.. _configuration: Configuration ============= *LMI metacommand* has the main configuration file located in: :: /etc/openlmi/scripts/lmi.conf User can have his own configuration file taking precedence over anything in global one above: :: $HOME/.lmirc Configuration is written in INI-like configuration files. Please refer to `ConfigParser`_'s documentation for details. Follows a list of sections with their list of options. Most of the options listed here can be overridden with command line parameters. .. seealso:: :py:mod:`~lmi.scripts.common.configuration` .. _sect_main: Section [Main] -------------- .. _main_command_namespace: CommandNamespace : ``string`` Python namespace, where command entry points will be searched for. Defaults to ``lmi.scripts.cmd``. .. _main_trace: Trace : ``boolean`` Whether the exceptions should be logged with tracebacks. Defaults to ``False``. Can be overridden with ``--trace`` and ``--notrace`` options on command-line. .. note:: For most exceptions generated by scripts a *Verbosity* option needs to be highest as well for tracebacks to be printed. .. _main_verbosity: Verbosity: ``integer`` A number within range -1 to 2 saying, how verbose the output shall be. This differs from `log_level`_, which controls the logging messages written to file. If logging to console is enabled it sets the minimum severity level. -1 Suppresses all messages except for errors. 0 shows warnings, 1 info messages and 2 enables debug messages. This option also affects the verbosity of commands, making them print more information to ``stdout``. Defaults to 0. Can be overridden with ``-v`` and ``-q`` flags on command-line. Section [CIM] ------------- .. _cim_namespace: Namespace : ``string`` Allows to override default CIM namespace, which will be passed to script library functions. Defaults to ``root/cimv2``. Section [SSL] ------------- .. _ssl_verify_server_certificate: VerifyServerCertificate : ``boolean`` Whether to verify server-side certificate, when making secured connection over https. Defaults to ``True``. Can be overridden with ``-n | --noverify`` flag on command-line. Section [Format] ---------------- .. _format_human_friendly: HumanFriendly : ``boolean`` Whether to print values in human readable forms (e.g. with units). Defaults to ``False``. Can be overridden with ``-H | --human-frienly`` flag on command-line. .. _format_lister_format: ListerFormat : one of {``csv``, ``table``} What format to use, when listing tabular data. ``csv`` format allows for easy machine parsing, the second one is more human friendly. Defaults to ``table``. Can be overridden with ``-L | --lister-format`` option on command line. .. _format_no_headings: NoHeadings : ``boolean`` Whether to suppress headings (column names) when printing tables. Defaults to ``False``. Can be overridden with ``-N | --no-headings`` option on command line. Section [Log] ------------- .. _log_level: Level : one of {``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``, ``ERROR``, ``CRITICAL``} Minimal severity level of messages to log. Affects only logging to a file. See the `main_verbosity`_ option controlling console logging level. Defaults to ``ERROR``. LogToConsole : ``boolean`` Whether the logging to console is enabled. Defaults to ``True`` On command-line the same could be achieved by redirecting ``stderr`` to ``/dev/null``. .. _log_console_format: ConsoleFormat : ``string`` Format string used when logging to a console. This applies to warnings and more severe messages. Refer to `Format String` in python's documentation for details. Defaults to ``%(levelname)s: %(message)s``. .. _log_console_info_format: ConsoleInfoFormat : ``string`` Format string used when logging to a console. Applies to info and debug messages. Refer to `Format String` in python's documentation for details. Defaults to ``%(message)s``. .. _log_file_format: FileFormat : ``string`` Format string used, when logging to a console. This applies only when *OutputFile* is set (see below). Refer to `Format String` in python's documentation for details. Defaults to ``%(asctime)s:%(levelname)-8s:%(name)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s`` .. _log_output_file: OutputFile : ``string`` Allows to set a path to file, where messages will be logged. No log file is written at default. Defaults to empty string. Can be overridden on command line with ``--log-file`` option. .. **************************************************************************** .. _`RFC 822`: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822.html .. _ConfigParser: http://docs.python.org/2/library/configparser.html .. _Format String: http://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html#logrecord-attributes