:mod:`nolearn.lasagne` ---------------------- Two introductory tutorials exist for *nolearn.lasagne*: - `Using convolutional neural nets to detect facial keypoints tutorial `_ with `code `_ - `Training convolutional neural networks with nolearn `_ For specifics around classes and functions out of the *lasagne* package, such as layers, updates, and nonlinearities, you'll want to look at the `Lasagne project's documentation `_. *nolearn.lasagne* comes with a `number of tests `_ that demonstrate some of the more advanced features, such as networks with merge layers, and networks with multiple inputs. Finally, there's a few presentations and examples from around the web. Note that some of these might need a specific version of nolearn and Lasange to run: - Oliver Dürr's `Convolutional Neural Nets II Hands On `_ with `code `_ - Roelof Pieters' presentation `Python for Image Understanding `_ comes with nolearn.lasagne code examples - Benjamin Bossan's `Otto Group Product Classification Challenge using nolearn/lasagne `_ - Kaggle's `instructions on how to set up an AWS GPU instance to run nolearn.lasagne `_ and the facial keypoint detection tutorial - `An example convolutional autoencoder `_ - Winners of the saliency prediction task in the 2015 `LSUN Challenge `_ have published their `lasagne/nolearn-based code `_. API ~~~ .. automodule:: nolearn.lasagne .. autoclass:: NeuralNet :members: .. autoclass:: BatchIterator :members: .. autoclass:: TrainSplit :members: