

You can skip this if you don’t want to develop nntoolkit. This

page explains how to contribute to nntoolkit, the next pages explain how to use nntoolkit.

Project Structure

The project is structured in several modules:

  • bin/nntoolkit: The Python scripts which handles user interaction at the highest level. All subcommands have an own module, but at first the user input gets handled here.
  • nntoolkit/ Utility functions that can be used in multiple scripts.
  • nntoolkit/ Create a neural network model file.
  • nntoolkit/ Train a neural network.
  • nntoolkit/ Evaluate a neural network.
  • nntoolkit/ Test a neural network.

You can also print a dependency graph with the Python package snakefood:

$ sfood | sfood-graph  >
$ dot -Tpng -s200 -o dependency-graph.png

which generates

nntoolkit dependency graph

You might have to set

graph G {
    graph [ dpi = 300 ];
    /* The rest of your graph here. */


See issues on GitHub:

Current State

  • lines of code without tests: LOC (make countc)
  • lines of test code: LOT (make countt)
  • test coverage: cov (make test)
  • pylint score: lint (pylint nntoolkit)
  • cheesecake_index: (make testall)
  • users: How many people do currently actively use / develop nntoolkit?
date,        LOC,  LOT, cov, lint, cheesecake_index, users, changes
2015-01-29, 1061,   86, 56%, 9.21,          362/595,     2, minor
2015-01-29, 1139,   86, 56%, 9.22,          408/595,     2, minor (and fixed pylint for cheesecake_index)
2015-01-31, 1333,  181, 56%, 9.26,          408/595,     2, minor (removed star-argument)
2015-02-06, 1235,  164, 58%, 9.17,          408/595,     2, minor
2015-02-06,  991,  164, 58%, 9.38,          408/595,     2, Added docstrings

Pylint messages

Most (not all!) of the following pylint issues need to be fixed. What does not need any attention is

  • “Redefining built-in ‘open’” when it is from future.builtins import open
$ pylint nntoolkit
************* Module nntoolkit.activation_functions
W: 12,20: Unused argument 'config_key' (unused-argument)
************* Module nntoolkit.evaluate
W: 13, 4: Redefining built-in 'open' (redefined-builtin)
************* Module nntoolkit.test
W: 46, 4: Attempting to unpack a non-sequence defined at line 146 of nntoolkit.utils (unpacking-non-sequence)
W: 46, 4: Attempting to unpack a non-sequence defined at line 150 of nntoolkit.utils (unpacking-non-sequence)
W: 46, 4: Attempting to unpack a non-sequence defined at line 156 of nntoolkit.utils (unpacking-non-sequence)
************* Module nntoolkit.create
W: 95, 0: TODO: parse architecture string to allow arbitrary activation (fixme)
W:123, 0: TODO: the activation function could be here! (fixme)
************* Module nntoolkit.train
W:103, 0: TODO: Sigmoid - make dependant from activation function (fixme)
W:132, 0: TODO: Eventually we miss training examples! (fixme)
R: 61, 0: Too many arguments (6/5) (too-many-arguments)
R: 61, 0: Too many local variables (30/15) (too-many-locals)
E:104, 8: Assigning to function call which doesn't return (assignment-from-no-return)
R:140, 0: Too many arguments (6/5) (too-many-arguments)
W:151, 4: Attempting to unpack a non-sequence defined at line 146 of nntoolkit.utils (unpacking-non-sequence)
W:151, 4: Attempting to unpack a non-sequence defined at line 150 of nntoolkit.utils (unpacking-non-sequence)
W:151, 4: Attempting to unpack a non-sequence defined at line 156 of nntoolkit.utils (unpacking-non-sequence)
************* Module nntoolkit.utils
W: 23, 4: Redefining built-in 'open' (redefined-builtin)
C: 60, 0: Missing function docstring (missing-docstring)
W:123, 9: Used * or ** magic (star-args)
R:  1, 0: Similar lines in 2 files
import nntoolkit.utils as utils

def get_parser():
    """Return the parser object for this script."""
    from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
    parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", (duplicate-code)
R:  1, 0: Similar lines in 2 files
def get_parser():
    """Return the parser object for this script."""
    from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
    parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--model",
                        help="where is the model file (.tar) which should get " (duplicate-code)
R:  1, 0: Similar lines in 2 files
def get_parser():
    """Return the parser object for this script."""
    from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
    parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", (duplicate-code)

418 statements analysed.

Statistics by type

|type     |number |old number |difference |%documented |%badname |
|module   |7      |7          |=          |100.00      |0.00     |
|class    |2      |2          |=          |100.00      |0.00     |
|method   |6      |6          |=          |100.00      |0.00     |
|function |28     |28         |=          |96.43       |3.57     |

External dependencies

      \-builtins (nntoolkit.utils,nntoolkit.evaluate)
    h5py (nntoolkit.create,nntoolkit.utils)
      \-activation_functions (nntoolkit.utils)
      \-evaluate (nntoolkit.test)
    numpy (nntoolkit.activation_functions,nntoolkit.create,nntoolkit.train,nntoolkit.test,nntoolkit.evaluate)
    pkg_resources (nntoolkit)
    theano (nntoolkit.create,nntoolkit.train)
      \-tensor (nntoolkit.train)
    yaml (nntoolkit.create,nntoolkit.utils)

Raw metrics

|type      |number |%     |previous |difference |
|code      |519    |63.68 |518      |+1.00      |
|docstring |157    |19.26 |143      |+14.00     |
|comment   |60     |7.36  |58       |+2.00      |
|empty     |79     |9.69  |79       |=          |


|                         |now   |previous |difference |
|nb duplicated lines      |23    |23       |=          |
|percent duplicated lines |2.578 |2.629    |-0.05      |

Messages by category

|type       |number |previous |difference |
|convention |1      |2        |-1.00      |
|refactor   |6      |6        |=          |
|warning    |14     |14       |=          |
|error      |1      |1        |=          |

% errors / warnings by module

|module                         |error  |warning |refactor |convention |
|nntoolkit.train                |100.00 |35.71   |50.00    |0.00       |
|nntoolkit.test                 |0.00   |21.43   |0.00     |0.00       |
|nntoolkit.utils                |0.00   |14.29   |50.00    |100.00     |
|nntoolkit.create               |0.00   |14.29   |0.00     |0.00       |
|nntoolkit.evaluate             |0.00   |7.14    |0.00     |0.00       |
|nntoolkit.activation_functions |0.00   |7.14    |0.00     |0.00       |


|message id                |occurrences |
|unpacking-non-sequence    |6           |
|fixme                     |4           |
|duplicate-code            |3           |
|too-many-arguments        |2           |
|redefined-builtin         |2           |
|unused-argument           |1           |
|too-many-locals           |1           |
|star-args                 |1           |
|missing-docstring         |1           |
|assignment-from-no-return |1           |

Global evaluation
Your code has been rated at 9.38/10 (previous run: 9.35/10, +0.03)


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