=============================================== Welcome to OFS File Storage (OFS) Documentation =============================================== OFS is a bucket/object storage library. It provides a common API for storing bitstreams (plus related metadata) in 'bucket/object' stores such as: * S3-like: S3, Google Storage, Eucalytus, Archive.org * Filesystem (via pairtree and other methods) * 'REST' Store (see remote/reststore.py - implementation at http://bitbucket.org/pudo/repod/) * **add a backend here** - just implement the methods in base.py Why use the library: * Abstraction: write common code but use different storage backends * More than a filesystem, less than a database - support for metadata as well bitstreams OFS Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interface that must be implemented by all OFS backends. .. autoclass:: ofs.base.OFSInterface :members: Backends ~~~~~~~~ Pairtree Backend: Local Filesystem based using Pairtree ======================================================= .. autoclass:: ofs.local.pairtreestore.PTOFS :members: LocalFile Store: Ultra-Simple Local File System =============================================== .. warning:: Not yet implemented. .. autoclass:: ofs.local.filestore.LocalFileOFS :members: Metadata Store: Local File System with Metadata Focus ===================================================== .. autoclass:: ofs.local.metadatastore.MDOFS :members: ZipStore: OFS Storage Backed onto Zipfile ========================================= .. autoclass:: ofs.local.zipstore.ZOFS :members: S3 == .. autoclass:: ofs.remote.botostore.S3OFS :members: Google Storage ============== .. autoclass:: ofs.remote.botostore.GSOFS :members: Archive.org OFS =============== .. autoclass:: ofs.remote.botostore.ArchiveOrgOFS :members: ProxyStore (Bounce for S3-type stores) ====================================== .. autoclass:: ofs.remote.proxystore.S3Bounce :members: REST OFS: OFS Interface to RESTFul storage system ================================================= .. autoclass:: ofs.remote.reststore.RESTOFS :members: Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`