to which any results should be
added, returned graphs are initialised with this store. The
default is the string '"IOMemory"'
:return: an iterator over populated :class:`Concept` graphs for
each of the search results
from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader
params = {
"max": max,
"isExactMatch": "true" if exact else "false",
"conceptDetails": "typical",
"str": name
uri = "http://sw.opencyc.org//webservices/concept/find?" + urlencode(params)
fp = urlopen(uri)
result = NonvalidatingReader.parseStream(fp, uri=uri)
for concept in result.xpath("/cyc:concepts/cyc:concept", explicitNss=self._nss):
extid = concept.xpath("string(cyc:externalId)", explicitNss=self._nss)
ident = CYC[extid]
yield Concept(store, identifier=ident)
[docs] def cycAnnot(self):
Return the Cyc annotation or representation in the Cyc language
of the current resource.
_s, _p, o = self.one((self.identifier, CYC_ANNOT["label"], None))
return o
[docs] def parents(self, restrict=False, seen=set()):
Walk one step up the class hierarchy by following 'rdfs:subClassOf'
:param restrict: boolean indicating whether parents returned should
be restricted to the OpenCyc namespace.
:param seen: set of identifiers that have already been processed and
are not therefore to be returned, in order to avoid needless
:return: an iterator yielding :class:`Concept` for each of the parent
for cls in self.distinct_objects(self.identifier, RDFS["subClassOf"]):
if cls in seen: continue
if restrict and not cls.startswith(CYC[""]): continue
yield Concept(self.store, identifier=cls)
[docs] def ancestors(self, restrict=False, seen=set()):
Walk to the top of the class hierarchy recursively using :meth:`parents`.
Parameters are as with that method.
for parent in self.parents(restrict=restrict, seen=seen):
if parent.identifier in seen: continue
yield parent
for ancestor in parent.ancestors(restrict=restrict, seen=seen):
if ancestor.identifier in seen: continue
yield ancestor
if __name__ == '__main__':
from logging import basicConfig, DEBUG
import doctest
for g in rdf_data():
statement = g.one((g.identifier, RDFS["label"], None))
if statement is not None:
print statement[0], statement[2]