""" This module contains generic classes and functions, which allows to add
additional ipython-style representation capabilities for classes,
such as table representations via `HTMLTable <#HTMLTable>`__ or
`PrettyTable <#PrettyTable>`__ classes
import os
import six
import csv
import os.path
import tempfile
import tabulate
from jinja2 import Template
from IPython.display import HTML, FileLink
from ...utils import ustr as _
from ...utils import normalizeSField
from .utils import CSV_PATH
__all__ = ('FieldNotFoundException',
[docs]def toHField(field):
""" Convert value to HField instance
:param field: value to convert to HField instance.
:return: HField instance based on passed value
:rtype: HField
:raises ValueError: if ``field`` value cannot be automaticaly
convereted to ``HField`` instance
``field`` argument may be one of following types:
- ``HField``: in this case ``field`` will be returned unchanged
- ``str``: in this case ``field`` assumend to be field path, so
``HField`` instance will be created for it as ``HField(field)``
- ``tuple(str, str)``: In this case ``field`` assumed to be
pair of (field_path, field_name), so new ``HField`` instance
will be constructed with following arguments:
``HField(field[0], name=field[1])``
- ``callable``: if ``field`` is callable, then it is assumed to be
custom getter function, so new ``HField`` instance
will be created as ``HField(field)``
For more information look at
`HField <#openerp_proxy.ext.repr.generic.HField>`__
if isinstance(field, HField):
return field
elif isinstance(field, six.string_types):
return HField(field)
elif isinstance(field, (tuple, list)) and len(field) == 2:
return HField(field[0], name=field[1])
elif callable(field):
return HField(field)
raise ValueError('Unsupported field type: %s' % repr(field))
[docs]class FieldNotFoundException(Exception):
""" Exception raised when HField cannot find field in object been processed
:param obj: object to field not found in
:param name: field that is not found in object *obj*
:param original_exc: Exception that was raised on attempt to get field
def __init__(self, obj, name, original_exc=None):
self.name = name
self.obj = obj
self.orig_exc = original_exc
def message(self):
return u"Field %s not found in obj %s" % (_(self.name), _(self.obj))
# TODO: implement correct behavior. It fails in IPython notebook with
# UnicodeEncodeError because of python's standard warnings module
# def __unicode__(self):
# return message
def __str__(self):
# converting to ascii because of python's warnings module fails in
# UnicodeEncodeError when no-ascii symbols present in str(exception)
return self.message.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
""" Describes how to get a field.
Primaraly used in html representation logic.
:param field: path to field or function to get value from record
if path is string, then it should be dot separated
list of fields/subfields to get value from.
for example ``sale_line_id.order_id.name`` or
:type field: str | func(record)->value
:param str name: name of field. (optional)
if specified, then this value will be used
in column header of table.
:param bool silent: If set to True, then no exceptions will be raised
and *default* value will be returned.
:param default: default value to be returned if field not found.
:param bool is_header: if set to True, then this field will be
displayed as header in HTMLTable representation,
Useful for columns like ID.
Have no effect in text representation
(default: False)
:param HField parent: (for internal usage) parent field.
First get value of parent field for record,
and then get value of current field based on
value of parent field:
:param args: if specified, then it means that field is callable,
and *args* should be passed to it as positional arguments.
This may be useful to call *as_html_table* method
of internal field. for example::
args=('id', '_name',
HField('location_id._name', 'Location')))
or better way::
HField('location_id._name', 'Location')
Another approach is use
`AnyField <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/anyfield>`__ lib,
but at moment of writing this,
it is in experimental stage still
:type args: list | tuple
:param dict kwargs: same as *args* but for keyword arguments
def __init__(self, field, name=None, silent=False, default=None,
is_header=False, parent=None, args=None, kwargs=None):
if callable(field):
field = normalizeSField(field)
self._field = field
self._name = name
self._silent = silent
self._default = default
self._is_header = is_header
self._parent = parent
self._args = tuple() if args is None else args
self._kwargs = dict() if kwargs is None else kwargs
def F(self, field, **kwargs):
""" Create chained field
Could be used for complicated field.
for example::
HField('myfield.myvalue', default={'a': 5}).F('a')
return HField(
name=kwargs.get('name', self._name),
silent=kwargs.get('silent', self._silent),
default=kwargs.get('default', self._default),
args=kwargs.get('args', self._args),
kwargs=kwargs.get('kwargs', self._kwargs),
def with_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" If field is string pointing to function (or method),
all arguments and keyword arguments passed to this method,
will be passed to field (function).
