======================================== :mod:`orangecontrib.earth` API reference ======================================== .. module:: orangecontrib.earth Learner/Classifier ------------------ The :class:`EarthLearner` and :class:`EarthClassifier` provide the standard Orange learner/classifier pair for model induction/prediction. .. autoclass:: EarthLearner :show-inheritance: :members: :special-members: __call__ .. autoclass:: EarthClassifier :show-inheritance: :members: :special-members: __call__ .. seealso:: :mod:`Orange.classification` Example:: >>> import Orange, orangecontrib.earth >>> data = Orange.data.Table("housing") >>> c = orangecontrib.earth.EarthLearner(data, degree=2, terms=10) >>> print c MEDV = 23.587 +11.896 * max(0, RM - 6.431) +1.142 * max(0, 6.431 - RM) -0.612 * max(0, LSTAT - 6.120) -228.795 * max(0, NOX - 0.647) * max(0, RM - 6.431) +0.023 * max(0, TAX - 307.000) * max(0, 6.120 - LSTAT) +0.029 * max(0, 307.000 - TAX) * max(0, 6.120 - LSTAT) Feature scoring --------------- .. autoclass:: ScoreEarthImportance :show-inheritance: :members: :special-members: __call__ .. seealso:: :mod:`Orange.feature.scoring` Utility functions ----------------- .. autofunction:: gcv .. autofunction:: plot_evimp .. autofunction:: bagged_evimp