
The following specific exceptions are defined:


The NumerousError exception is the general purpose exception raised by the Numerous and NumerousMetric classes when the server reports an HTTP error code or when communication fails. If e is a NumerousError, then:


Subclass of NumerourError. Raised when you perform a metric write() with onlyIfChanged=True and the value isn't a change. See metric write() for more details. This exception is also thrown by metricByLabel in some multiple-match cases.


Subclass of NumerousError. Raised whenever the NumerousApp server returns an HTTP 401 code. Usually means your API Key is no good (or has become no good).


Subclass of NumerousError. Raised whenever interacting with the NumerousApp server caused a networking-related exception from the requests library. Typically this means the server (or your network) is down. The attributes contain the original exception; there's not much (useful) you can do with this other than print it out.


Subclass of NumerousError. Raised from any iterator method when an unexpected server error occurs while fetching any chunk of results other than the first chunk. This error is never "expected" but it can happen if the server returns an error while we are fetching the second or subsequent "chunk" of any type of collection. Essentially this is communicating an iteration that has been interrupted by some server or network error and is therefore incomplete. Note that this is never raised if the first chunk fetch fails (that will raise a NumerousError or possibly a NumerousAuthError) as that indicates bad parameters for the iterator, whereas a failure partway through the chunking protocol indicates some other type of (possibly severe, definitely unexpected) problem.