from ..plugin import Plugin
from ..orm.record import (Record,
import six
[docs]class ExternalIDS(Plugin):
""" This plugin adds aditional methods to work with
external_ids (xml_id) for Odoo records.
[docs] def get_for(self, val, module=None):
""" Return RecordList of 'ir.model.data' for val or False
:param val: value to get 'ir.model.data' records for
:param str module: module name to search 'ir.model.data' for
:rtype: RecordList
:return: RecordList with 'ir.model.data' records found
:raises ValueError: if *val* argument could not be parsed
``val`` could be one of folowing types:
- ``Record`` instance
- ``RecordList`` instance
- ``tuple(model, res_id)``, for example ``('res.partner', 5)``
- ``str``, string in format 'module.name'.
**Note**, in case of *val* is *str*: if *module*
specified as parameter, then *val* supposed to be *name* only.
For example, folowing calls are equal::
data_obj = self.client['ir.model.data']
domain = [] if module is None else [('module', '=', module)]
if isinstance(val, Record):
domain += [('model', '=', val._object.name),
('res_id', '=', val.id)]
elif isinstance(val, RecordList):
domain += [('model', '=', val._object.name),
('res_id', 'in', val.ids)]
elif isinstance(val, (tuple, list)) and len(val) == 2:
model, res_id = val
domain += [('model', '=', model),
('res_id', '=', res_id)]
elif isinstance(val, six.string_types):
if module is None:
module, name = val.split('.')
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"Bad xml_id passed. cannot fetch module name.")
name = val
domain = [('module', '=', module),
('name', '=', name)]
raise ValueError("Cannot parse value [%r]" % val)
return data_obj.search_records(domain)
[docs] def get_xmlid(self, val, module=None):
""" Return *xml_id* for *val*.
Note, that only first xml_id will be returned!
:param val: look in documentation for
:param str module: module name to search xml_id for
:rtype: str
:return: xml_id for *val* or False if not found
:raises ValueError: if *val* argument could not be parsed
Note, that if *module* specified as parametr, then *val*
supposed to be *name* only
e_record = self.get_for(val, module=module)
if e_record:
return e_record[0].complete_name
return False
[docs] def get_record(self, xml_id, module=None):
""" Return *Record* instance for specified xml_id
:param str xml_id: string with xml_id to search record for
:param str module: module name to search Record in
:rtype: Record
:return: Record for *val* or False if not found
:raises ValueError: if *xml_id* argument could not be parsed
assert isinstance(xml_id, six.string_types), "xml_id must be string"
e_record = self.get_for(xml_id, module=module)
if e_record:
e_record = e_record[0]
return self.client[e_record.model].browse(e_record.res_id)
return False
[docs]class Record__XMLIDS(Record):
""" Simple class to add ability to get xmlid from record itself
[docs] def as_xmlid(self, module=None):
""" Get xmlid for record
:param str module: module to search xmlid in
:return: xmlid for this record or False
:rtype: str
return self._client.plugins.external_ids.get_xmlid(self, module=module)