For example::
'id', '_name', HField('location_id._name', 'Location'))
This arguments ('id', '_name', HField('location_id._name',
'Location')) will be passed to
``picking_id.move_lines.as_html_table`` method
:return: self
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
return self
def _get_field(self, obj, name):
""" Try to get field named *name* from object *obj*
res = obj[name]
res = obj[int(name)]
res = getattr(obj, name)
raise FieldNotFoundException(obj, name)
return res
def get_field(self, record, mode='text'):
""" Returns requested value from specified record (object)
:param record: Record instance to get field from
(also should work on any other object)
:type record: Record
:param str mode: (optional) specify field mode.
possible values: ('text', 'html')
default: 'text'
:return: requested value
assert mode in ('text', 'html')
# process parent field
if self._parent is not None:
record = self._parent.get_field(record)
# check if field is callable
if callable(self._field):
r = self._field(record, *self._args, **self._kwargs)
except Exception:
if self._silent:
r = self._default
# field seems to be string
fields = self._field.split('.')
r = record
while fields:
field = fields.pop(0)
r = self._get_field(r, field)
# and if attribute is callable and
if callable(r) and fields:
# if it is not last field then call
# it without arguments
r = r()
# it is last field and it is callable
elif callable(r) and not fields:
r = r(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
except Exception:
if not self._silent: # reraise exception if not silent
else: # or return default value
r = self._default
if mode == 'html':
if isinstance(r, HTMLTable):
# Support nested HTML Tables
r.nested = True
r = r.render()
elif isinstance(r, HTML):
# Support IPython HTML compatible objects
r = r._repr_html_()
return r
def __call__(self, record):
""" Get value from specified record
:param record: object to get field from
:type record: Record
:return: value of self-field of record
return self.get_field(record)
def __str__(self):
return _(self._name) if self._name is not None else _(self._field)
def __repr__(self):
return u"<HFiled: %s>" % self
[docs]class PrettyTable(object):
""" Just a simple warapper around tabulate to show IPython displayable
Only 'pretty' representation, yet.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
def table(self):
# TODO: think about saving rendered table in instance
return tabulate.tabulate(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
def _repr_pretty_(self, printer, cycle):
return printer.text(self.table)
[docs]class BaseTable(object):
""" Base class for table representation
:param data: record list (or iterable of anything other)
to create represetation for
:type data: RecordList|iterable
:param fields: list of fields to display. each field should be string
with dot splitted names of related object, or callable
of one argument (record instance) or *HField* instance
or tuple(field_path|callable, field_name)
:type fields: list(str | callable | HField | tuple(field, name))
:param str tablefmt: (optional) table format param passed
directly to tabulate.tabulate() method
in _pretty_repr_ logic.
def __init__(self, data, fields, tablefmt='simple'):
self._data = data
self._fields = []
self._tablefmt = tablefmt
def update(self, fields=None):
""" This method is used to change BaseTable fields,
thus, changing representation
arguments same as for constructor, except 'data' arg,
which is absent in this method
:param fields: list of fields to display. each field should be string
with dot splitted names of related object, or callable
of one argument (record instance) or *HField* instance
or tuple(field_path|callable, field_name)
:type fields: list(str) | callable | HField | tuple(field, name))
:return: self
fields = [] if fields is None else fields
for field in fields:
return self
def fields(self):
""" List of fields of table.
