Source code for stl.stl

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import io
import os
import enum
import numpy
import struct
import datetime

from . import base
from . import __about__ as metadata
from .utils import b
from .utils import s

    from . import _speedups
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    _speedups = None

[docs]class Mode(enum.IntEnum): #: Automatically detect whether the output is a TTY, if so, write ASCII #: otherwise write BINARY AUTOMATIC = 0 #: Force writing ASCII ASCII = 1 #: Force writing BINARY BINARY = 2
# For backwards compatibility, leave the original references AUTOMATIC = Mode.AUTOMATIC ASCII = Mode.ASCII BINARY = Mode.BINARY #: Amount of bytes to read while using buffered reading BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 #: The amount of bytes in the header field HEADER_SIZE = 80 #: The amount of bytes in the count field COUNT_SIZE = 4 #: The maximum amount of triangles we can read from binary files MAX_COUNT = 1e8
[docs]class BaseStl(base.BaseMesh): @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, fh, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True): '''Load Mesh from STL file Automatically detects binary versus ascii STL files. :param file fh: The file handle to open :param int mode: Automatically detect the filetype or force binary ''' header = if not header: return if isinstance(header, str): # pragma: no branch header = b(header) name = '' if mode in (AUTOMATIC, ASCII) and header.startswith(b('solid')): try: name, data = cls._load_ascii( fh, header, speedups=speedups) except RuntimeError as exception: (recoverable, e) = exception.args # If we didn't read beyond the header the stream is still # readable through the binary reader if recoverable: name, data = cls._load_binary(fh, header, check_size=False) else: # Apparently we've read beyond the header. Let's try # seeking :) # Note that this fails when reading from stdin, we can't # recover from that. # Since we know this is a seekable file now and we're not # 100% certain it's binary, check the size while reading name, data = cls._load_binary(fh, header, check_size=True) else: name, data = cls._load_binary(fh, header) return name, data
@classmethod def _load_binary(cls, fh, header, check_size=False): # Read the triangle count count_data = if len(count_data) != COUNT_SIZE: count = 0 else: count, = struct.unpack(s('<i'), b(count_data)) # raise RuntimeError() assert count < MAX_COUNT, ('File too large, got %d triangles which ' 'exceeds the maximum of %d') % ( count, MAX_COUNT) if check_size: try: # Check the size of the file, os.SEEK_END) raw_size = fh.tell() - HEADER_SIZE - COUNT_SIZE expected_count = int(raw_size / cls.dtype.itemsize) assert expected_count == count, ('Expected %d vectors but ' 'header indicates %d') % ( expected_count, count) + COUNT_SIZE) except IOError: # pragma: no cover pass name = header.strip() # Read the rest of the binary data return name, numpy.fromfile(fh, dtype=cls.dtype, count=count) @classmethod def _ascii_reader(cls, fh, header): if b'\n' in header: recoverable = [True] else: recoverable = [False] header += b( lines = b(header).split(b('\n')) def get(prefix=''): prefix = b(prefix) if lines: line = lines.pop(0) else: raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Unable to find more lines') if not lines: recoverable[0] = False # Read more lines and make sure we prepend any old data lines[:] = b('\n')) line += lines.pop(0) line = line.lower().strip() if line == b(''): return get(prefix) if prefix: if line.startswith(prefix): values = line.replace(prefix, b(''), 1).strip().split() elif line.startswith(b('endsolid')): # go back to the beginning of new solid part size_unprocessedlines = sum(len(l) + 1 for l in lines) - 1 if size_unprocessedlines > 0: position = fh.tell() - size_unprocessedlines) raise StopIteration() else: raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], '%r should start with %r' % (line, prefix)) if len(values) == 3: return [float(v) for v in values] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'Incorrect value %r' % line) else: return b(line) line = get() if not line.startswith(b('solid ')) and line.startswith(b('solid')): cls.warning('ASCII STL files should start with solid <space>. ' 'The application that produced this STL file may be ' 'faulty, please report this error. The erroneous ' 'line: %r', line) if not lines: raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], 'No lines found, impossible to read') # Yield the name yield line[5:].strip() while True: # Read from the header lines first, until that point we can recover # and go to the binary option. After that we cannot due to # unseekable files such as sys.stdin # # Numpy doesn't support any non-file types so wrapping with a # buffer and/or StringIO does not work. try: normals = get('facet normal') assert get() == b('outer loop') v0 = get('vertex') v1 = get('vertex') v2 = get('vertex') assert get() == b('endloop') assert get() == b('endfacet') attrs = 0 yield (normals, (v0, v1, v2), attrs) except AssertionError as e: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(recoverable[0], e) except StopIteration: raise @classmethod def _load_ascii(cls, fh, header, speedups=True): if _speedups and speedups: return _speedups.ascii_read(fh, header) else: iterator = cls._ascii_reader(fh, header) name = next(iterator) return name, numpy.fromiter(iterator, dtype=cls.dtype)
[docs] def save(self, filename, fh=None, mode=AUTOMATIC, update_normals=True): '''Save the STL to a (binary) file If mode is :py:data:`AUTOMATIC` an :py:data:`ASCII` file will be written if the output is a TTY and a :py:data:`BINARY` file otherwise. :param str filename: The file to load :param file fh: The file handle to open :param int mode: The mode to write, default is :py:data:`AUTOMATIC`. :param bool update_normals: Whether to update the normals ''' assert filename, 'Filename is required for the STL headers' if update_normals: self.update_normals() if mode is AUTOMATIC: if fh and os.isatty(fh.fileno()): # pragma: no cover write = self._write_ascii else: write = self._write_binary elif mode is BINARY: write = self._write_binary elif mode is ASCII: write = self._write_ascii else: raise ValueError('Mode %r is invalid' % mode) name = os.path.split(filename)[-1] try: if fh: write(fh, name) else: with open(filename, 'wb') as fh: write(fh, filename) except IOError: # pragma: no cover pass
def _write_ascii(self, fh, name): if _speedups and self.speedups: _speedups.ascii_write(fh, b(name), else: def p(s, file): file.write(b('%s\n' % s)) p('solid %s' % name, file=fh) for row in vectors = row['vectors'] p('facet normal %f %f %f' % tuple(row['normals']), file=fh) p(' outer loop', file=fh) p(' vertex %f %f %f' % tuple(vectors[0]), file=fh) p(' vertex %f %f %f' % tuple(vectors[1]), file=fh) p(' vertex %f %f %f' % tuple(vectors[2]), file=fh) p(' endloop', file=fh) p('endfacet', file=fh) p('endsolid %s' % name, file=fh) def _write_binary(self, fh, name): # Create the header header = '%s (%s) %s %s' % ( metadata.__package_name__, metadata.__version__,, name, ) # Make it exactly 80 characters header = header[:80].ljust(80, ' ') packed = struct.pack(s('<i'), if isinstance(fh, io.TextIOWrapper): # pragma: no cover packed = str(packed) else: header = b(header) packed = b(packed) fh.write(header) fh.write(packed) @classmethod
[docs] def from_file(cls, filename, calculate_normals=True, fh=None, mode=AUTOMATIC, speedups=True, **kwargs): '''Load a mesh from a STL file :param str filename: The file to load :param bool calculate_normals: Whether to update the normals :param file fh: The file handle to open :param dict \**kwargs: The same as for :py:class:`stl.mesh.Mesh` ''' if fh: name, data = cls.load( fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups) else: with open(filename, 'rb') as fh: name, data = cls.load( fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups) return cls(data, calculate_normals, name=name, speedups=speedups, **kwargs)
[docs] def from_multi_file(cls, filename, calculate_normals=True, fh=None, mode=ASCII, speedups=True, **kwargs): '''Load multiple meshes from a STL file :param str filename: The file to load :param bool calculate_normals: Whether to update the normals :param file fh: The file handle to open :param dict \**kwargs: The same as for :py:class:`stl.mesh.Mesh` ''' if fh: close = False else: fh = open(filename, 'rb') close = True try: raw_data = cls.load(fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups) while raw_data: name, data = raw_data yield cls(data, calculate_normals, name=name, speedups=speedups, **kwargs) raw_data = cls.load(fh, mode=mode, speedups=speedups) finally: if close: fh.close()
StlMesh = BaseStl.from_file