.. _Earth: Earth Learner ============= .. image:: ../../orangecontrib/earth/widgets/icons/EarthMars.svg :alt: Earth Learner Channels -------- Inputs: - Data (Table) Outputs: - Learner The Earth learning algorithm with parameters as specified in the dialog. - Predictor Trained regressor - Basis Matrix (Table) A data table of induced basis terms. Signal ``Predictor`` sends the regressor only if signal ``Data`` is present. Description ----------- This widget constructs a Earth learning algorithm (an implementation of the `MARS - Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines`_). As all widgets for classification and regression, this widget provides a learner and classifier/regressor on the output. Learner is a learning algorithm with settings as specified by the user. It can be fed into widgets for testing learners, for instance Test Learners. .. _`MARS - Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_adaptive_regression_splines .. image:: images/Earth.png .. rst-class:: stamp-list 1. Learner/Predictor can be given a name under which it will appear in other widgets (say ``Test Learners`` or ``Predictions``). 2. The ``Max. term degree`` parameter specifies the degree of the terms induced in the forward pass. For instance, if set to ``1`` the resulting model will contain only linear terms. 3. The ``Max. terms`` specifies how many terms can be induces in the forward pass. A special value ``Automatic`` instructs the learner to set the limit automatically based on the dimensionality of the data (``min(200, max(20, 2 * NumberOfAttributes)) + 1``) 4. The ``Knot penalty`` is used in the pruning pass (hinge function penalty for the GCV calculation) After changing one or more settings, you need to push 5 ``Apply``, which will put the new learner on the output and, if the training examples are given, construct a new predictor and output it as well. Examples -------- Lets use the learner to train a model on a data subset and test it on unseen instances. .. image:: images/Earth-Schema.png