:type: list of HField instances
return self._fields
def data(self):
""" Data, table is based on
return self._data
def __iter__(self):
""" Iterateive structure similar to list of lists
for record in self.data:
# Note: yielding here list, becouse attempt to yield
# smthing like ``yield (f(record) for f in self.fields)`` failed
yield [field(record) for field in self.fields]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
def to_csv(self):
""" Write table to CSV file and return FileLink object for it
:return: instance of FileLink
:rtype: FileLink
# Python 2/3 compatability
if six.PY3:
def adapt(s):
return _(s)
fmode = 'wt'
tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
def adapt(s):
return _(s).encode('utf-8')
fmode = 'wb'
tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
with tmp_file as csv_file:
csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
csv_writer.writerow(tuple((adapt(h) for h in self.fields)))
for row in self:
csv_writer.writerow(tuple((adapt(val) for val in row)))
return FileLink(
os.path.join(CSV_PATH, os.path.split(tmp_file.name)[-1]))
def _repr_pretty_(self, printer, cycle):
return printer.text(PrettyTable(self,
# TODO: also implement vertical table orientation, which could be usefult for
# comparing few records or reuse same code for displaying single record.
[docs]class HTMLTable(BaseTable):
""" HTML Table representation object for RecordList
:param data: record list (or iterable of anything other)
to create represetation for
:type data: RecordList|iterable
:param fields: list of fields to display. each field should be string
with dot splitted names of related object, or callable
of one argument (record instance) or *HField* instance
or tuple(field_path|callable, field_name)
:type fields: list(str | callable | HField | tuple(field, name))
:param str caption: String to be used as table caption
:param dict highlighters: dictionary in format::
{color: callable(record)->bool}
where *color* any color suitable for HTML and
callable is function of *Record instance*
which decides, if record should be colored
by this color
:param bool display_help: if set to False,
then no help message will be displayed
:param str tablefmt: (optional) table format param passed
directly to tabulate.tabulate() method
in _pretty_repr_ logic.
_template = Template("""
<div class='panel panel-default'>
{% if table.caption and not table.nested %}
<div class='panel-heading'>{{ table.caption }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if table._display_help and not table.nested %}
<div class='panel-body'>
Note, that You may use <i>.to_csv()</i>
method of this table to export it to CSV format
{% endif %}
<table class='table table-bordered table-condensed table-striped'>
<tr style='border: none'>
{% for header in table.fields %}
<th>{{ header }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for record in table.data %}
{% set hcolor = table.highlight_record(record) %}
{% if hcolor %}
<tr style='border:none;background: {{ hcolor }}'>
{% else %}
<tr style='border:none'>
{% endif %}
{% for field in table.fields %}
{% if field._is_header %}
<th>{{ field.get_field(record, mode='html') }}</th>
{% else %}
<td>{{ field.get_field(record, mode='html') }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<div class='panel-footer'>Total lines: {{ table|length }}</div>
def __init__(self, data, fields, caption=None,
highlighters=None, display_help=True,
tablefmt='simple', **kwargs):
self._caption = u"HTMLTable"
self._highlighters = {}
self._display_help = display_help
self._nested = False
super(HTMLTable, self).__init__(data, fields, tablefmt=tablefmt)
# Note: Fields already updated by base class
self.update(caption=caption, highlighters=highlighters, **kwargs)
def nested(self):
""" system property. Which is automaticaly set if HTML table
should be diplayed in other html table. If set to True,
then caption and help message will not be displayed
return self._nested
def nested(self, value):
self._nested = value
def update(self, fields=None, caption=None, highlighters=None, **kwargs):
""" This method is used to change HTMLTable initial data, thus,
changing representation
Can be used for example, when some function returns partly
configured HTMLTable instance, but user want's to display
more fields or add some custom highlighters
arguments same as for constructor, except 'data' arg,
which is absent in this method
:return: self
super(HTMLTable, self).update(fields=fields)
if caption is None and self._caption is None:
self._caption = _(self.data)
if caption is not None:
self._caption = _(caption)
if highlighters is not None:
# Normalize highlighter functiona to be able to use anyfield.SField
# for highlighters
highlighters = {hname: normalizeSField(hfn)
for hname, hfn in highlighters.items()}
return self
def caption(self):
""" Table caption
return self._caption
def highlight_record(self, record):
""" Checks all highlighters related to this representation object
and return color of firest match highlighter
for color, highlighter in self._highlighters.items():
if highlighter(record):
return color
return False
def render(self):
""" render html table to string
return self._template.render(table=self)
def _repr_html_(self):
""" HTML representation
return self.render()