Publishing Messages =================== In AMQP publish a message is an asynchronous operation, which avoids the latency of a synchronous operation but makes it harder to correctly handle errors. See :doc:`asyncmodel` for more details about asynchronous methods and workarounds. The method to publish a method is this: .. module:: nucleon.amqp.channels .. automethod:: Channel.basic_publish .. _basic-properties: Basic Message Properties '''''''''''''''''''''''' There are dozens of options regarding the reliability and durability of message delivery as well as ``immediate`` and ``mandatory``, which can be passed as the ``headers`` parameter to :py:meth:`Channel.basic_publish` above. The following properties are defined in the AMQP specification: .. describe:: (shortstr) content-type The MIME content type of the message. .. describe:: (shortstr) content-encoding The MIME content encoding of the message. .. describe:: (octet) delivery-mode For queues that are persistent, specify whether the message should be persisted: * ``1`` if the message should be non-persistent. * ``2`` if the message should be persistent. .. describe:: (octet) priority The priority of the message, a value from 0 to 9. Higher-priority messages will be delivered before all lower-priority messages (if the queue supports it). .. describe:: (shortstr) correlation-id Application correlation identifier, for application use. .. describe:: (shortstr) reply-to Address to reply to. For application use. No formal behaviour but may hold the name of a private response queue, when used in request messages. .. describe:: (shortstr) expiration Message expiration specification. For implementation use, no formal behaviour. .. describe:: (shortstr) message-id Application message identifier. For application use, no formal behaviour. .. describe:: (timestamp) timestamp Message timestamp. For application use, no formal behaviour. .. describe:: (shortstr) type Message type name. For application use, no formal behaviour. .. describe:: (shortstr) user-id The user ID of the publishing application. AMQP specifies no formal behaviour for this property, but RabbitMQ `validates that it matches the login username`__. .. __: .. describe:: (shortstr) app-id The application ID of the publishing application. For application use, no formal behaviour. Any property not in the above list will be sent as part of the headers table: .. describe:: (table) headers Application-defined headers; also used for header exchange routing. Note that RabbitMQ provides an `extension for CC- and BCC-style lists of additional routing keys`__, which are also passed as headers: .. __: .. describe:: (array of longstr) CC Additional routing keys to deliver the message to. .. describe:: (array of longstr) BCC Additional routing keys to deliver the message to. This header will be removed from the headers table before the message is delivered. .. _basic_return: Returned Messages ''''''''''''''''' AMQP can return a message to the sender if either the :py:meth:`immediate or mandatory ` attributes are set. It is possible to test whether a message has been returned: .. automethod:: MessageChannel.check_returned The exception that is raised is .. autoclass:: nucleon.amqp.exceptions.MessageReturned or one of the subclasses: .. autoclass:: nucleon.amqp.exceptions.MessageReturnedNoRoute .. autoclass:: nucleon.amqp.exceptions.MessageReturnedNoConsumers If the :py:meth:`` context manager is used, this check will automatically be made when the context manager is left (assuming there has been no more significant exception):: with as channel: channel.basic_publish( exchange='exchange', routing_key='', payload='woop', mandatory=True ) # Exception will be raised before we get to the next statement return True .. _publish confirmation: Publish Confirmation (RabbitMQ Extension) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' RabbitMQ supports **confirms** or publish acknowledgements, which allow a publisher to know when a message has been processed. The alternative is to use transactions. Publish acknowledgements can be enabled on a per-channel basis by calling :py:meth:`Channel.confirm_select`, which is normally synchronous but can be called in an asynchronous mode if the optional ``nowait`` parameter is ``True``. After this call, :py:meth:`Channel.basic_publish` will block until it receives an acknowledgement. .. automethod:: Channel.confirm_select After a channel that has been enabled for publish confirms, ``basic_publish()`` will raise a :py:class:`MessageReturned ` exception if the outgoing message is returned.